Source code for datalad_next.tests.fixtures

"""Collection of fixtures for facilitation test implementations
import getpass
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import pytest
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from time import sleep
from urllib.request import urlopen

from datalad_next.datasets import Dataset
from datalad_next.runners import (
from datalad_next.utils import patched_env
from .utils import (

lgr = logging.getLogger('')

[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session") def reduce_logging(): """Reduce the logging output during test runs DataLad emits a large amount of repetitive INFO log messages that only clutter the test output, and hardly ever help to identify an issue. This fixture modifies the standard logger to throw away all INFO level log messages. With this approach, such messages are still fed to and processes by the logger (in contrast to an apriori level setting). """ dllgr = logging.getLogger('datalad') # leave a trace that this is happening"Test fixture starts suppressing INFO level messages") class NoInfo(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): # it seems unnecessary to special case progress logs, moreover # not filtering them out will make clone/fetch/push very visible # in the logs with trivial messages #if hasattr(record, 'dlm_progress'): # # this is a progress log message that may trigger something # # a test is looking for # return True if record.levelno == 20: # this is a plain INFO message, ignore return False else: return True noinfo = NoInfo() # we need to attach the filter to any handler to make it effective. # adding to the logger only will not effect any log messages produced # via descendant loggers for hdlr in dllgr.handlers: hdlr.addFilter(noinfo)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def no_result_rendering(monkeypatch): """Disable datalad command result rendering for all command calls This is achieved by forcefully supplying `result_renderer='disabled'` to any command call via a patch to internal argument normalizer ``get_allargs_as_kwargs()``. """ # we need to patch our patch function, because datalad-core's is no # longer used import datalad_next.patches.interface_utils as dnpiu old_get_allargs_as_kwargs = dnpiu.get_allargs_as_kwargs def no_render_get_allargs_as_kwargs(call, args, kwargs): kwargs, one, two = old_get_allargs_as_kwargs(call, args, kwargs) kwargs['result_renderer'] = 'disabled' return kwargs, one, two with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(dnpiu, 'get_allargs_as_kwargs', no_render_get_allargs_as_kwargs) yield
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def tmp_keyring(): """Patch plaintext keyring to temporarily use a different storage No credential read or write actions will impact any existing credential store of any configured backend. The patched backend is yielded by the fixture. """ import keyring # the testsetup assumes this to be a plaintext backend. # this backend is based on a filename and maintains no state. # each operation opens, reads/writes, and then closes the file. # hence we can simply point to a different file backend = keyring.get_keyring() prev_fpath = backend.file_path # no tmp keyring yet, make one with NamedTemporaryFile( 'r', prefix='datalad_tmp_keyring_', delete=True) as tf: # we must close, because windows does not like the file being open # already when ConfigManager would open it for reading tf.close() backend.file_path = with patched_env( yield backend backend.file_path = prev_fpath
# the following is taken from datalad/ # sadly, this is defined inline and cannot be reused directly standard_gitconfig = """\ [user] name = DataLad Tester email = [core] askPass = [datalad "log"] exc = 1 [datalad "extensions"] # load the next extension to be able to test patches of annex remotes # that run in subprocesses load = next [annex "security"] # from annex 6.20180626 file:/// and http://localhost access isn't # allowed by default allowed-url-schemes = http https file allowed-http-addresses = all [protocol "file"] # since git 2.38.1 cannot by default use local clones for submodules # allow = always """ + os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_GITCONFIG', '').replace('\\n', os.linesep)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def datalad_cfg(): """Temporarily alter configuration to use a plain "global" configuration The global configuration manager at `datalad.cfg` is reloaded after adjusting `GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL` to point to a new temporary `.gitconfig` file. After test execution the file is removed, and the global `ConfigManager` is reloaded once more. Any test using this fixture will be skipped for Git versions earlier than 2.32, because the `GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL` environment variable used here was only introduced with that version. """ if external_versions['cmd:git'] < "2.32": pytest.skip( "Git configuration redirect via GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL " "only supported since Git v2.32" ) from datalad import cfg with NamedTemporaryFile( 'w', prefix='datalad_gitcfg_global_', delete=False) as tf: tf.write(standard_gitconfig) # we must close, because windows does not like the file being open # already when ConfigManager would open it for reading tf.close() with patched_env( cfg.reload(force=True) yield cfg # reload to put the previous config in effect again cfg.reload(force=True)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def check_gitconfig_global(): """No test must modify a user's global Git config. If such modifications are needed, a custom configuration setup limited to the scope of the test requiring it must be arranged. """ globalcfg_fname = get_git_config_global_fpath() if not globalcfg_fname.exists(): lgr.warning( 'No global/user Git config file exists. This is an unexpected ' 'test environment, no config modifications checks can be ' 'performed. Proceeding nevertheless.') # let the test run yield # and exit quietly return # we have a config file. hash it pre and post test. Fail is changed. pre = md5sum(globalcfg_fname) yield post = md5sum(globalcfg_fname) assert pre == post, \ "Global Git config modification detected. Test must be modified to use " \ "a temporary configuration target. Hint: use the `datalad_cfg` fixture."
