Source code for datalad_next.url_operations.base

"""API base class"""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from functools import partial
from more_itertools import side_effect
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import datalad
from datalad_next.config import ConfigManager
from datalad_next.utils import log_progress
from datalad_next.utils.multihash import (

lgr = logging.getLogger('')

[docs] class UrlOperations: """Abstraction for operations on URLs Support for specific URL schemes can be implemented via sub-classes. Such classes must comply with the following conditions: - Any configuration look-up must be performed with the `self.cfg` property, which is guaranteed to be a `ConfigManager` instance. - When downloads are to be supported, implement the `download()` method and comply with the behavior described in its documentation. This class provides a range of helper methods to aid computation of hashes and progress reporting. """ def __init__(self, *, cfg: ConfigManager | None = None): """ Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigManager, optional A config manager instance that implementations will consult for any configuration items they may support. """ self._cfg = cfg @property def cfg(self) -> ConfigManager: if self._cfg is None: self._cfg = datalad.cfg return self._cfg
[docs] def stat(self, url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Gather information on a URL target, without downloading it Returns ------- dict A mapping of property names to values of the URL target. The particular composition of properties depends on the specific URL. A standard property is 'content-length', indicating the size of a download. Raises ------ UrlOperationsRemoteError This exception is raised on any access-related error on the remote side, with a summary of the underlying issues as its message. It may carry a status code (e.g. HTTP status code) as its ``status_code`` property. Any underlying exception must be linked via the `__cause__` property (e.g. `raise UrlOperationsRemoteError(...) from ...`). UrlOperationsInteractionError UrlOperationsAuthenticationError UrlOperationsAuthorizationError UrlOperationsResourceUnknown Implementations that can distinguish several remote error types beyond indication a general ``UrlOperationsRemoteError``: ``UrlOperationsInteractionError`` general issues in communicating with the remote side; ``UrlOperationsAuthenticationError`` for errors related to (failed) authentication at the remote; ``UrlOperationsAuthorizationError`` for (lack of) authorizating to access a particular resource of perform a particular operation; ``UrlOperationsResourceUnknown`` if the target of an operation does not exist. TimeoutError If `timeout` is given and the operation does not complete within the number of seconds that a specified by `timeout`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def download(self, from_url: str, to_path: Path | None, *, credential: str | None = None, hash: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Download from a URL to a local file or stream to stdout Parameters ---------- from_url: str Valid URL with any scheme supported by a particular implementation. to_path: Path or None A local platform-native path or `None`. If `None` the downloaded data is written to `stdout`, otherwise it is written to a file at the given path. The path is assumed to not exist. Any existing file will be overwritten. credential: str, optional The name of a dedicated credential to be used for authentication in order to perform the download. Particular implementations may or may not require or support authentication. They also may or may not support automatic credential lookup. hash: list(algorithm_names), optional If given, must be a list of hash algorithm names supported by the `hashlib` module. A corresponding hash will be computed simultaneously to the download (without reading the data twice), and included in the return value. timeout: float, optional If given, specifies a timeout in seconds. If the operation is not completed within this time, it will raise a `TimeoutError`-exception. If timeout is None, the operation will never timeout. Returns ------- dict A mapping of property names to values for the completed download. If `hash` algorithm names are provided, a corresponding key for each algorithm is included in this mapping, with the hexdigest of the corresponding checksum as the value. Raises ------ UrlOperationsRemoteError This exception is raised on any deletion-related error on the remote side, with a summary of the underlying issues as its message. It may carry a status code (e.g. HTTP status code) as its ``status_code`` property. Any underlying exception must be linked via the `__cause__` property (e.g. `raise UrlOperationsRemoteError(...) from ...`). UrlOperationsInteractionError UrlOperationsAuthenticationError UrlOperationsAuthorizationError UrlOperationsResourceUnknown Implementations that can distinguish several remote error types beyond indication a general ``UrlOperationsRemoteError``: ``UrlOperationsInteractionError`` general issues in communicating with the remote side; ``UrlOperationsAuthenticationError`` for errors related to (failed) authentication at the remote; ``UrlOperationsAuthorizationError`` for (lack of) authorizating to access a particular resource of perform a particular operation; ``UrlOperationsResourceUnknown`` if the target of an operation does not exist. TimeoutError If `timeout` is given and the operation does not complete within the number of seconds that a specified by `timeout`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def upload(self, from_path: Path | None, to_url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, hash: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Upload from a local file or stream to a URL Whenever possible, uploads are performed atomically This means that the destination will never see a partially uploaded file. It will either see