
Patch datalad.distributed.ora_remote.ORARemote

This patch replaces the class datalad.distributed.ora_remote.ORARemote with an updated version that should work properly on Linux, OSX, and Windows.

The main difference to the original code is that all path-operations are performed on URL-paths. Those are represented by instances of PurePosixPath. All subclasses of BaseIO, i.e. LocalIO, SSHRemoteIO, and HTTPRemoteIO, are extended to contain the method url2transport_path(). This method converts an URL-path into the correct path for the transport, i.e. the IO abstraction.

Before methods on a subclass of BaseIO that require a path are called, the generic URL-path is converted into the correct path for the IO-class by calling url2transport_path() on the respective IO-class.

The patch keeps changes to the necessary minimum. That means the source is mostly identical to the original. Besides the changes described above, more debug output was added.

NOTE: this patch only provides ORARemote. The patches that add a url2transport_path()-method to LocalIO and to HTTPRemoteIO are contained in module datalad_next.patches.add_method_url2localpath. The reason to keep them separate is that the patch from module datalad_next.patches.replace_create_sibling_ria require them as well. For SSHRemoteIO the method is included in the patch definition of SSHRemoteIO, which is contained in the module datalad_next.patches.replace_sshremoteio.