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def check_plaintext_keyring(): """No test must modify a user's keyring. If such modifications are needed, a custom keyring setup limited to the scope of the test requiring it must be arranged. The ``tmp_keyring`` fixture can be employed in such cases. """ # datalad-core configures keyring to use a plaintext backend # we will look for the underlying file and verify that it is either # no there, or remains unmodified import keyring kr = keyring.get_keyring() if not hasattr(kr, 'file_path'): # this is not the plain text keyring, nothing we can do here # run as-is, but leave a message lgr.warning('Running without the expected plain-text keyring') yield return kr_fpath = Path(kr.file_path) pre = md5sum(kr_fpath) if kr_fpath.exists() else '' yield post = md5sum(kr_fpath) if kr_fpath.exists() else '' assert pre == post, \ "Keyring modification detected. Test must be modified to use " \ "a temporary keyring. Hint: use the `tmp_keyring` fixture."
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def credman(datalad_cfg, tmp_keyring): """Provides a temporary credential manager It comes with a temporary global datalad config and a temporary keyring as well. This manager can be used to deploy or manipulate credentials within the scope of a single test. """ from datalad import cfg from datalad_next.credman import CredentialManager cm = CredentialManager(cfg) yield cm
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def dataset(datalad_cfg, tmp_path_factory): """Provides a ``Dataset`` instance for a not-yet-existing repository The instance points to an existing temporary path, but ``create()`` has not been called on it yet. """ # must use the factory to get a unique path even when a concrete # test also uses `tmp_path` ds = Dataset(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dataset")) yield ds
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def existing_dataset(dataset): """Provides a ``Dataset`` instance pointing to an existing dataset/repo This fixture uses an instance provided by the ``dataset`` fixture and calls ``create()`` on it, before it yields the ``Dataset`` instance. """ dataset.create(result_renderer='disabled') yield dataset
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def existing_noannex_dataset(dataset): """just like ``existing_dataset``, but created with ``annex=False`` """ dataset.create(annex=False, result_renderer='disabled') yield dataset
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def modified_dataset(tmp_path_factory): """Produces a dataset with various modifications The fixture is module-scope, aiming to be reused by many tests focused on reporting. It does not support any further modification. The fixture will fail, if any such modification is detected. ``git status`` will report:: ❯ git status -uall On branch dl-test-branch Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) new file: dir_m/file_a new file: file_a Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules) deleted: dir_d/file_d deleted: dir_m/file_d modified: dir_m/file_m deleted: dir_sm/sm_d modified: dir_sm/sm_m (modified content) modified: dir_sm/sm_mu (modified content, untracked content) modified: dir_sm/sm_n (new commits) modified: dir_sm/sm_nm (new commits, modified content) modified: dir_sm/sm_nmu (new commits, modified content, untracked content) modified: dir_sm/sm_u (untracked content) deleted: file_d modified: file_m Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) dir_m/dir_u/file_u dir_m/file_u dir_u/file_u file_u Suffix indicates the ought-to state (multiple possible): a - added c - clean d - deleted n - new commits m - modified u - untracked content Prefix indicated the item type: file - file sm - submodule dir - directory """ ds = Dataset(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("modified_dataset")) ds.create(result_renderer='disabled') ds_dir = ds.pathobj / 'dir_m' ds_dir.mkdir() ds_dir_d = ds.pathobj / 'dir_d' ds_dir_d.mkdir() (ds_dir / 'file_m').touch() (ds.pathobj / 'file_m').touch() dirsm = ds.pathobj / 'dir_sm' dss = {} for smname in ( 'sm_d', 'sm_c', 'sm_n', 'sm_m', 'sm_nm', 'sm_u', 'sm_mu', 'sm_nmu', 'droppedsm_c', ): sds = Dataset(dirsm / smname).create(result_renderer='disabled') # for the plain modification, commit the reference right here if smname in ('sm_m', 'sm_nm', 'sm_mu', 'sm_nmu'): (sds.pathobj / 'file_m').touch(), result_renderer='disabled') dss[smname] = sds # files in superdataset to be deleted for d in (ds_dir_d, ds_dir, ds.pathobj): (d / 'file_d').touch() dss['.'] = ds dss['dir'] = ds_dir, result_renderer='disabled') ds.drop(dirsm / 'droppedsm_c', what='datasets', reckless='availability', result_renderer='disabled') # a new commit for smname in ('.', 'sm_n', 'sm_nm', 'sm_nmu'): sds = dss[smname] (sds.pathobj / 'file_c').touch(), result_renderer='disabled') # modified file for smname in ('.', 'dir', 'sm_m', 