# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
# See LICENSE file distributed along with the datalad_osf package for the
# copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
"""Credential management and query"""
# allow for |-type UnionType declarations
from __future__ import annotations
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
__all__ = ['CredentialManager']
from collections.abc import Set
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import re
from typing import (
import datalad
from datalad_next.config import ConfigManager
from datalad_next.exceptions import (
from datalad_next.uis import ui_switcher as ui
lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.credman')
class CredentialManager(object):
"""Facility to get, set, remove and query credentials.
A credential in this context is a set of properties (key-value pairs)
associated with exactly one secret.
At present, the only backend for secret storage is the Python keyring
package, as interfaced via a custom DataLad wrapper. Store for credential
properties is implemented using DataLad's (i.e. Git's) configuration
system. All properties are stored in the `global` (i.e., user) scope
under configuration items following the pattern::
where ``<name>`` is a credential name/identifier, and ``<property>`` is an
arbitrarily named credential property, whose name must follow the
git-config syntax for variable names (case-insensitive, only alphanumeric
characters and ``-``, and must start with an alphabetic character).
Create a ``CredentialManager`` instance is fast, virtually no
initialization needs to be performed. All internal properties are lazily
evaluated. This facilitates usage in code where it is difficult to
incorporate a long-lived central instance.
With one exception, all parameter names of methods in the core API
outside ``**kwargs`` must have a ``_`` prefix that distinguishes credential
properties from method parameters. The one exception is the ``name``
parameter, which is used as a primary identifier (albeit being optional
for some operations).
The ``obtain()`` method is provided as an additional convenience, and
implements a standard workflow for obtaining a credential in a wide variety
of scenarios (credential name, credential properties, secret either
respectively already known or yet unknown).
valid_property_names_regex = re.compile(r'[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9-]*$')
secret_names = {
'user_password': 'password',
def __init__(self, cfg: ConfigManager | None = None):
cfg: ConfigManager, optional
If given, all configuration queries are performed using this
``ConfigManager`` instance. Otherwise ``datalad.cfg`` is used.
self.__cfg = cfg
self.__cred_types = None
self.__keyring = None
# main API
# Design remark:
# This is the keyhole through which any retrieval-related processing goes
# (get, query, obtain). Any normalization performed in here will
# automatically also effect these other operations.
def get(self, name=None, *, _prompt=None, _type_hint=None, **kwargs):
"""Get properties and secret of a credential.
This is a read-only method that never modifies information stored
on a credential in any backend.
Credential property lookup is supported via a number approaches. When
providing ``name``, all existing corresponding configuration items are
found and reported, and an existing secret is retrieved from name-based
secret backends (presently ``keyring``). When providing a ``type``
property or a ``_type_hint`` the lookup of additional properties in the
keyring-backend is enabled, using predefined property name lists
for a number of known credential types.
For all given property keys that have no value assigned after the
initial lookup, manual/interactive entry is attempted, whenever
a custom ``_prompt`` was provided. This include requesting a secret.
If manually entered information is contained in the return credential
record, the record contains an additional ``_edited`` property with a
value of ``True``.
If no secret is known after lookup and a potential manual data entry,
a plain ``None`` is returned instead of a full credential record.
name: str, optional
Name of the credential to be retrieved
_prompt: str or None
Instructions for credential entry to be displayed when missing
properties are encountered. If ``None``, manual entry is disabled.
_type_hint: str or None
In case no ``type`` property is included in ``kwargs``, this parameter
is used to determine a credential type, to possibly enable further
lookup/entry of additional properties for a known credential type
Credential property name/value pairs to overwrite/amend potentially
existing properties. For any property with a value
of ``None``, manual data entry will be performed, unless a value
could be retrieved on lookup, or prompting was not enabled.
dict or None
Return ``None``, if no secret for the credential was found or entered.
Otherwise returns the complete credential record, comprising all
properties and the secret. An additional ``_edited`` key with a
value of ``True`` is added whenever the returned record contains
manually entered information.
