Basic principles
DataLad is designed to be used both as a command-line tool, and as a Python module. The sections Command line reference and Python module reference provide detailed description of the commands and functions of the two interfaces. This section presents common concepts. Although examples will frequently be presented using command line interface commands, all functionality with identically named functions and options are available through Python API as well.
A DataLad dataset is a Git repository that may or may not have a data annex that is used to manage data referenced in a dataset. In practice, most DataLad datasets will come with an annex.
Types of IDs used in datasets
Four types of unique identifiers are used by DataLad to enable identification of different aspects of datasets and their components.
- Dataset ID
A UUID that identifies a dataset as a whole across its entire history and flavors. This ID is stored in a dataset’s own configuration file (
<dataset root>/.datalad/config
) under the configuration
. As this configuration is stored in a file that is part of the Git history of a dataset, this ID is identical for all “clones” of a dataset and across all its versions. If the purpose or scope of a dataset changes enough to warrant a new dataset ID, it can be changed by altering the dataset configuration setting.- Annex ID
A UUID assigned to an annex of each individual clone of a dataset repository. Git-annex uses this UUID to track file content availability information. The UUID is available under the configuration key
and is stored in the configuration file of a local clone (<dataset root>/.git/config
). A single dataset instance (i.e. clone) can only have a single annex UUID, but a dataset with multiple clones will have multiple annex UUIDs.- Commit ID
A Git hexsha or tag that identifies a version of a dataset. This ID uniquely identifies the content and history of a dataset up to its present state. As the dataset history also includes the dataset ID, a commit ID of a DataLad dataset is unique to a particular dataset.
- Content ID
Git-annex key (typically a checksum) assigned to the content of a file in a dataset’s annex. The checksum reflects the content of a file, not its name. Hence the content of multiple identical files in a single (or across) dataset(s) will have the same checksum. Content IDs are managed by Git-annex in a dedicated
branch of the dataset’s Git repository.
Dataset nesting
Datasets can contain other datasets (subdatasets), which can in turn contain subdatasets, and so on. There is no limit to the depth of nesting datasets. Each dataset in such a hierarchy has its own annex and its own history. The parent or superdataset only tracks the specific state of a subdataset, and information on where it can be obtained. This is a powerful yet lightweight mechanism for combining multiple individual datasets for a specific purpose, such as the combination of source code repositories with other resources for a tailored application. In many cases DataLad can work with a hierarchy of datasets just as if it were a single dataset. Here is a demo:
~ % datalad create demo
[INFO ] Creating a new annex repo at /demo/demo
create(ok): /demo/demo (dataset)
~ % cd demo
A DataLad dataset is just a Git repo with some initial configuration
~/demo % git log --oneline
472e34b (HEAD -> master) [DATALAD] new dataset
f968257 [DATALAD] Set default backend for all files to be MD5E
We can generate nested datasets, by telling DataLad to register a new dataset in a parent dataset
~/demo % datalad create -d . sub1
[INFO ] Creating a new annex repo at /demo/demo/sub1
add(ok): sub1 (dataset) [added new subdataset]
add(notneeded): sub1 (dataset) [nothing to add from /demo/demo/sub1]
add(notneeded): .gitmodules (file) [already included in the dataset]
save(ok): /demo/demo (dataset)
create(ok): sub1 (dataset)
action summary:
add (notneeded: 2, ok: 1)
create (ok: 1)
save (ok: 1)
A subdataset is nothing more than regular Git submodule
~/demo % git submodule
5f0cddf2026e3fb4864139f27e7415fd72c7d4d0 sub1 (heads/master)
Of course subdatasets can be nested
~/demo % datalad create -d . sub1/justadir/sub2
[INFO ] Creating a new annex repo at /demo/demo/sub1/justadir/sub2
add(ok): sub1/justadir/sub2 (dataset) [added new subdataset]
add(notneeded): sub1/justadir/sub2 (dataset) [nothing to add from /demo/demo/sub1/justadir/sub2]
add(notneeded): sub1/.gitmodules (file) [already included in the dataset]
add(notneeded): sub1 (dataset) [already known subdataset]
save(ok): /demo/demo/sub1 (dataset)
save(ok): /demo/demo (dataset)
create(ok): sub1/justadir/sub2 (dataset)
action summary:
add (notneeded: 3, ok: 1)
create (ok: 1)
save (ok: 2)
