
class datalad_next.commands.status.StatusResult(action: 'str', status: 'CommandResultStatus', path: 'str | Path', message: 'str | tuple | None' = None, exception: 'CapturedException | None' = None, error_message: 'str | tuple | None' = None, type: 'str | None' = None, logger: 'logging.Logger | None' = None, refds: 'str | Path | Dataset' = None, diff_state: 'GitDiffStatus | None' = None, gittype: 'GitTreeItemType | None' = None, prev_gittype: 'GitTreeItemType | None' = None, modification_types: 'tuple[GitContainerModificationType] | None' = None)[source]

Bases: CommandResult

diff_state: GitDiffStatus | None = None

The status of the underlying GitDiffItem. It is named "_state" to emphasize the conceptual similarity with the legacy property 'state'

gittype: GitTreeItemType | None = None

The gittype of the underlying GitDiffItem.

modification_types: tuple[GitContainerModificationType] | None = None

Qualifiers for modification types of container-type items (directories, submodules).

prev_gittype: GitTreeItemType | None = None

The prev_gittype of the underlying GitDiffItem.

property prev_type: str
property state: StatusState

A (more or less legacy) simplified representation of the subject state. For a more accurate classification use the diff_status property.

property type: str | None
property type_src: str | None

Backward-compatibility adaptor