Source code for datalad_next.url_operations.ssh

"""Handler for operations, such as "download", on ssh:// URLs"""

# allow for |-type UnionType declarations
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import random
import sys
import time
from functools import partial
from math import floor
from pathlib import (
from queue import (
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import (

from more_itertools import consume

from datalad_next.consts import COPY_BUFSIZE
from datalad_next.config import ConfigManager
from datalad_next.runners import CommandError
from import (

from .base import UrlOperations
from .exceptions import (

lgr = logging.getLogger('')

__all__ = ['SshUrlOperations']

[docs] class SshUrlOperations(UrlOperations): """Handler for operations on ``ssh://`` URLs For downloading files, only servers that support execution of the commands 'ls -dln', 'awk', and 'cat' are supported. This includes a wide range of operating systems, including devices that provide these commands via the 'busybox' software. .. note:: Any instance of ``SshUrlOperations`` must be deleted before ending the program, otherwise python might not exit. The reason is, that ``SshUrlOperations`` retains and reuses SSH connections for subsequent command execution. Each connection has two threads associated with it. Those threads are only terminated when the connection is closed. The destructor of ``SshUrlOperations`` closes all connections and terminates all associated threads. """ def __init__(self, *, cfg: ConfigManager | None = None): super().__init__(cfg=cfg) self.ssh_shells: dict[tuple[str, ...], tuple[ShellCommandExecutor, Any]] = dict() def __del__(self): for ssh_executor, context in self.ssh_shells.values(): ssh_executor.close() context.__exit__(None, None, None) @staticmethod def _check_return_code(return_code: int | None, url: str, msg: str = ''): if return_code == 244: # this is the special code for a file-not-found raise UrlOperationsResourceUnknown(url, message=msg) elif return_code != 0: raise UrlOperationsRemoteError( url, message=f'ssh command returned {return_code}' + f': {msg}' if msg else '' )
[docs] def ssh_shell_for(self, url: str) -> ShellCommandExecutor: """Get a ShellCommandExecutor for the url (cached or newly created)""" open_args = ssh_url2openargs(url, self.cfg)[0] key = tuple(open_args) if key not in self.ssh_shells: context = shell(['ssh'] + open_args) try: ssh_executor = context.__enter__() except CommandError as e: context.__exit__(None, None, None) raise UrlOperationsRemoteError(url) from e self.ssh_shells[key] = (ssh_executor, context) return self.ssh_shells[key][0]
[docs] def close_shell_for(self, url: str): """Close the ShellCommandExecutor for the url and remove it""" open_args = ssh_url2openargs(url, self.cfg)[0] key = tuple(open_args) if key in self.ssh_shells: ssh_executor, context = self.ssh_shells.pop(key) ssh_executor.close() context.__exit__(None, None, None)
[docs] def stat(self, url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Gather information on a URL target, without downloading it See :meth:`datalad_next.url_operations.UrlOperations.stat` for parameter documentation and exception behavior. """ # Check whether a readable file exists at the path. If not signal a # dedicated 244 return code. This allows the user to distinguish the # absence of a readable file from other errors, e.g. from an error in # awk. Only a missing file would yield 244. A ssh-connection problem # would lead to a 255 error (and a closed connection). stat_cmd = """ ret() {{ return $1; }} test -r {fpath} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then LC_ALL=C ls -dln -- {fpath} | awk '{{print $5; exit}}' else ret 244 fi""" cmd = self.format_cmd(stat_cmd, url) ssh = self.ssh_shell_for(url) result = ssh(cmd) self._check_return_code(result.returncode, url, result.stderr.decode()) return {'content-length': int(result.stdout)}
[docs] def delete(self, url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Delete the target of a shh://-URL The target can be a file or a directory. `delete` will attempt to delete write protected targets (by setting write permissions). If the target is a directory, the complete directory and all its content will be deleted. `delete` will not modify the permissions of the parent of the target. That means, it will not delete a target in a write protected directory, but it will empty target, if target is a directory. See :meth:`datalad_next.url_operations.UrlOperations.delete` for parameter documentation and exception behavior. Raises ------ UrlOperationsResourceUnknown For deletion targets found absent. """ delete_cmd = """ ret() {{ return $1; }} if [ -f {fpath} ]; then chmod u+w {fpath} rm -f {fpath} elif [ -d {fpath} ]; then chmod -R u+wx {fpath} rm -rf {fpath} else ret 244 fi""" cmd = self.format_cmd(delete_cmd, url) ssh = self.ssh_shell_for(url) result = ssh(cmd) self._check_return_code(result.returncode, url, result.stderr.decode()) return {}
[docs] def download(self, from_url: str, to_path: Path | None, *, # unused, but theoretically could be used to # obtain escalated/different privileges on a system # to gain file access credential: str | None = None, hash: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Download a file by streaming it through an SSH connection. On the server-side, the file size is determined and sent. Afterwards the file content is sent via `cat` to the SSH client. See :meth:`` for parameter documentation and exception behavior. """ hasher = self._get_hasher(hash) progress_id = self._get_progress_id(from_url, str(to_path)) # get the size of the file to download stat = self.stat(from_url, credential=credential, timeout=timeout) expected_size = stat['content-length'] # get a shell command executor and a fixed length response generator ssh = self.ssh_shell_for(from_url) response_generator = FixedLengthResponseGeneratorPosix( ssh.stdout, expected_size ) dst_fp = sys.stdout.buffer \ if to_path is None \ else open(to_path, 