datalad credentials


datalad credentials [-h] [--prompt PROMPT] [-d DATASET] [--version] [action] [[name] [:]property[=value] ...]


Credential management and query

This command enables inspection and manipulation of credentials used throughout DataLad.

The command provides four basic actions:


When executed without any property specification, all known credentials with all their properties will be yielded. Please note that this may not include credentials that only comprise of a secret and no other properties, or legacy credentials for which no trace in the configuration can be found. Therefore, the query results are not guaranteed to contain all credentials ever configured by DataLad.

When additional property/value pairs are specified, only credentials that have matching values for all given properties will be reported. This can be used, for example, to discover all suitable credentials for a specific "realm", if credentials were annotated with such information.


This is the companion to 'get', and can be used to store properties and secret of a credential. Importantly, and in contrast to a 'get' operation, given properties with no values indicate a removal request. Any matching properties on record will be removed. If a credential is to be stored for which no secret is on record yet, an interactive session will prompt a user for a manual secret entry.

Only changed properties will be contained in the result record.

The appearance of the interactive secret entry can be configured with the two settings datalad.credentials.repeat-secret-entry and datalad.credentials.hidden-secret-entry.


This action will remove any secret and properties associated with a credential identified by its name.

GET (plumbing operation)

This is a read-only action that will never store (updates of) credential properties or secrets. Given properties will amend/overwrite those already on record. When properties with no value are given, and also no value for the respective properties is on record yet, their value will be requested interactively, if a --prompt text was provided too. This can be used to ensure a complete credential record, comprising any number of properties.

Details on credentials

A credential comprises any number of properties, plus exactly one secret. There are no constraints on the format or property values or the secret, as long as they are encoded as a string.

Credential properties are normally stored as configuration settings in a user's configuration ('global' scope) using the naming scheme:


Therefore both credential name and credential property name must be syntax-compliant with Git configuration items. For property names this means only alphanumeric characters and dashes. For credential names virtually no naming restrictions exist (only null-byte and newline are forbidden). However, when naming credentials it is recommended to use simple names in order to enable convenient one-off credential overrides by specifying DataLad configuration items via their environment variable counterparts (see the documentation of the configuration command for details. In short, avoid underscores and special characters other than '.' and '-'.

While there are no constraints on the number and nature of credential properties, a few particular properties are recognized on used for particular purposes:

  • 'secret': always refers to the single secret of a credential

  • 'type': identifies the type of a credential. With each standard type, a list of mandatory properties is associated (see below)

  • 'last-used': is an ISO 8601 format time stamp that indicated the last (successful) usage of a credential

Standard credential types and properties

The following standard credential types are recognized, and their mandatory field with their standard names will be automatically included in a 'get' report.

  • 'user_password': with properties 'user', and the password as secret

  • 'token': only comprising the token as secret

  • 'aws-s3': with properties 'key-id', 'session', 'expiration', and the secret_id as the credential secret

Legacy support

DataLad credentials not configured via this command may not be fully discoverable (i.e., including all their properties). Discovery of such legacy credentials can be assisted by specifying a dedicated 'type' property.


Report all discoverable credentials:

% datalad credentials

Set a new credential mycred & input its secret interactively:

% datalad credentials set mycred

Remove a credential's type property:

% datalad credentials set mycred :type

Get all information on a specific credential in a structured record:

% datalad -f json credentials get mycred

Upgrade a legacy credential by annotating it with a 'type' property:

% datalad credentials set legacycred type=user_password

Set a new credential of type user_password, with a given user property, and input its secret interactively:

% datalad credentials set mycred type=user_password user=<username>

Obtain a (possibly yet undefined) credential with a minimum set of properties. All missing properties and secret will be prompted for, no information will be stored! This is mostly useful for ensuring availability of an appropriate credential in an application context:

% datalad credentials --prompt 'can I haz info plz?' get newcred :newproperty



which action to perform. [Default: 'query']

[name] [:]property[=value]

specification ofa credential name and credential properties. Properties are either given as name/value pairs or as a property name prefixed by a colon. Properties prefixed with a colon indicate a property to be deleted (action 'set'), or a property to be entered interactively, when no value is set yet, and a prompt text is given (action 'get'). All property names are case-insensitive, must start with a letter or a digit, and may only contain '-' apart from these characters.

-h, --help, --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

--prompt PROMPT

message to display when entry of missing credential properties is required for action 'get'. This can be used to present information on the nature of a credential and for instructions on how to obtain a credential.

-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET

specify a dataset whose configuration to inspect rather than the global (user) settings.


show the module and its version which provides the command


datalad is developed by The DataLad Team and Contributors <>.