Source code for datalad_next.iter_collections.gitdiff

"""Report on the difference of two Git tree-ishes or tracked worktree content

The main functionality is provided by the :func:`iter_gitdiff()` function.
from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property
import logging
from pathlib import (
from typing import (
from datasalad.itertools import (

from datalad_next.consts import PRE_INIT_COMMIT_SHA
from datalad_next.gitpathspec import GitPathSpecs
from datalad_next.runners import (
from datalad_next.runners import (

from .gittree import (

lgr = logging.getLogger('')

# TODO Could be `StrEnum`, came with PY3.11
[docs] class GitDiffStatus(Enum): """Enumeration of statuses for diff items """ addition = 'addition' copy = 'copy' deletion = 'deletion' modification = 'modification' rename = 'rename' typechange = 'typechange' unmerged = 'unmerged' unknown = 'unknown' # this is a local addition and not defined by git # AKA "untracked" other = 'other'
_diffstatus_map = { 'A': GitDiffStatus.addition, 'C': GitDiffStatus.copy, 'D': GitDiffStatus.deletion, 'M': GitDiffStatus.modification, 'R': GitDiffStatus.rename, 'T': GitDiffStatus.typechange, 'U': GitDiffStatus.unmerged, 'X': GitDiffStatus.unknown, 'O': GitDiffStatus.other, } # TODO Could be `StrEnum`, came with PY3.11
[docs] class GitContainerModificationType(Enum): new_commits = 'new commits' untracked_content = 'untracked content' modified_content = 'modified content'
[docs] @dataclass class GitDiffItem(GitTreeItem): """``GitTreeItem`` with "previous" property values given a state comparison """ prev_name: str | None = None prev_gitsha: str | None = None prev_gittype: GitTreeItemType | None = None status: GitDiffStatus | None = None percentage: int | None = None """This is the percentage of similarity for copy-status and rename-status diff items, and the percentage of dissimilarity for modifications.""" modification_types: tuple[GitContainerModificationType, ...] | None = None """Qualifiers for modification types of container-type items (directories, submodules).""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.status == GitDiffStatus.addition and self.gitsha is None: self.add_modification_type(GitContainerModificationType.modified_content) @cached_property def prev_path(self) -> PurePosixPath | None: """Returns the item ``prev_name`` as a ``PurePosixPath`` instance""" if self.prev_name is None: return None return PurePosixPath(self.prev_name)
[docs] def add_modification_type( self, value: GitContainerModificationType, ) -> None: if self.modification_types is None: self.modification_types = (value,) else: self.modification_types = (*self.modification_types, value)
[docs] def iter_gitdiff( path: Path, from_treeish: str | None, to_treeish: str | None, *, recursive: str = 'repository', find_renames: int | None = None, find_copies: int | None = None, yield_tree_items: str | None = None, eval_submodule_state: str = 'full', pathspecs: list[str] | GitPathSpecs | None = None, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: """Report differences between Git tree-ishes or tracked worktree content This function is a wrapper around the Git command ``diff-tree`` and ``diff-index``. Therefore most semantics also apply here. The main difference with respect to the Git commands are: 1) uniform support for non-recursive, single tree reporting (no subtrees); and 2) support for submodule recursion. Notes on 'no' recursion mode When comparing to the worktree, ``git diff-index`` always reports on subdirectories. For homogeneity with the report on a committed tree, a non-recursive mode emulation is implemented. It compresses all reports from a direct subdirectory into a single report on that subdirectory. The ``gitsha`` of that directory item will always be ``None``. Moreover, no type or typechange inspection, or further filesystem queries are performed. Therefore, ``prev_gittype`` will always be ``None``, and any change other than the addition of the directory will be labeled as a ``GitDiffStatus.modification``. Parameters ---------- path: Path Path of a directory in a Git repository to report on. This directory need not be the root directory of the repository, but must be part of the repository. If the directory is not the root directory of a non-bare repository, the iterator is constrained to items underneath that directory. from_treeish: str or None Git "tree-ish" that defines the comparison reference. If ``None``, ``to_treeeish`` must not be ``None`` (see its documentation for details). to_treeish: Git "tree-ish" that defines the comparison target. If ``None``, ``from_treeish`` must not be ``None``, and that tree-ish will be compared against the worktree. (see its documentation for details). If ``from_treeish`` is ``None``, the given tree-ish is compared to its immediate parents (see ``git diff-tree`` documentation for details). recursive: {'repository', 'submodules', 'no'}, optional Behavior for recursion into subtrees. By default (``repository``), all trees within the repository