'sm_nm', 'sm_mu', 'sm_nmu'): obj = dss[smname] pobj = obj.pathobj if isinstance(obj, Dataset) else obj (pobj / 'file_m').write_text('modify!') # untracked for smname in ('.', 'dir', 'sm_u', 'sm_mu', 'sm_nmu'): obj = dss[smname] pobj = obj.pathobj if isinstance(obj, Dataset) else obj (pobj / 'file_u').touch() (pobj / 'dirempty_u').mkdir() (pobj / 'dir_u').mkdir() (pobj / 'dir_u' / 'file_u').touch() # delete items rmtree(dss['sm_d'].pathobj) rmtree(ds_dir_d) (ds_dir / 'file_d').unlink() (ds.pathobj / 'file_d').unlink() # added items for smname in ('.', 'dir', 'sm_m', 'sm_nm', 'sm_mu', 'sm_nmu'): obj = dss[smname] pobj = obj.pathobj if isinstance(obj, Dataset) else obj (pobj / 'file_a').write_text('added') assert call_git_success(['add', 'file_a'], cwd=pobj) # record git-status output as a reference status_start = call_git_lines(['status'], cwd=ds.pathobj) yield ds # compare with initial git-status output, if there are any # differences the assumptions of any consuming test could be # invalidated. The modifying code must be found and fixed assert status_start == call_git_lines(['status'], cwd=ds.pathobj), \ "Unexpected modification of the testbed"
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="session") def webdav_credential(): """Provides HTTP Basic authentication credential necessary to access the server provided by the ``webdav_server`` fixture.""" yield dict( name='dltest-my&=webdav', user='datalad', secret='secure', type='user_password', )
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def webdav_server(tmp_path_factory, webdav_credential): """Provides a WebDAV server, serving a temporary directory The fixtures yields an instance of ``WebDAVPath``, providing the following essential attributes: - ``path``: ``Path`` instance of the served temporary directory - ``url``: HTTP URL to access the WebDAV server Server access requires HTTP Basic authentication with the credential provided by the ``webdav_credential`` fixture. """ auth = (webdav_credential['user'], webdav_credential['secret']) # must use the factory to get a unique path even when a concrete # test also uses `tmp_path` path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("webdav") # this looks a little awkward, but is done to avoid a change in # WebDAVPath. server = WebDAVPath(path, auth=auth) with server as server_url: server.url = server_url yield server
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="session") def http_credential(): """Provides the HTTP Basic authentication credential necessary to access the HTTP server provided by the ``http_server_with_basicauth`` fixture.""" yield dict( name='dltest-my&=http', user='datalad', secret='secure', type='user_password', )
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def http_server(tmp_path_factory): """Provides an HTTP server, serving a temporary directory The fixtures yields an instance of ``HTTPPath``, providing the following essential attributes: - ``path``: ``Path`` instance of the served temporary directory - ``url``: HTTP URL to access the HTTP server """ # must use the factory to get a unique path even when a concrete # test also uses `tmp_path` path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("webdav") server = HTTPPath(path, use_ssl=False, auth=None) with server: # overwrite path with Path object for convenience server.path = path yield server
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def http_server_with_basicauth(tmp_path_factory, http_credential): """Like ``http_server`` but requiring authentication via ``http_credential`` """ path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("webdav") server = HTTPPath( path, use_ssl=False, auth=(http_credential['user'], http_credential['secret']), ) with server: # overwrite path with Path object for convenience server.path = path yield server
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def httpbin_service(): """Return canonical access URLs for the HTTPBIN service This fixture tries to spin up a httpbin Docker container at localhost:8765; if successful, it returns this URL as the 'standard' URL. If the attempt fails, a URL pointing to the canonical instance is returned. For tests that need to have the service served via a specific protocol (https vs http), the corresponding URLs are returned too. They always point to the canonical deployment, as some tests require both protocols simultaneously and a local deployment generally won't have https. """ hburl = '' hbsurl = '' ciurl = 'http://localhost:8765' if == "posix": try: r = ["docker", "run", "-d", "-p", "", "kennethreitz/httpbin"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): lgr.warning("Failed to spin up httpbin Docker container:", exc_info=True) container_id = None else: container_id = r.stdout.strip() else: container_id = None try: if container_id is not None: # Wait for container to fully start: for _ in range(25): try: urlopen(ciurl) except Exception: sleep(1) else: break else: raise RuntimeError("httpbin container did not start up in time") yield { "standard": ciurl if container_id is not None else hbsurl, "http": hburl, "https": hbsurl, } finally: if container_id is not None:["docker", "rm", "-f", container_id], check=True)
