Change log

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This is a high level and scarce summary of the changes between releases. We would recommend to consult log of the DataLad git repository for more details.

1.1.2 (January 16, 2021) –

  • Replace use of mock with unittest.mock as we do no longer support Python 2

1.1.1 (January 03, 2021) –

  • Drop use of Runner (to be removed in datalad 0.14.0) in favor of WitlessRunner

1.1.0 (October 30, 2020) –

  • Datalad version 0.13.0 or later is now required.

  • In the upcoming 0.14.0 release of DataLad, the datalad special remote will have built-in support for “shub://” URLs. If containers-add detects support for this feature, it will now add the “shub://” URL as is rather than resolving the URL itself. This avoids registering short-lived URLs, allowing the image to be retrieved later with datalad get.

  • containers-run learned to install necessary subdatasets when asked to execute a container from underneath an uninstalled subdataset.

1.0.1 (June 23, 2020) –

  • Prefer to The latter has been marked as obsolete since DataLad v0.12 (our minimum requirement) and will be removed in DataLad’s next feature release.

1.0.0 (Feb 23, 2020) – not-as-a-shy-one

Extension is pretty stable so releasing as 1. MAJOR release, so we could start tracking API breakages and enhancements properly.

  • Drops support for Python 2 and DataLad prior 0.12

0.5.2 (Nov 12, 2019) –


  • The Docker adapter unconditionally called docker run with --interactive and --tty even when stdin was not attached to a TTY, leading to an error.

0.5.1 (Nov 08, 2019) –


  • The Docker adapter, which is used for the “dhub://” URL scheme, assumed the Python executable was spelled “python”.

  • A call to DataLad’s resolve_path helper assumed a string return value, which isn’t true as of the latest DataLad release candidate, 0.12.0rc6.

0.5.0 (Jul 12, 2019) – damn-you-malicious-users

New features

  • The default result renderer for containers-list is now a custom renderer that includes the container name in the output.


  • Temporarily skip two tests relying on SingularityHub – it is down.

0.4.0 (May 29, 2019) – run-baby-run

The minimum required DataLad version is now 0.11.5.

New features

  • The call format gained the “{img_dspath}” placeholder, which expands to the relative path of the dataset that contains the image. This is useful for pointing to a wrapper script that is bundled in the same subdataset as a container.

  • containers-run now passes the container image to run via its extra_inputs argument so that a run command’s “{inputs}” field is restricted to inputs that the caller explicitly specified.

  • During execution, containers-run now sets the environment variable DATALAD_CONTAINER_NAME to the name of the container.


  • containers-run mishandled paths when called from a subdirectory.

  • containers-run didn’t provide an informative error message when cmdexec contained an unknown placeholder.

  • containers-add ignores the --update flag when the container doesn’t yet exist, but it confusingly still used the word “update” in the commit message.

0.3.1 (Mar 05, 2019) – Upgrayeddd


  • containers-list recursion actually does recursion.

0.3.0 (Mar 05, 2019) – Upgrayedd

API changes

  • containers-list no longer lists containers from subdatasets by default. Specify --recursive to do so.

  • containers-run no longer considers subdataset containers in its automatic selection of a container name when no name is specified. If the current dataset has one container, that container is selected. Subdataset containers must always be explicitly specified.

New features

  • containers-add learned to update a previous container when passed --update.

  • containers-add now supports Singularity’s “docker://” scheme in the URL.

  • To avoid unnecessary recursion into subdatasets, containers-run now decides to look for containers in subdatasets based on whether the name has a slash (which is true of all subdataset containers).

0.2.2 (Dec 19, 2018) – The more the merrier

  • list/use containers recursively from installed subdatasets

  • Allow to specify container by path rather than just by name

  • Adding a container from local filesystem will copy it now

0.2.1 (Jul 14, 2018) – Explicit lyrics

  • Add support datalad run --explicit.

0.2 (Jun 08, 2018) – Docker

  • Initial support for adding and running Docker containers.

  • Add support datalad run --sidecar.

  • Simplify storage of call_fmt arguments in the Git config, by benefiting from datalad run being able to work with single-string compound commands.

0.1.2 (May 28, 2018) – The docs

  • Basic beginner documentation

0.1.1 (May 22, 2018) – The fixes

New features

  • Add container images straight from singularity-hub, no need to manually specify --call-fmt arguments.

API changes

  • Use “name” instead of “label” for referring to a container (e.g. containers-run -n ... instead of containers-run -l.


  • Pass relative container path to datalad run.

  • containers-run no longer hides datalad run failures.

0.1 (May 19, 2018) – The Release

  • Initial release with basic functionality to add, remove, and list containers in a dataset, plus a run command wrapper that injects the container image as an input dependency of a command call.