
Add support for export to WebDAV remotes to push()

This approach generally works for any special remote configured with exporttree=yes, but is only tested for type=webdav. A smooth operation requires automatic deployment of credentials. Support for that is provide and limited by the capabilities of needs_specialremote_credential_envpatch().

datalad_next.patches.push_to_export_remote.get_export_records(repo: AnnexRepo) Generator[source]

Read exports that git-annex recorded in its 'export.log'-file

Interpret the lines in export.log. Each line has the following structure:

time-stamp " " source-annex-uuid ":" destination-annex-uuid " " treeish


repo (AnnexRepo) -- The annex repo from which exports should be determined


Generator yielding one dictionary for each export entry in git-annex. Each dictionary contains the keys: "timestamp", "source-annex-uuid", "destination-annex-uuid", "treeish". The timestamp-value is a float, all other values are strings.

Return type:
