datalad create-sibling-webdav


datalad create-sibling-webdav [-h] [-d DATASET] [-s NAME] [--storage-name NAME] [--mode MODE] [--credential NAME] [--existing EXISTING] [-r] [-R LEVELS] [--version] URL


Create a sibling(-tandem) on a WebDAV server

WebDAV is a standard HTTP protocol extension for placing files on a server that is supported by a number of commercial storage services (e.g.,, but also instances of cloud-storage solutions like Nextcloud or ownCloud. These software packages are also the basis for some institutional or public cloud storage solutions, such as EUDAT B2DROP.

For basic usage, only the URL with the desired dataset location on a WebDAV server needs to be specified for creating a sibling. However, the sibling setup can be flexibly customized (no storage sibling, or only a storage sibling, multi-version storage, or human-browsable single-version storage).

This command does not check for conflicting content on the WebDAV server!

When creating siblings recursively for a dataset hierarchy, subdataset exports are placed at their corresponding relative paths underneath the root location on the WebDAV server.

Collaboration on WebDAV siblings

The primary use case for WebDAV siblings is dataset deposition, where only one site is uploading dataset and file content updates. For collaborative workflows with multiple contributors, please make sure to consult the documentation on the underlying datalad-annex:: Git remote helper for advice on appropriate setups:

Git-annex implementation details

Storage siblings are presently configured to NOT be enabled automatically on cloning a dataset. Due to a limitation of git-annex, this would initially fail (missing credentials). Instead, an explicit datalad siblings enable --name <storage-sibling-name> command must be executed after cloning. If necessary, it will prompt for credentials.

This command does not (and likely will not) support embedding credentials in the repository (see embedcreds option of the git-annex webdav special remote;, because such credential copies would need to be updated, whenever they change or expire. Instead, credentials are retrieved from DataLad's credential system. In many cases, credentials are determined automatically, based on the HTTP authentication realm identified by a WebDAV server.

This command does not support setting up encrypted remotes (yet). Neither for the storage sibling, nor for the regular Git-remote. However, adding support for it is primarily a matter of extending the API of this command, and passing the respective options on to the underlying git-annex setup.

This command does not support setting up chunking for webdav storage siblings (


Create a WebDAV sibling tandem for storage of a dataset's file content and revision history. A user will be prompted for any required credentials, if they are not yet known.:

% datalad create-sibling-webdav ""

Such a dataset can be cloned by DataLad via a specially crafted URL. Again, credentials are automatically determined, or a user is prompted to enter them:

% datalad clone "datalad-annex::?type=webdav&encryption=none&url="

A sibling can also be created with a human-readable file tree, suitable for data exchange with non-DataLad users, but only able to host a single version of each file:

% datalad create-sibling-webdav --mode filetree ""

Cloning such dataset siblings is possible via a convenience URL:

% datalad clone "webdavs://"

In all cases, the storage sibling needs to explicitly enabled prior to file content retrieval:

% datalad siblings enable --name



URL identifying the sibling root on the target WebDAV server.

-h, --help, --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET

specify the dataset to process. If no dataset is given, an attempt is made to identify the dataset based on the current working directory.

-s NAME, --name NAME

name of the sibling. If none is given, the hostname-part of the WebDAV URL will be used. With RECURSIVE, the same name will be used to label all the subdatasets' siblings.

--storage-name NAME

name of the storage sibling (git-annex special remote). Must not be identical to the sibling name. If not specified, defaults to the sibling name plus '-storage' suffix. If only a storage sibling is created, this setting is ignored, and the primary sibling name is used.

--mode MODE

Siblings can be created in various modes: full-featured sibling tandem, one for a dataset's Git history and one storage sibling to host any number of file versions ('annex'). A single sibling for the Git history only ('git-only'). A single annex sibling for multi-version file storage only ('annex-only'). As an alternative to the standard (annex) storage sibling setup that is capable of storing any number of historical file versions using a content hash layout ('annex'|'annex-only'), the 'filetree' mode can used. This mode offers a human- readable data organization on the WebDAV remote that matches the file tree of a dataset (branch). However, it can, consequently, only store a single version of each file in the file tree. This mode is useful for depositing a single dataset snapshot for consumption without DataLad. The 'filetree' mode nevertheless allows for cloning such a single-version dataset, because the full dataset history can still be pushed to the WebDAV server. Git history hosting can also be turned off for this setup ('filetree-only'). When both a storage sibling and a regular sibling are created together, a publication dependency on the storage sibling is configured for the regular sibling in the local dataset clone. [Default: 'annex']

--credential NAME

name of the credential providing a user/password credential to be used for authorization. The credential can be supplied via configuration setting 'datalad.credential.<name>.user|secret', or environment variable DATALAD_CREDENTIAL_<NAME>_USER|SECRET, or will be queried from the active credential store using the provided name. If none is provided, the last-used credential for the authentication realm associated with the WebDAV URL will be used. Only if a credential name was given, it will be encoded in the URL of the created WebDAV Git remote, credential auto-discovery will be performed on each remote access.

--existing EXISTING

action to perform, if a (storage) sibling is already configured under the given name. In this case, sibling creation can be skipped ('skip') or the sibling (re-)configured ('reconfigure') in the dataset, or the command be instructed to fail ('error'). [Default: 'error']

-r, --recursive

if set, recurse into potential subdatasets.

-R LEVELS, --recursion-limit LEVELS

limit recursion into subdatasets to the given number of levels. Constraints: value must be convertible to type 'int' or value must be NONE


show the module and its version which provides the command


datalad is developed by The DataLad Team and Contributors <>.