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def httpbin(httpbin_service): """Does the same thing as ``httpbin_service``, but skips on function-scope ``httpbin_service`` always returns access URLs for HTTPBIN. However, in some cases it is simply not desirable to run a test. For example, the appveyor workers are more or less constantly unable to access the public service. This fixture is evaluated at function-scope and skips the test whenever any of these undesired conditions is detected. Otherwise it just relays ``httpbin_service``. """ if os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_NONETWORK'): pytest.skip( 'Not running httpbin-based test: NONETWORK flag set' ) if 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ and 'DEPLOY_HTTPBIN_IMAGE' not in os.environ: pytest.skip( "Not running httpbin-based test on appveyor without " "docker-deployed instance -- too unreliable" ) yield httpbin_service
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def datalad_interactive_ui(monkeypatch): """Yields a UI replacement to query for operations and stage responses No output will be written to STDOUT/ERR by this UI. A standard usage pattern is to stage one or more responses, run the to-be-tested code, and verify that the desired user interaction took place:: > datalad_interactive_ui.staged_responses.append('skip') > ... > assert ... datalad_interactive_ui.log """ from datalad_next.uis import ui_switcher from .utils import InteractiveTestUI with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(ui_switcher, '_ui', InteractiveTestUI()) yield ui_switcher.ui
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def datalad_noninteractive_ui(monkeypatch): """Yields a UI replacement to query for operations No output will be written to STDOUT/ERR by this UI. A standard usage pattern is to run the to-be-tested code, and verify that the desired user messaging took place:: > ... > assert ... datalad_interactive_ui.log """ from datalad_next.uis import ui_switcher from .utils import TestUI with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(ui_switcher, '_ui', TestUI()) yield ui_switcher.ui
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="session") def sshserver_setup(tmp_path_factory): if not os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_SSH'): pytest.skip( "set DATALAD_TESTS_SSH=1 to enable") # query a bunch of recognized configuration environment variables, # fill in the blanks, then check if the given configuration is working, # and post the full configuration again as ENV vars, to be picked up by # the function-scope `datalad_cfg` tmp_root = str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("sshroot")) host = os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_SSH_HOST', 'localhost') port = os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_SSH_PORT', '22') login = os.environ.get( 'DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_SSH_LOGIN', getpass.getuser()) seckey = os.environ.get( 'DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_SSH_SECKEY', str(Path.home() / '.ssh' / 'id_rsa')) path = os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_SSH_PATH', tmp_root) # TODO this should not use `tmp_root` unconditionally, but only if # the SSH_PATH is known to be the same. This might not be if SSH_PATH # is explicitly configured and LOCALPATH is not -- which could be # an indication that there is none localpath = os.environ.get('DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_LOCALPATH', tmp_root) assert_ssh_access(host, port, login, seckey, path, localpath) info = {} # as far as we can tell, this is good, post effective config in ENV for v, e in ( (host, 'HOST'), # this is SSH_*, because elsewhere we also have other properties # for other services (port, 'SSH_PORT'), (login, 'SSH_LOGIN'), (seckey, 'SSH_SECKEY'), (path, 'SSH_PATH'), (localpath, 'LOCALPATH'), ): os.environ[f"DATALAD_TESTS_SERVER_{e}"] = v info[e] = v yield info
[docs] @pytest.fixture(autouse=False, scope="function") def sshserver(sshserver_setup, datalad_cfg, monkeypatch): # strip any leading / from the path, we add one, and # only one below sshserver_path = sshserver_setup['SSH_PATH'].lstrip('/') baseurl = f"ssh://{sshserver_setup['SSH_LOGIN']}" \ f"@{sshserver_setup['HOST']}" \ f":{sshserver_setup['SSH_PORT']}" \ f"/{sshserver_path}" with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setenv("DATALAD_SSH_IDENTITYFILE", sshserver_setup['SSH_SECKEY']) # force reload the config manager, to ensure the private key setting # makes it into the active config datalad_cfg.reload(force=True) yield baseurl, Path(sshserver_setup['LOCALPATH'])