datalad osf-credentials
datalad osf-credentials [-h] [--method {token|userpassword}] [--reset] [--version]
Gather OSF credentials for subsequent non-interactive use
This command enables (re-)entry of OSF credentials for storage in a credential manager. Once credentials are known, they will be retrieved automatically on demand, and enable non-interactive use for the purpose of data transfer to and from OSF.
Credentials will be verified to enable successful authentication before being stored.
-h, -\-help, -\-help-np
show this help message. –help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message
-\-method {token|userpassword}
authentication method to use. ‘token’ authentication is strongly recommended. Constraints: value must be one of (‘token’, ‘userpassword’) [Default: ‘token’]
reset existing credentials and force re-entry.
show the module and its version which provides the command