the previous content (or nothing) or the newly uploaded content. Note: this is not supported by all implementations of URL-operations. Parameters ---------- from_path: Path or None A local platform-native path or `None`. If `None` the upload data is read from `stdin`, otherwise it is read from a file at the given path. to_url: str Valid URL with any scheme supported by a particular implementation. The target is assumed to not conflict with existing content, and may be overwritten. credential: str, optional The name of a dedicated credential to be used for authentication in order to perform the upload. Particular implementations may or may not require or support authentication. They also may or may not support automatic credential lookup. hash: list(algorithm_names), optional If given, must be a list of hash algorithm names supported by the `hashlib` module. A corresponding hash will be computed simultaneously to the upload (without reading the data twice), and included in the return value. timeout: float, optional If given, specifies a timeout in seconds. If the operation is not completed within this time, it will raise a `TimeoutError`-exception. If timeout is None, the operation will never timeout. Returns ------- dict A mapping of property names to values for the completed upload. If `hash` algorithm names are provided, a corresponding key for each algorithm is included in this mapping, with the hexdigest of the corresponding checksum as the value. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the source file cannot be found. UrlOperationsRemoteError This exception is raised on any deletion-related error on the remote side, with a summary of the underlying issues as its message. It may carry a status code (e.g. HTTP status code) as its ``status_code`` property. Any underlying exception must be linked via the `__cause__` property (e.g. `raise UrlOperationsRemoteError(...) from ...`). UrlOperationsInteractionError UrlOperationsAuthenticationError UrlOperationsAuthorizationError UrlOperationsResourceUnknown Implementations that can distinguish several remote error types beyond indication a general ``UrlOperationsRemoteError``: ``UrlOperationsInteractionError`` general issues in communicating with the remote side; ``UrlOperationsAuthenticationError`` for errors related to (failed) authentication at the remote; ``UrlOperationsAuthorizationError`` for (lack of) authorization to access a particular resource of perform a particular operation; ``UrlOperationsResourceUnknown`` if the target of an operation does not exist. TimeoutError If `timeout` is given and the operation does not complete within the number of seconds that a specified by `timeout`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self, url: str, *, credential: str | None = None, timeout: float | None = None) -> Dict: """Delete a resource identified by a URL Parameters ---------- url: str Valid URL with any scheme supported by a particular implementation. credential: str, optional The name of a dedicated credential to be used for authentication in order to perform the deletion. Particular implementations may or may not require or support authentication. They also may or may not support automatic credential lookup. timeout: float, optional If given, specifies a timeout in seconds. If the operation is not completed within this time, it will raise a `TimeoutError`-exception. If timeout is None, the operation will never timeout. Returns ------- dict A mapping of property names to values for the deletion. Raises ------ UrlOperationsRemoteError This exception is raised on any deletion-related error on the remote side, with a summary of the underlying issues as its message. It may carry a status code (e.g. HTTP status code) as its ``status_code`` property. Any underlying exception must be linked via the `__cause__` property (e.g. `raise UrlOperationsRemoteError(...) from ...`). UrlOperationsInteractionError UrlOperationsAuthenticationError UrlOperationsAuthorizationError UrlOperationsResourceUnknown Implementations that can distinguish several remote error types beyond indication a general ``UrlOperationsRemoteError``: ``UrlOperationsInteractionError`` general issues in communicating with the remote side; ``UrlOperationsAuthenticationError`` for errors related to (failed) authentication at the remote; ``UrlOperationsAuthorizationError`` for (lack of) authorizating to access a particular resource of perform a particular operation; ``UrlOperationsResourceUnknown`` if the target of an operation does not exist. TimeoutError If `timeout` is given and the operation does not complete within the number of seconds that a specified by `timeout`. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _get_progress_id(self, from_id: str, to_id: str): return f'progress_transport_{from_id}_{to_id}' def _progress_report_start(self, pid: str, log_msg: tuple, label: str, expected_size: int | None): log_progress(, pid, *log_msg, unit=' Bytes', label=label, total=expected_size, noninteractive_level=logging.DEBUG, ) def _progress_report_update(self, pid: str, log_msg: tuple, increment: int): log_progress(, pid, *log_msg, update=increment, increment=True, noninteractive_level=logging.DEBUG, ) def _progress_report_stop(self, pid: str, log_msg: tuple): log_progress(, pid, *log_msg, noninteractive_level=logging.DEBUG, ) def _get_hasher(self, hash: list[str] | None) -> NoOpHash | MultiHash: return MultiHash(hash) if hash is not None else NoOpHash() def _with_progress(self, stream: Iterable[Any], *, progress_id: str, label: str, expected_size: int | None, start_log_msg: tuple, end_log_msg: tuple, update_log_msg: tuple ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: yield from side_effect( lambda chunk: self._progress_report_update( progress_id, update_log_msg, len(chunk) ), stream, before=partial( self._progress_report_start, progress_id, start_log_msg, label, expected_size ), after=partial( self._progress_report_stop, progress_id, end_log_msg ) )