underneath ``path``) are reported, but no tree within submodules. With ``submodules``, recursion includes any submodule that is present. If ``no``, only direct children are reported on. find_renames: int, optional If given, this defines the similarity threshold for detecting renames (see ``git diff-{index,tree} --find-renames``). By default, no rename detection is done and reported items never have the ``rename`` status. Instead, a renames would be reported as a deletion and an addition. find_copied: int, optional If given, this defines the similarity threshold for detecting copies (see ``git diff-{index,tree} --find-copies``). By default, no copy detection is done and reported items never have the ``copy`` status. Instead, a copy would be reported as addition. This option always implies the use of the ``--find-copies-harder`` Git option that enables reporting of copy sources, even when they have not been modified in the same change. This is a very expensive operation for large projects, so use it with caution. yield_tree_items: {'submodules', 'directories', 'all', None}, optional Whether to yield an item on type of subtree that will also be recursed into. For example, a submodule item, when submodule recursion is enabled. When disabled, subtree items (directories, submodules) will still be reported whenever there is no recursion into them. For example, submodule items are reported when ``recursive='repository``, even when ``yield_tree_items=None``. eval_submodule_state: {"no", "commit", "full"}, optional If 'full' (default), the state of a submodule is evaluated by considering all modifications ('--ignore-submodules=none'). If 'commit', the modification check is restricted to comparing the submodule's "HEAD" commit to the one recorded in the superdataset ('--ignore-submodules=dirty'). If 'no', the state of the subdataset is not evaluated ('--ignore-submodules=all'). pathspecs: optional Patterns used to limit results to particular paths. Any pathspecs supported by Git can be used and are passed to the underlying ``git ls-files`` queries. Pathspecs are also supported for recursive reporting on submodules. In such a case, the results match those of individual queries with analog pathspecs on the respective submodules (Git itself does not support pathspecs for submodule-recursive operations). For example, a ``submodule`` recursion with a pathspec ``*.jpg`` will yield reports on all JPG files in all submodules, even though a submodule path itself does not match ``*.jpg``. On the other hand, a pathspec ``submoddir/*.jpg`` will only report on JPG files in the submodule at ``submoddir/``, but on all JPG files in that submodule. As of version 1.5, the pathspec support for submodule recursion is preliminary and results should be carefully investigated. Yields ------ :class:`GitDiffItem` The ``name`` and ``prev_name`` attributes of an item are a ``str`` with the corresponding (relative) path, as reported by Git (in POSIX conventions). """ # we force-convert to Path to give us the piece of mind we want. # The docs already ask for that, but it is easy to # forget/ignore and leads to non-obvious errors. Running this once is # a cheap safety net path = Path(path) _pathspecs = GitPathSpecs(pathspecs) processed_submodules: set[str] = set() for item in _iter_gitdiff( path=path, from_treeish=from_treeish, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=_pathspecs, ): # exclude non-submodules, or a submodule that was found at # the root path -- which would indicate that the submodule # itself it not around, only its record in the parent if recursive == 'submodules' \ and item.gittype == GitTreeItemType.submodule \ and not == '.': # mark as processed immediately, independent of whether anything # need to be reported processed_submodules.add( yield item # we may need to loop over the (remaining) submodules, because # with pathspecs there is a chance that a given pathspec set did not # match a submodule (directly) that could have content that matches a # pathspec if recursive == 'submodules' and _pathspecs: for item in _iter_gitdiff( path=path, from_treeish=from_treeish, to_treeish=to_treeish, # no need to double-recurse, we just need to discover all # submodules in the diff unconstrained by pathspecs recursive='repository', find_renames=None, find_copies=None, yield_tree_items=None, # we need to look at the recorded commit to get submodule # reports at all eval_submodule_state='commit', pathspecs=GitPathSpecs(None), ): if item.gittype != GitTreeItemType.submodule \ or in processed_submodules: # not a submodule or already reported on continue yield from _yield_from_submodule( basepath=path, subm=item, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=_pathspecs, )
