datalad export-redcap-report


datalad export-redcap-report [-h] [-d PATH] [--credential name] [-m MESSAGE] [--nosave] [--version] url report_id outfile


Export a report of the Project

This is an equivalent to exporting a custom report via the "My Reports & Exports" page in REDCap's interface. A report must be defined through the REDCap's interface, and the user needs to look up its auto-generated report ID.



API URL to a REDCap server.


the report ID number, provided next to the report name on the report list page in REDCap UI.


file to write. Existing files will be overwritten.

-h, --help, --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-d PATH, --dataset PATH

the dataset in which the output file will be saved. The OUTFILE argument will be interpreted as being relative to this dataset. If no dataset is given, it will be identified based on the working directory.

--credential name

name of the credential providing a token to be used for authorization. If a match for the name is found, it will be used; otherwise the user will be prompted and the credential will be saved. If the name is not provided, the last-used credential matching the API url will be used if present; otherwise the user will be prompted and the credential will be saved under a default name.

-m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE

a description of the state or the changes made to a dataset. Constraints: value must be a string or value must be NONE


by default all modifications to a dataset are immediately saved. Giving this option will disable this behavior.


show the module and its version which provides the command


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