datalad catalog-workflow


datalad catalog-workflow [-h] [-c CATALOG] [-t TYPE] [-d DATASET] [-s SUBDATASET] [-r] [-R RECURSION_LIMIT] [-e EXTRACTOR [EXTRACTOR ...]] [-F CONFIG_FILE] [-f] [--version]


Run a workflow to create or update a catalog

This functionality requires the installation of datalad-metalad as well as any datalad extensions providing relevant translators for the extracted metadata items.

It will run a workflow of metadata extraction, translation, and catalog (entry) generation, given a DataLad dataset hierarchy and a specified workflow type: new/update.


Run a workflow for recursive metadata extraction (using the 'metalad_core' extractor), translating metadata to the latestcatalog schema, and adding the translated metadata to a new catalog:

% datalad catalog-workflow -t new -c /tmp/my-cat -d path/to/superdataset -e metalad_core

Run a workflow for updating a catalog after registering a subdataset to the superdataset which the catalog represents.:

% datalad catalog-workflow -t new -c /tmp/my-cat -d path/to/superdataset -s path/to/subdataset -e metalad_core


-h, --help, --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-c CATALOG, --catalog CATALOG

Location of the existing catalog.

-t TYPE, --type TYPE

Which type of workflow to run: one of ['new', 'update'].

-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET

The datalad dataset on which to run the workflow.


The datalad subdataset on which to run the update workflow.

-r, --recursive

Specifies whether to recurse into subdatasets or not during workflow execution.


Specifies how many levels to recurse down into the hierarchy when recursing into subdatasets.


Which extractors to use during metadata extraction of a workflow. Multiple can be provided. If none are provided, the default extractor 'metalad_core' is used. Any extractor name passed as an argument should first be known to the current installation via datalad's entrypoint mechanism. [Default: ['metalad_core']]


Path to config file in YAML or JSON format. Default config is read from datalad_catalog/config/config.json.

-f, --force

If content for the user interface already exists in the catalog directory, force this content to be overwritten. Content overwritten with this flag include the 'artwork' and 'assets' directories and the 'index.html' and 'config.json' files. Content in the 'metadata' directory remain untouched.


show the module and its version which provides the command


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