Source code for datalad_next.runners.git

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

from datalad_next.exceptions import CapturedException

from .iter_subproc import (

def _call_git(
    args: list[str],
    capture_output: bool = False,
    cwd: Path | None = None,
    check: bool = False,
    text: bool | None = None,
    input: str | bytes | None = None,
    force_c_locale: bool = False,
) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
    """Wrapper around ```` for calling Git command

    ``args`` is a list of argument for the Git command. This list must not
    contain the Git executable itself. It will be prepended (unconditionally)
    to the arguments before passing them on.

    If ``force_c_locale`` is ``True`` the environment of the Git process
    is altered to ensure output according to the C locale. This is useful
    when output has to be processed in a locale invariant fashion.

    All other argument are pass on to ```` verbatim.
    env = None
    if force_c_locale:
        env = dict(os.environ, LC_ALL='C')

    # make configurable
    git_executable = 'git'
    cmd = [git_executable, *args]
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        # TODO we could support post-error forensics, but some client
        # might call this knowing that it could fail, and may not
        # appreciate the slow-down. Add option `expect_fail=False`?
        # normalize exception to datalad-wide standard
        raise CommandError(
        ) from e

[docs] def call_git( args: list[str], *, cwd: Path | None = None, force_c_locale: bool = False, ) -> None: """Call Git with no output capture, raises on non-zero exit. If ``cwd`` is not None, the function changes the working directory to ``cwd`` before executing the command. If ``force_c_locale`` is ``True`` the environment of the Git process is altered to ensure output according to the C locale. This is useful when output has to be processed in a locale invariant fashion. """ _call_git( args, capture_output=False, cwd=cwd, check=True, force_c_locale=force_c_locale, )
[docs] def call_git_success( args: list[str], *, cwd: Path | None = None, capture_output: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Call Git and report success or failure of the command ``args`` is a list of arguments for the Git command. This list must not contain the Git executable itself. It will be prepended (unconditionally) to the arguments before passing them on. If ``cwd`` is not None, the function changes the working directory to ``cwd`` before executing the command. If ``capture_output`` is ``True``, process output is captured, but not returned. By default process output is not captured. """ try: _call_git( args, capture_output=capture_output, cwd=cwd, check=True, ) except CommandError as e: CapturedException(e) return False return True
[docs] def call_git_lines( args: list[str], *, cwd: Path | None = None, input: str | None = None, force_c_locale: bool = False, ) -> list[str]: """Call Git for any (small) number of lines of output ``args`` is a list of arguments for the Git command. This list must not contain the Git executable itself. It will be prepended (unconditionally) to the arguments before passing them on. If ``cwd`` is not None, the function changes the working directory to ``cwd`` before executing the command. If ``input`` is not None, the argument becomes the subprocess’s stdin. This is intended for small-scale inputs. For call that require processing large inputs, ``iter_git_subproc()`` is to be preferred. If ``force_c_locale`` is ``True`` the environment of the Git process is altered to ensure output according to the C locale. This is useful when output has to be processed in a locale invariant fashion. Raises ------ CommandError if the call exits with a non-zero status. """ res = _call_git( args, capture_output=True, cwd=cwd, check=True, text=True, input=input, force_c_locale=force_c_locale, ) return res.stdout.splitlines()
[docs] def call_git_oneline( args: list[str], *, cwd: Path | None = None, input: str | None = None, force_c_locale: bool = False, ) -> str: """Call Git for a single line of output If ``cwd`` is not None, the function changes the working directory to ``cwd`` before executing the command. If ``input`` is not None, the argument becomes the subprocess’s stdin. This is intended for small-scale inputs. For call that require processing large inputs, ``iter_git_subproc()`` is to be preferred. If ``force_c_locale`` is ``True`` the environment of the Git process is altered to ensure output according to the C locale. This is useful when output has to be processed in a locale invariant fashion. Raises ------ CommandError if the call exits with a non-zero status. AssertionError if there is more than one line of output. """ lines = call_git_lines(args, cwd=cwd, input=input, force_c_locale=force_c_locale) if len(lines) > 1: raise AssertionError( f"Expected Git {args} to return a single line, but got {lines}" ) return lines[0]
[docs] def iter_git_subproc( args: list[str], **kwargs ): """``iter_subproc()`` wrapper for calling Git commands All argument semantics are identical to those of ``iter_subproc()``, except that ``args`` must not contain the Git binary, but need to be exclusively arguments to it. The respective `git` command/binary is automatically added internally. """ cmd = ['git'] cmd.extend(args) return iter_subproc(cmd, **kwargs)