Source code for datalad_next.iter_collections.gitstatus

"""Report on the status of the worktree

The main functionality is provided by the :func:`iter_gitstatus` function.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from datalad_next.consts import PRE_INIT_COMMIT_SHA
from datalad_next.runners import (
from datalad_next.repo_utils import (

from .gitdiff import (
from .gitworktree import (

lgr = logging.getLogger('')

# map untracked modes given to iter_gitstatus() to those that need to be
# passed to iter_gitworktree() for getting untracked content only
_untracked_mode_map = {
    'all': 'only',
    'whole-dir': 'only-whole-dir',
    'no-empty-dir': 'only-no-empty-dir',

[docs] def iter_gitstatus( path: Path, *, untracked: str | None = 'all', recursive: str = 'repository', eval_submodule_state: str = "full", ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: """ Recursion mode 'no' This mode limits the reporting to immediate directory items of a given path. This mode is not necessarily faster than a 'repository' recursion. Its primary purpose is the ability to deliver a collapsed report in that subdirectories are treated similar to submodules -- as containers that maybe have modified or untracked content. Parameters ---------- path: Path Path of a directory in a Git repository to report on. This directory need not be the root directory of the repository, but must be part of the repository. If the directory is not the root directory of a non-bare repository, the iterator is constrained to items underneath that directory. untracked: {'all', 'whole-dir', 'no-empty-dir'} or None, optional If not ``None``, also reports on untracked work tree content. ``all`` reports on any untracked file; ``whole-dir`` yields a single report for a directory that is entirely untracked, and not individual untracked files in it; ``no-empty-dir`` skips any reports on untracked empty directories. Also see ``eval_submodule_state`` for how this parameter is applied in submodule recursion. recursive: {'no', 'repository', 'submodules', 'monolithic'}, optional Behavior for recursion into subtrees. By default (``repository``), all trees within the repository underneath ``path``) are reported, but no tree within submodules. With ``submodules``, recursion includes any submodule that is present. If ``no``, only direct children are reported on. eval_submodule_state: {"no", "commit", "full"}, optional If 'full' (default), the state of a submodule is evaluated by considering all modifications, with the treatment of untracked files determined by `untracked`. If 'commit', the modification check is restricted to comparing the submodule's "HEAD" commit to the one recorded in the superdataset. If 'no', the state of the subdataset is not evaluated. When a git-annex repository in adjusted mode is detected, the reference commit that the worktree is being compared to is the basis of the adjusted branch (i.e., the corresponding branch). Yields ------ :class:`GitDiffItem` The ``name`` and ``prev_name`` attributes of an item are a ``str`` with the corresponding (relative) path, as reported by Git (in POSIX conventions). .. note:: The implementation requires `git rev-parse --path-format=relative` that was introduced with Git v2.31. """ path = Path(path) head, corresponding_head = get_worktree_head(path) if head is None: # no commit at all -> compare to an empty repo. head = PRE_INIT_COMMIT_SHA # TODO it would make sense to always (or optionally) compare against any # existing corresponding_head. This would make the status communicate # anything that has not made it into the corresponding branch yet common_args = dict( head=head, path=path, untracked=untracked, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, ) if recursive == 'no': yield from _yield_dir_items(**common_args) return elif recursive == 'repository': yield from _yield_repo_items(**common_args) # TODO what we really want is a status that is not against a per-repository # HEAD, but against the commit that is recorded in the parent repository # TODO we need a name for that elif recursive in ('submodules', 'monolithic'): yield from _yield_hierarchy_items( recursion_mode=recursive, **common_args, ) else: raise ValueError(f'unknown recursion type {recursive!r}')
# # status generators for each mode # def _yield_dir_items( *, head: str | None, path: Path, untracked: str | None, eval_submodule_state: str, ) -> Iterator[GitDiffItem]: # potential container items in a directory that need content # investigation container_types = (, GitTreeItemType.submodule, ) if untracked is None: # no need to look at anything other than the diff report dir_items = {} else: # there is no recursion, avoid wasting cycles on listing individual # files in subdirectories untracked = 'whole-dir' if untracked == 'all' else untracked # gather all directory items upfront, we subtract the ones reported # modified later and lastly yield all untracked content from them dir_items = { item for item in iter_gitworktree( path, untracked=untracked, recursive='no', ) } # diff constrained to direct children for item in iter_gitdiff( path, from_treeish=head, # to the worktree to_treeish=None, recursive='no', # TODO trim scope like in repo_items eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, ): if item.status != GitDiffStatus.deletion \ and item.gittype in container_types: if item.gittype == GitTreeItemType.submodule: # issue standard submodule container report _eval_submodule(path, item, eval_submodule_state) else: dir_path = path / item.path # this is on a directory. if it appears here, it has # modified content if dir_path.exists(): item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.modified_content) if untracked is not None \ and _path_has_untracked(dir_path): item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.untracked_content) else: # this directory is gone entirely item.status = GitDiffStatus.deletion item.modification_types = None # we dealt with this item completely dir_items.pop(, None) if item.status: yield item if untracked is None: return # yield anything untracked, and inspect remaining containers for dir_item in dir_items.values(): if dir_item.gitsha is None and dir_item.gittype is None: # this is untracked yield GitDiffItem( # for homgeneity for report a str-path no matter what name=str(, status=GitDiffStatus.other, ) elif dir_item.gittype in container_types: # none of these containers has any modification other than # possibly untracked content item = GitDiffItem( # for homgeneity for report a str-path no matter what name=str(, # this submodule has not been detected as modified # per-commit, assign reported gitsha to pre and post # state gitsha=dir_item.gitsha, prev_gitsha=dir_item.gitsha, gittype=dir_item.gittype, # TODO others? ) if item.gittype == GitTreeItemType.submodule: # issue standard submodule container report _eval_submodule(path, item, eval_submodule_state) else: # this is on a directory. if it appears here, it has # no modified content testpath = path / dir_item.path if _path_has_untracked(path / dir_item.path): item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.untracked_content) if item.status: yield item def _yield_repo_items( *, head: str | None, path: Path, untracked: str | None, eval_submodule_state: str, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: """Report status items for a single/whole repsoitory""" present_submodules = { # stringify name for speedy comparison # TODO double-check that comparisons are primarily with # which is str str( item for item in iter_submodules(path) } # start with a repository-contrained diff against the worktree for item in iter_gitdiff( path, from_treeish=head, # to the worktree to_treeish=None, recursive='repository', # we should be able to go cheaper with the submodule evaluation here. # We need to redo some check for adjusted mode, and other cases anyways eval_submodule_state='commit' if eval_submodule_state == 'full' else eval_submodule_state, ): # immediately investigate any submodules that are already # reported modified by Git if item.gittype == GitTreeItemType.submodule: _eval_submodule(path, item, eval_submodule_state) # we dealt with this submodule present_submodules.pop(, None) if item.status: yield item # we are not generating a recursive report for submodules, hence # we need to look at ALL submodules for untracked content # `or {}` for the case where we got no submodules, which happens # with `eval_submodule_state == 'no'` for subm_name, subm_item in (present_submodules or {}).items(): # none of these submodules has any modification other than # possibly untracked content item = GitDiffItem( # for homgeneity for report a str-path no matter what name=str(, # this submodule has not been detected as modified # per-commit, assign reported gitsha to pre and post # state gitsha=subm_item.gitsha, prev_gitsha=subm_item.gitsha, gittype=subm_item.gittype, # TODO others? ) # TODO possibly trim eval_submodule_state _eval_submodule(path, item, eval_submodule_state) if item.status: yield item if untracked is None: return # lastly untracked files of this repo for untracked_item in iter_gitworktree( path=path, untracked=_untracked_mode_map[untracked], link_target=False, fp=False, recursive='repository', ): yield GitDiffItem(, status=GitDiffStatus.other, gittype=untracked_item.gittype, ) def _yield_hierarchy_items( *, head: str | None, path: Path, untracked: str | None, recursion_mode: str, eval_submodule_state: str, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: for item in _yield_repo_items( head=head, path=path, untracked=untracked, # TODO do we need to adjust the eval mode here for the diff recmodes? eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, ): # there is nothing else to do for any non-submodule item if item.gittype != GitTreeItemType.submodule: yield item continue # we get to see any submodule item passing through here, and can simply # call this function again for a subpath # submodule recursion # the .path of a GitTreeItem is always POSIX sm_path = path / item.path if recursion_mode == 'submodules': # in this mode, we run the submodule status against it own # worktree head sm_head, _ = get_worktree_head(sm_path) # because this need not cover all possible changes with respect # to the parent repository, we yield an item on the submodule # itself yield item elif recursion_mode == 'monolithic': # in this mode we determine the change of the submodule with # respect to the recorded