- datalad.api.gooey(path: str = None, postinstall: bool = False)
DataLad GUI
Long description of arbitrary volume.
Launch the DataLad Graphical User Interface (GUI, a.k.a Gooey) at the specified location.:
> gooey(path='path/to/root/explorer/directory')
- Parameters:
path -- The root location from which the Gooey file explorer will be launched (default is current working directory). [Default: None]
postinstall (bool, optional) -- Perform post-installation tasks. [Default: False]
on_failure ({'ignore', 'continue', 'stop'}, optional) -- behavior to perform on failure: 'ignore' any failure is reported, but does not cause an exception; 'continue' if any failure occurs an exception will be raised at the end, but processing other actions will continue for as long as possible; 'stop': processing will stop on first failure and an exception is raised. A failure is any result with status 'impossible' or 'error'. Raised exception is an IncompleteResultsError that carries the result dictionaries of the failures in its failed attribute. [Default: 'continue']
result_filter (callable or None, optional) -- if given, each to-be-returned status dictionary is passed to this callable, and is only returned if the callable's return value does not evaluate to False or a ValueError exception is raised. If the given callable supports **kwargs it will additionally be passed the keyword arguments of the original API call. [Default: None]
result_renderer -- select rendering mode command results. 'tailored' enables a command- specific rendering style that is typically tailored to human consumption, if there is one for a specific command, or otherwise falls back on the the 'generic' result renderer; 'generic' renders each result in one line with key info like action, status, path, and an optional message); 'json' a complete JSON line serialization of the full result record; 'json_pp' like 'json', but pretty-printed spanning multiple lines; 'disabled' turns off result rendering entirely; '<template>' reports any value(s) of any result properties in any format indicated by the template (e.g. '{path}', compare with JSON output for all key-value choices). The template syntax follows the Python "format() language". It is possible to report individual dictionary values, e.g. '{metadata[name]}'. If a 2nd-level key contains a colon, e.g. 'music:Genre', ':' must be substituted by '#' in the template, like so: '{metadata[music#Genre]}'. [Default: 'tailored']
result_xfm ({'datasets', 'successdatasets-or-none', 'paths', 'relpaths', 'metadata'} or callable or None, optional) -- if given, each to-be-returned result status dictionary is passed to this callable, and its return value becomes the result instead. This is different from result_filter, as it can perform arbitrary transformation of the result value. This is mostly useful for top- level command invocations that need to provide the results in a particular format. Instead of a callable, a label for a pre-crafted result transformation can be given. [Default: None]
return_type ({'generator', 'list', 'item-or-list'}, optional) -- return value behavior switch. If 'item-or-list' a single value is returned instead of a one-item return value list, or a list in case of multiple return values. None is return in case of an empty list. [Default: 'list']