Unlike Git, DataLad automatically takes care of committing all changes associated with the added subdataset up to the given parent dataset
~/demo % git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Let’s create some content in the deepest subdataset
~/demo % mkdir sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir
~/demo % touch sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile
Git can only tell us that something underneath the top-most subdataset was modified
~/demo % git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
(commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
modified: sub1 (untracked content)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
DataLad saves us from further investigation
~/demo % datalad diff -r
modified(dataset): sub1
modified(dataset): sub1/justadir/sub2
untracked(directory): sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir
Like Git, it can report individual untracked files, but also across repository boundaries
~/demo % datalad diff -r --report-untracked all
modified(dataset): sub1
modified(dataset): sub1/justadir/sub2
untracked(file): sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile
Adding this new content with Git or git-annex would be an exercise
~/demo % git add sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile
fatal: Pathspec 'sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile' is in submodule 'sub1'
DataLad does not require users to determine the correct repository in the tree
~/demo % datalad add -d . sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile
add(ok): sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile (file)
save(ok): /demo/demo/sub1/justadir/sub2 (dataset)
save(ok): /demo/demo/sub1 (dataset)
save(ok): /demo/demo (dataset)
action summary:
add (ok: 1)
save (ok: 3)
Again, all associated changes in the entire dataset tree, up to the given parent dataset, were committed
~/demo % git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
DataLad’s ‘diff’ is able to report the changes from these related commits throughout the repository tree
~/demo % datalad diff --revision @~1 -r
modified(dataset): sub1
modified(dataset): sub1/justadir/sub2
added(file): sub1/justadir/sub2/anotherdir/afile
Dataset collections
A superdataset can also be seen as a curated collection of datasets, for example, for a certain data modality, a field of science, a certain author, or from one project (maybe the resource for a movie production). This lightweight coupling between super and subdatasets enables scenarios where individual datasets are maintained by a disjoint set of people, and the dataset collection itself can be curated by a completely independent entity. Any individual dataset can be part of any number of such collections.
Benefiting from Git’s support for workflows based on decentralized “clones” of a repository, DataLad’s datasets can be (re-)published to a new location without losing the connection between the “original” and the new “copy”. This is extremely useful for collaborative work, but also in more mundane scenarios such as data backup, or temporary deployment of a dataset on a compute cluster, or in the cloud. Using git-annex, data can also get synchronized across different locations of a dataset (siblings in DataLad terminology). Using metadata tags, it is even possible to configure different levels of desired data redundancy across the network of dataset, or to prevent publication of sensitive data to publicly accessible repositories. Individual datasets in a hierarchy of (sub)datasets need not be stored at the same location. Continuing with an earlier example, it is possible to post a curated collection of datasets, as a superdataset, on GitHub, while the actual datasets live on different servers all around the world.
Basic command line usage
All of DataLad’s functionality is available through a single command: datalad
Running the datalad command without any arguments, gives a summary of basic options, and a list of available sub-commands.
~ % datalad
usage: datalad [-h] [-l LEVEL] [-C PATH] [--version]
[--dbg] [--idbg] [-c KEY=VALUE]
[-f {default,json,json_pp,tailored,'<template>'}]
[--report-status {success,failure,ok,notneeded,impossible,error}]
[--report-type {dataset,file}]
[--on-failure {ignore,continue,stop}] [--cmd]
[ERROR ] Please specify the command
~ % #
More comprehensive information is available via the –help long-option (we will truncate the output here)
~ % datalad --help | head -n20
Usage: datalad [global-opts] command [command-opts]
DataLad provides a unified data distribution with the convenience of git-annex
repositories as a backend. DataLad command line tools allow to manipulate
(obtain, create, update, publish, etc.) datasets and their collections.