'wb') # Localize variable access to minimize overhead dst_fp_write = dst_fp.write # We already know that file exists, so we can just cat it. cmd = self.format_cmd('cat {fpath}', from_url) result_generator = ssh.start( cmd, response_generator=response_generator ) # We do not use the ``-method here # because we need access to every individual chunk in order to calculate # the hash on the fly. for chunk in self._with_progress( result_generator, progress_id=progress_id, label='downloading', expected_size=expected_size, start_log_msg=('Download %s to %s', from_url, to_path), end_log_msg=('Finished download',), update_log_msg=('Downloaded chunk',) ): # write data dst_fp_write(chunk) # compute hash simultaneously hasher.update(chunk) if dst_fp and to_path is not None: dst_fp.close() self._check_return_code( result_generator.returncode, from_url, ''.join(result_generator.stderr_deque) ) return { **stat, **hasher.get_hexdigest(), }
[docs] def upload(self, from_path: Path | None, to_url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, hash: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Upload a file by streaming it through an SSH connection. It, more or less, runs `ssh <host> 'cat > <path>'` or `ssh <host> 'head -c <file-size> > <path>'` on the remote side. See :meth:`datalad_next.url_operations.UrlOperations.upload` for parameter documentation and exception behavior. """ if from_path is None: source_name = '<STDIN>' return self._perform_upload( src_fp=sys.stdin.buffer, source_name=source_name, to_url=to_url, hash_names=hash, expected_size=None, timeout=timeout, ) else: # die right away, if we lack read permissions or there is no file with"rb") as src_fp: return self._perform_upload( src_fp=src_fp, source_name=str(from_path), to_url=to_url, hash_names=hash, expected_size=from_path.stat().st_size, timeout=timeout, )
def _perform_upload(self, src_fp: IO, source_name: str, to_url: str, hash_names: list[str] | None, expected_size: int | None, timeout: float | None) -> dict: hasher = self._get_hasher(hash_names) # we use a queue to implement timeouts. # we limit the queue to few items in order to `make queue.put()` # block relatively quickly, and thereby have the progress report # actually track the upload, i.e. the feeding of the stdin pipe # of the ssh-process, and not just the feeding of the # queue. # If we did not support timeouts, we could just use the following # as `input`-iterable for `iter_subproc`: # # `iter(partial(, COPY_BUFSIZE), b'') # upload_queue: Queue = Queue(maxsize=2) if expected_size: read_cmd = f"head -c {expected_size}" else: read_cmd = "cat" cmd = self.format_cmd( # copy the file to its destination location with a randomized # name, and move it to its final location after upload. This # way, upload appears atomic, i.e. no half uploaded file will # be seen at the destination URL # leave special exit code when writing or moving fails, but not # the general SSH access "ret() {{ return $1; }}; ( mkdir -p '{fdir}' " f"&& {read_cmd} " "> '{fpath}.transfer-{nonce}' " "&& mv '{fpath}.transfer-{nonce}' '{fpath}' ) || ret 243", to_url, ) progress_id = self._get_progress_id(source_name, to_url) ssh = self.ssh_shell_for(to_url) result_generator = ssh.start( cmd, stdin=self._with_progress( iter(upload_queue.get, None), progress_id=progress_id, label='uploading', expected_size=expected_size, start_log_msg=('Upload %s to %s', source_name, to_url), end_log_msg=('Finished upload',), update_log_msg=('Uploaded chunk',) ) ) try: upload_size = 0 for chunk in iter(partial(, COPY_BUFSIZE), b''): # we are just putting stuff in the queue, and rely on # its maxsize to cause it to block the next call to # have the progress reports be anyhow valid, we also # rely on put-timeouts to implement timeout. upload_queue.put(chunk, timeout=timeout) # compute hash simultaneously hasher.update(chunk) upload_size += len(chunk) upload_queue.put(None, timeout=timeout) except Full: # we had a timeout while uploading raise TimeoutError(f'timeout while executing: {cmd}') if expected_size: consume(result_generator) else: # If the remote shell reads from stdin, its stdin has to be close # for the upload-command to terminate if expected_size is None: ssh.close() consume(result_generator) # stdin of the shell was closed, it cannot be used anymore. self.close_shell_for(to_url) self._check_return_code( result_generator.returncode, to_url, ''.join(result_generator.stderr_deque) ) return { **hasher.get_hexdigest(), # return how much was copied. we could compare with # `expected_size` and error on mismatch, but not all # sources can provide that (e.g. stdin) 'content-length': upload_size }
[docs] def format_cmd(self, cmd: str, url: str) -> str: ssh_command_builder = _SshCommandBuilder(url, self.cfg) return ssh_command_builder.substitute(cmd)
class _SshCommandBuilder: def __init__( self, url: str, cfg: ConfigManager, ): self.ssh_args, self._parsed = ssh_url2openargs(url, cfg) self.ssh_args.extend(('-e', 'none')) # make sure the essential pieces exist assert self._parsed.path time_stamp = time.time() self.substitutions = dict( fdir=str(PurePosixPath(self._parsed.path).parent), fpath=self._parsed.path, nonce=( str(random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999)) + '_' + str(time_stamp - floor(time_stamp))[2:0] ) ) def substitute(self, payload_cmd: str) -> str: return payload_cmd.format(**self.substitutions) def ssh_url2openargs( url: str, cfg: ConfigManager, ) -> tuple[list[str], ParseResult]: """Helper to report ssh-open arguments from a URL and config Returns a tuple with the argument list and the parsed URL. """ args: list[str] = list() parsed = urlparse(url) # make sure the essential pieces exist assert parsed.hostname for opt, arg in (('-p', parsed.port), ('-l', parsed.username), ('-i', cfg.get('datalad.ssh.identityfile'))): if arg: # f-string, because port is not str args.extend((opt, f'{arg}')) # we could also use .netloc here and skip -p/-l above args.append(parsed.hostname) return args, parsed