state in the parent. This is either # the current gitsha, or (if git detected a committed # modification) the previous sha. This way, any further report # on changes a comprehensive from the point of view of the parent # repository, hence no submodule item is emitted sm_head = item.gitsha or item.prev_gitsha if item.modification_types is None \ or GitContainerModificationType.new_commits \ in item.modification_types: # this is a submodule that is either entriely new (added), # or it has new commits compared to # its state in the parent dataset. We need to yield this # item, even if nothing else is modified, because otherwise # this (unsafed) changed would go unnoticed # yield item for i in _yield_hierarchy_items( head=sm_head, path=sm_path, untracked=untracked, # TODO here we could implement handling for a recursion-depth limit recursion_mode=recursion_mode, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, ): = f'{}/{}' yield i # # Helpers # def _path_has_untracked(path: Path) -> bool: """Recursively check for any untracked content (except empty dirs)""" if not path.exists(): # cannot possibly have untracked return False for ut in iter_gitworktree( path=path, untracked='only-no-empty-dir', link_target=False, fp=False, recursive='submodules', ): # fast exit on the first detection return True # only after we saw everything we can say there is nothing return False def _get_submod_worktree_head(path: Path) -> tuple[bool, str | None, bool]: """Returns (submodule exists, SHA | None, adjusted)""" try: HEAD, corresponding_head = get_worktree_head(path) except ValueError: return False, None, False adjusted = corresponding_head is not None if adjusted: # this is a git-annex adjusted branch. do the comparison against # its basis. it is not meaningful to track the managed branch in # a superdataset HEAD = corresponding_head res = call_git_lines( ['rev-parse', '--path-format=relative', '--show-toplevel', HEAD], cwd=path, ) assert len(res) == 2 if res[0].startswith('..'): # this is not a report on a submodule at this location return False, None, adjusted else: return True, res[1], adjusted def _eval_submodule( basepath: Path, item: GitDiffItem, eval_mode: str, ) -> None: """In-place amend GitDiffItem submodule item It does nothing with ``eval_mode='no'``. """ if eval_mode == 'no': return item_path = basepath / item.path # this is the cheapest test for the theoretical chance that a submodule # is present at `item_path`. This is beneficial even when we would only # run a single call to `git rev-parse` # if not (item_path / '.git').exists(): return # get head commit, and whether a submodule is actually present, # and/or in adjusted mode subds_present, head_commit, adjusted = _get_submod_worktree_head(item_path) if not subds_present: return if adjusted: _eval_submodule_adjusted(item_path, item, head_commit, eval_mode) else: _eval_submodule_normal(item_path, item, head_commit, eval_mode) def _eval_submodule_normal( item_path: Path, item: GitDiffItem, head_commit: str | None, eval_mode: str, ) -> None: if eval_mode == 'full' and item.status is None or ( item.modification_types and GitContainerModificationType.new_commits in item.modification_types ): # if new commits have been detected, the diff-implementation is # not able to report "modified content" at the same time, if it # exists. This requires a dedicated inspection, which conincidentally # is identical to the analysis of an adjusted mode submodule. return _eval_submodule_adjusted( item_path, item, head_commit, eval_mode) if item.gitsha != head_commit: item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type(GitContainerModificationType.new_commits) if eval_mode == 'commit': return # check for untracked content (recursively) if _path_has_untracked(item_path): item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.untracked_content) def _eval_submodule_adjusted( item_path: Path, item: GitDiffItem, head_commit: str | None, eval_mode: str, ) -> None: # we cannot rely on the diff-report for a submodule in adjusted mode. # git would make the comparison to the adjusted branch HEAD alone. # this would almost always be invalid, because it is not meaningful to # track a commit in an adjusted branch (it goes away). # # instead, we need to: # - check for a change in the corresponding HEAD to the recorded commit # in the parent repository, consider any change "new commits" # - check for a diff of the worktree to corresponding HEAD, consider # any such diff a "modified content" # - and lastly check for untracked content # start with "no modification" item.status = None item.modification_types = None if item.prev_gitsha != head_commit: item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type(GitContainerModificationType.new_commits) if eval_mode == 'commit': return if any( i.status is not None for i in iter_gitdiff( item_path, from_treeish=head_commit, # worktree to_treeish=None, recursive='repository', find_renames=None, find_copies=None, eval_submodule_state='commit', ) ): item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.modified_content) # check for untracked content (recursively) if _path_has_untracked(item_path): item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.untracked_content)