*Commands for dataset operations*
Create a new dataset from scratch
Install a dataset from a (remote) source
Get any dataset content (files/directories/subdatasets)
Publish a dataset to a known sibling
Uninstall subdatasets
Getting information on any of the available sub commands works in the same way – just pass –help AFTER the sub-command (output again truncated)
~ % datalad create --help | head -n20
Usage: datalad create [-h] [-f] [-D DESCRIPTION] [-d PATH] [--no-annex]
[--nosave] [--annex-version ANNEX_VERSION]
[--annex-backend ANNEX_BACKEND]
[--native-metadata-type LABEL] [--shared-access MODE]
[--git-opts STRING] [--annex-opts STRING]
[--annex-init-opts STRING] [--text-no-annex]
Create a new dataset from scratch.
This command initializes a new dataset at a given location, or the
current directory. The new dataset can optionally be registered in an
existing superdataset (the new dataset's path needs to be located
within the superdataset for that, and the superdataset needs to be given
explicitly). It is recommended to provide a brief description to label
the dataset's nature *and* location, e.g. "Michael's music on black
laptop". This helps humans to identify data locations in distributed
scenarios. By default an identifier comprised of user and machine name,
plus path will be generated.
API principles
You can use DataLad’s install
command to download datasets. The command accepts
URLs of different protocols (http
, ssh
) as an argument. Nevertheless, the easiest way
to obtain a first dataset is downloading the default superdataset from using a shortcut.
Downloading DataLad’s default superdataset provides a super-dataset consisting of datasets
from various portals and sites. Many of them were crawled, and periodically
updated, using datalad-crawler
extension. The argument ///
can be used
as a shortcut that points to the superdataset located at
Here are three common examples in command line notation:
datalad install ///
installs this superdataset (metadata without subdatasets) in a subdirectory under the current directory
datalad install -r ///openfmri
installs the openfmri superdataset into an openfmri/ subdirectory. Additionally, the
flag recursively downloads all metadata of datasets available from as subdatasets into the openfmri/ subdirectorydatalad install -g -J3 -r ///labs/haxby
installs the superdataset of datasets released by the lab of Dr. James V. Haxby and all subdatasets’ metadata. The
flag indicates getting the actual data, too. It does so by using 3 parallel download processes (-J3
Downloading datasets via http
In most places where DataLad accepts URLs as arguments these URLs can be
regular http
or https
protocol URLs. For example:
datalad install
Downloading datasets via ssh
DataLad also supports SSH URLs, such as ssh://me@localhost/path
datalad install ssh://me@localhost/path
Finally, DataLad supports SSH login style resource identifiers, such as me@localhost:/path
datalad install me@localhost:/path
Commands install vs get
The install
and get
commands might seem confusingly similar at first.
Both of them could be used to install any number of subdatasets, and fetch
content of the data files. Differences lie primarily in their default
behaviour and outputs, and thus intended use. Both install
and get
take local paths as their arguments, but their default behavior and output
might differ;
install primarily operates and reports at the level of datasets, and returns as a result dataset(s) which either were just installed, or were installed previously already under specified locations. So result should be the same if the same
command ran twice on the same datasets. It does not fetch data files by defaultget primarily operates at the level of paths (datasets, directories, and/or files). As a result it returns only what was installed (datasets) or fetched (files). So result of rerunning the same
command should report that nothing new was installed or fetched. It fetches data files by default.
In how both commands operate on provided paths, it could be said that install
== get -n
, and install -g == get
. But install
also has ability to
install new datasets from remote locations given their URLs (e.g.,
for our super-dataset) and SSH targets (e.g.,
) if they are provided as the argument to its call or
explicitly as --source
option. If datalad install --source URL
(command line example) is used, then dataset from URL gets
installed under PATH. In case of datalad install URL
invocation, PATH is
taken from the last name within URL similar to how git clone
does it. If
former specification allows to specify only a single URL and a PATH at a time,
later one can take multiple remote locations from which datasets could be
So, as a rule of thumb – if you want to install from external URL or fetch a
sub-dataset without downloading data files stored under annex – use install
In Python API install
is also to be used when you want to receive in output the
corresponding Dataset object to operate on, and be able to use it even if you
rerun the script. In all other cases, use get