def _iter_gitdiff( path: Path, from_treeish: str | None, to_treeish: str | None, *, recursive: str, find_renames: int | None, find_copies: int | None, yield_tree_items: str | None, eval_submodule_state: str, pathspecs: GitPathSpecs, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: cmd = _build_cmd( from_treeish=from_treeish, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=pathspecs, ) if cmd[0] == 'diff-index': # when we compare to the index, we need a refresh run to not have # something like plain mtime changes trigger modification reports # call_git([ 'update-index', # must come first, we recurse ourselves '--ignore-submodules', # we want to continue the refresh when the index need updating '-q', '--refresh', ], cwd=path) # when do we need to condense subdir reports into a single dir-report reported_dirs: set[str] = set() _single_dir = (cmd[0] == 'diff-index') and recursive == 'no' # diff-tree reports the compared tree when no from is given, we need # to skip that output below skip_first = (cmd[0] == 'diff-tree') and from_treeish is None pending_props = None for line in _git_diff_something(path, cmd): if skip_first: skip_first = False continue if pending_props: pending_props.append(line) if pending_props[4][0] in ('C', 'R'): # for copies and renames we expect a second path continue yield from _yield_diff_item( cwd=path, single_dir=_single_dir, spec=pending_props, reported_dirs=reported_dirs, from_treeish=from_treeish, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=pathspecs, ) pending_props = None elif line.startswith(':'): pending_props = line[1:].split(' ') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( 'we should not get here, unexpected diff output') if pending_props: # flush yield from _yield_diff_item( cwd=path, single_dir=_single_dir, spec=pending_props, reported_dirs=reported_dirs, from_treeish=from_treeish, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=pathspecs, ) def _build_cmd( *, from_treeish: str | None, to_treeish: str | None, recursive: str, find_renames: int | None, find_copies: int | None, yield_tree_items: str | None, eval_submodule_state: str, pathspecs: GitPathSpecs, ) -> list[str]: # from : to : description # --------------------------- # HEAD : None : compare to worktree, not with the index (diff-index) # HEAD~2 : HEAD : compare trees (diff-tree) # None : HEAD~2 : compare tree with its parents (diff-tree) # None : None : exception common_args: list[str] = [ '--no-rename-empty', # ignore changes above CWD '--relative', '--raw', '-z', ] if find_renames is not None: common_args.append(f'--find-renames={find_renames}%') if find_copies is not None: common_args.append(f'--find-copies={find_copies}%') # if someone wants to look for copies, we actually look # for copies. This is expensive, but IMHO is the one # thing that makes this useful # TODO possibly we only want to enable this when # find_copies==100 (exact copies), based on the assumption # that this is cheaper than reading all file content. # but if that is actually true remains to be tested common_args.append(f'--find-copies-harder') if eval_submodule_state == 'no': common_args.append('--ignore-submodules=all') elif eval_submodule_state == 'commit': common_args.append('--ignore-submodules=dirty') elif eval_submodule_state == 'full': common_args.append('--ignore-submodules=none') else: raise ValueError( f'unknown submodule evaluation mode {eval_submodule_state!r}') if from_treeish is None and to_treeish is None: raise ValueError( 'either `from_treeish` or `to_treeish` must not be None') elif to_treeish is None: assert from_treeish is not None cmd = ['diff-index', *common_args, from_treeish] else: # diff NOT against the working tree cmd = ['diff-tree', *common_args] if recursive in ('repository', 'submodules'): cmd.append('-r') if yield_tree_items in ('all', 'directories'): cmd.append('-t') if from_treeish is None: cmd.append(to_treeish) else: # two tree-ishes given cmd.extend((from_treeish, to_treeish)) # add disambiguation marker for pathspec. # even if we do not pass any, we get simpler error messages from Git cmd.append('--') cmd.extend(pathspecs.arglist()) return cmd def _get_diff_item(spec: list[str]) -> GitDiffItem: # this type annotation is a crutch, we'd really need # to do this properly props: dict[str, str | int | GitTreeItemType | GitDiffStatus | None] = {} props.update( (k, _mode_type_map.get(v, None)) for k, v in (('prev_gittype', spec[0]), ('gittype', spec[1])) ) props.update( (k, None if v == (40 * '0') else v) for k, v in (('prev_gitsha', spec[2]), ('gitsha', spec[3])) ) status = spec[4] props['status'] = _diffstatus_map[status[0]] if len(status) > 1: props['percentage'] = int(status[1:]) if status == 'A': # this is an addition, we want `name` in the right place props['name'] = spec[5] else: props['prev_name'] = spec[5] props['name'] = spec[6] if len(spec) > 6 else spec[5] # disable type checking here, we need # to do this properly return GitDiffItem(**props) # type: ignore def _yield_diff_item( *, cwd: Path, recursive: str, from_treeish: str | None, to_treeish: str | None, spec: list, single_dir: bool, reported_dirs: set, yield_tree_items: str | None, find_renames: int | None, find_copies: int | None, eval_submodule_state: str, pathspecs: GitPathSpecs, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: