Source code for datalad_next.iter_collections.utils

"""Utilities and types for collection iterators"""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
import os
from pathlib import (
import stat
from typing import (

from datalad_next.consts import COPY_BUFSIZE
from datalad_next.utils import MultiHash

    from .annexworktree import AnnexWorktreeFileSystemItem
    from .directory import DirectoryItem
    from .gitworktree import GitWorktreeFileSystemItem
    from io import BufferedReader
    from os import PathLike
    from tarfile import ExFileObject
    from zipfile import ZipExtFile

# TODO Could be `StrEnum`, came with PY3.11
[docs] class FileSystemItemType(Enum): """Enumeration of file system path types The associated ``str`` values are chosen to be appropriate for downstream use (e.g, as type labels in DataLad result records). """ file = 'file' directory = 'directory' symlink = 'symlink' hardlink = 'hardlink' specialfile = 'specialfile'
@dataclass class NamedItem: name: Any @dataclass class TypedItem: type: Any @dataclass class PathBasedItem(NamedItem): """An item with a path as its ``name`` A dedicated property supports the conversion of the native name representation into a ``PurePath`` instance. Any argument understood by the ``PurePath`` constructor can be used as ``name``, such as a a filename, a relative path, or an absolute path -- in string form, as path segment sequence, or a ``Path`` instance. It is recommended to use name/path values that are relative to the containing collection (directory, archive, repository, etc.). """ def path(self) -> PurePath: """Returns the item name as a ``PurePath`` instance This default implementation assumes the ``name`` to be platform path conventions. """ return PurePath(
[docs] @dataclass # sadly PY3.10+ only (kw_only=True) class FileSystemItem(PathBasedItem, TypedItem): type: FileSystemItemType size: int mtime: float | None = None mode: int | None = None uid: int | None = None gid: int | None = None link_target: str | PathLike[str] | None = None fp: IO | None = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_path( cls, path: Path, *, link_target: bool = True, ) -> Union[ DirectoryItem, AnnexWorktreeFileSystemItem, FileSystemItem, GitWorktreeFileSystemItem, ]: """Populate item properties from a single `stat` and `readlink` call The given ``path`` must exist. The ``link_target`` flag indicates whether to report the result of ``readlink`` for a symlink-type path. """ cstat = path.lstat() cmode = cstat.st_mode if stat.S_ISLNK(cmode): ctype = FileSystemItemType.symlink elif stat.S_ISDIR(cmode): ctype = else: # the rest is a file # there could be fifos and sockets, etc. # but we do not recognize them here ctype = FileSystemItemType.file item = cls( name=path, type=ctype, size=cstat.st_size, mode=cmode, mtime=cstat.st_mtime, uid=cstat.st_uid, gid=cstat.st_gid, ) if link_target and ctype == FileSystemItemType.symlink: # could be p.readlink() from PY3.9+ # but check performance difference item.link_target = os.readlink(path) return item
def compute_multihash_from_fp( fp: Union[BufferedReader, ExFileObject, ZipExtFile], hash: List[str], bufsize: int = COPY_BUFSIZE, ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Compute multiple hashes from a file-like """ mhash = MultiHash(hash) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break mhash.update(chunk) return mhash.get_hexdigest()