
class datalad_next.url_operations.HttpUrlOperations(cfg=None, headers: Dict | None = None)[source]

Bases: UrlOperations

Handler for operations on http(s):// URLs

This handler is built on the requests package. For authentication, it employes datalad_next.utils.requests_auth.DataladAuth, an adaptor that consults the DataLad credential system in order to fulfill HTTP authentication challenges.

delete(url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) Dict[source]

Delete the target of a http(s)://-URL

download(from_url: str, to_path: Path | None, *, credential: str | None = None, hash: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) Dict[source]

Download via HTTP GET request

See for parameter documentation and exception behavior.


UrlOperationsResourceUnknown -- For download targets found absent.

get_headers(headers: Dict | None = None) Dict[source]
probe_url(url, timeout=10.0, headers=None)[source]

Probe a HTTP(S) URL for redirects and authentication needs

This functions performs a HEAD request against the given URL, while waiting at most for the given timeout duration for a server response.

  • url (str) -- URL to probe

  • timeout (float, optional) -- Maximum time to wait for a server response to the probe

  • headers (dict, optional) -- Any custom headers to use for the probe request. If none are provided, or the provided headers contain no 'user-agent' field, the default DataLad user agent is added automatically.


The first value is the URL against the final request was performed, after following any redirects and applying normalizations.

The second value is a mapping with a particular set of properties inferred from probing the webserver. The following key-value pairs are supported:

  • 'is_redirect' (bool), True if any redirection occurred. This boolean property is a more accurate test than comparing input and output URL

  • 'status_code' (int), HTTP response code (of the final request in case of redirection).

  • 'auth' (dict), present if the final server response contained any 'www-authenticate' headers, typically the case for 401 responses. The dict contains a mapping of server-reported authentication scheme names (e.g., 'basic', 'bearer') to their respective properties (dict). These can be any nature and number, depending on the respective authentication scheme. Most notably, they may contain a 'realm' property that can be used to determine suitable credentials for authentication.

Return type:

str or None, dict


requests.RequestException -- May raise any exception of the requests package, most notably ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects, etc.

stat(url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) Dict[source]

Gather information on a URL target, without downloading it

See datalad_next.url_operations.UrlOperations.stat() for parameter documentation and exception behavior.


UrlOperationsResourceUnknown -- For access targets found absent.