item = _get_diff_item(spec) if single_dir: # handle the special case of reporting only on the 1st-level # containing directory of an item. name = or item.prev_name # we cannot have items that have no name whatsoever assert name is not None # we decide on mangling the actual report to be on the containing # directory only, or to withhold it entirely dname_l = name.split('/', maxsplit=1) if len(dname_l) < 2: # nothing in a subdirectory yield item return dname = dname_l[0] if dname in reported_dirs: # nothing else todo, we already reported return reported_dirs.add(dname) yield _mangle_item_for_singledir(item, dname, from_treeish, cwd) return if item.gittype != GitTreeItemType.submodule: # any non-submodule item can be yielded now and we are done here yield item return # this is about a present submodule if item.status == GitDiffStatus.modification: if item.gitsha is None: # in 'git diff-index' speak the submodule is "out-of-sync" with # the index: this happens when there are new commits item.add_modification_type( GitContainerModificationType.new_commits) # TODO we cannot give details for other modification types. # depending on --ignore-submodules a range of situations # could be the case #else: # # this modification means that "content" is modified # item.add_modification_type( # GitContainerModificationType.modified_content) if recursive != 'submodules': # no submodule recursion, we can yield this submodule item # directly yield item return if yield_tree_items in ('all', 'submodules'): # we are instructed to yield this submodule item, but if we are going # to recurse into it, continuing to use the item instance for # queries. Hence we yield a copy here to avoid data corruption yield deepcopy(item) if recursive == 'submodules' else item if recursive == 'submodules': yield from _yield_from_submodule( basepath=cwd, subm=item, to_treeish=to_treeish, recursive=recursive, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=pathspecs, ) def _yield_from_submodule( *, basepath: Path, subm: GitDiffItem, to_treeish: str | None, recursive: str, yield_tree_items: str | None, find_renames: int | None, find_copies: int | None, eval_submodule_state: str, pathspecs: GitPathSpecs, ) -> Generator[GitDiffItem, None, None]: # I believe we need no protection against absent submodules. # The only way they can appear here is a reported modification. # The only modification that is possible with an absent submodule # is a deletion. And that would cause the item.gittype to be None # -- a condition that is caught above subm_name = PurePosixPath( subm_pathspecs = pathspecs if pathspecs: # recode pathspecs to match the submodule scope try: subm_pathspecs = pathspecs.for_subdir(subm_name) except ValueError: # not a single pathspec could be translated, there is # no chance for a match, we can stop here return for i in iter_gitdiff( basepath / subm_name, # we never want to pass None here # if `prev_gitsha` is None, it means that the # submodule record is new, and we want its full # content reported. Passing None, however, # would only report the change to the current # state. from_treeish=subm.prev_gitsha or PRE_INIT_COMMIT_SHA, # when comparing the parent to the worktree, we # also want to compare any children to the worktree to_treeish=None if to_treeish is None else subm.gitsha, # pass on the common args recursive=recursive, yield_tree_items=yield_tree_items, find_renames=find_renames, find_copies=find_copies, eval_submodule_state=eval_submodule_state, pathspecs=subm_pathspecs, ): # prepend any item name with the parent items # name for attr in ('name', 'prev_name'): val = getattr(i, attr) if val is not None: setattr(i, attr, f'{}/{val}') yield i def _mangle_item_for_singledir( item: GitDiffItem, dname: str, from_treeish: str | None, cwd: Path, ) -> GitDiffItem: # at this point we have a change report on subdirectory content # we only get here when comparing `from_treeish` to the worktree. = dname # non-committed change -> no SHA (this ignored the index, # like we do elsewhere too) item.gitsha = None item.gittype = try: item.prev_gitsha = call_git_oneline( ['rev-parse', '-q', f'{from_treeish}:./{dname}'], cwd=cwd, ) # if we get here, we know that the name was valid in # `from_treeish` too item.prev_name = dname # it would require more calls to figure out the mode and infer # a possible type change. For now, we do not go there item.prev_gittype = None item.status = GitDiffStatus.modification except CommandError: # the was nothing with this name in `from_treeish`, but now # it exists. We compare to the worktree, but not any untracked # content -- this means that we likely compare across multiple # states and the directory become tracked after `from_treeish`. # let's call it an addition item.prev_gitsha = None item.prev_gittype = None item.status = GitDiffStatus.addition return item def _git_diff_something(path: Path, args: List[str]) -> Iterator[str]: with iter_git_subproc([*args], cwd=path) as r: yield from itemize( decode_bytes(r), sep='\0', keep_ends=False, )