When the method is called without any information that could be
used to identify a credential
if name is None and _type_hint is None and not kwargs:
# there is no chance that this could work
raise ValueError(
'CredentialManager.get() called without any identifying '
if name is None:
# there is no chance we can retrieve any stored properties
# but we can prompt for some below
cred = {}
# if we have a chance to query for stored legacy credentials
# we do this first to have the more modern parts of the
# system overwrite them reliably
cred = self._get_legacy_credential_from_keyring(
type_hint=kwargs.get('type', _type_hint),
) or {}
# and now take whatever we got from the legacy store and update
# it from what we have in the config
cred_update = self._get_credential_from_cfg(name)
if set(cred_update.keys()) >= set(
k for k in cred.keys() if k != '_from_backend'):
# we are overwriting all info from a possible legacy credential
# take marker off
cred.pop('_from_backend', None)
# we merge existing credential properties with overrides.
# we are only adding 'enter-please' markers (i.e. None) for properties
# that have no known value yet
cred.update(**{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()
if v is not None or k not in cred})
# final word on the credential type, if there is any type info at all
# `cred` will have a `type` property after this
self._assign_credential_type(cred, _type_hint)
# determine what is missing and possibly prompt for it
self._complete_credential_props(name, cred, _prompt)
if not cred.get('secret'):
# no secret, no credential
if any(not p.startswith('_') for p in cred):
'Not reporting on credential fragment '
'(name=%r) with no secret: %r',
name, cred,
return cred
def set(self,
"""Set credential properties and secret
Presently, all supported backends require the specification of
a credential ``name`` for storage. This may change in the future,
when support for alternative backends is added, at which point
the ``name`` parameter would become optional.
All properties provided as `kwargs` with keys not starting with `_` and
with values that are not ``None`` will be stored. If ``kwargs`` do not
contain a ``secret`` specification, manual entry will be attempted. The
associated prompt with be either the name of the ``secret`` field of a
known credential (as identified via a ``type`` property), or the label
All properties with an associated value of ``None`` will be removed
name: str or None
Credential name. If None, the name will be prompted for and setting
the credential is skipped if no name is provided.
_lastused: bool, optional
If set, automatically add an additional credential property
``'last-used'`` with the current timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
_suggested_name: str, optional
If `name` is None, this name (if given) is presented as a default
suggestion that can be accepted without having to enter it manually.
If this name suggestion conflicts with an existing credential, it
is ignored and not presented as a suggestion.
_context: str, optional
If given, will be included in the prompt for a missing credential
name to provide context for a user. It should be written to fit
into a parenthical statement after "Enter a name to save the
credential (...)", e.g. "for download from <URL>".
Any number of credential property key/value pairs to set (update),
or remove. With one exception, values of ``None`` indicate removal
of a property from a credential. However, ``secret=None`` does not
lead to the removal of a credential's secret, because it would
result in an incomplete credential. Instead, it will cause a
credential's effective ``secret`` property to be written to the
secret store. The effective secret might come from other sources,
such as particular configuration scopes or environment variables
(i.e., matching the ``datalad.credential.<name>.secret``
configuration item.
Properties whose names start with an underscore are automatically
removed prior storage.
dict or None
key/values of all modified credential properties with respect
to their previously recorded values. None is returned in case
a user did not enter a missing credential name. If a user entered
a credential name, it is included in the returned dictionary
under the 'name' key.
This exception is raised whenever a property cannot be removed
successfully. Likely cause is that it is defined in a configuration
scope or backend for which write-access is not supported.
When property names in kwargs are not syntax-compliant.
updated = {}
if not name:
known_credentials = self._get_known_credential_names()
if _suggested_name in known_credentials:
# ignore name suggestion, conflicts with existing credential
_suggested_name = None
prompt = 'Enter a name to save the credential'
if _context:
prompt = f'{prompt} ({_context})'
prompt = f"{prompt} securely for future reuse, " \
"or 'skip' to not save the credential"
if _suggested_name:
prompt = f'{prompt}, or leave empty to accept the name ' \
while not name:
entered = self._ask_property('name', prompt=prompt)
if entered == 'skip':
elif entered is None:
# the user was no able to enter a value (non-interactive
# session). we raise to not let this go unnoticed.
raise ValueError('no credential name provided for setting')
elif not entered:
if not _suggested_name:
ui.message('Cannot proceed without a credential name')
# otherwise take the default
entered = _suggested_name
if entered in known_credentials:
f'A credential with the name {entered!r} already '
'exists, please provide a different name.')
name = entered
updated['name'] = name
# we strip internal properties, such as '_edited' automatically
# forcing each caller to to this by hand is kinda pointless, if
# they can never be stored anyway, and e.g. a previous `get()`
# would include one for any credentials that was manually entered
kwargs = self._strip_internal_properties(kwargs)
# check syntax for the rest
# retrieve the previous credential state, so we can merge with the
# incremental changes, and report on effective updates
prev_cred = self.get(
# we never want any manual interaction at this point
# if we know the type, hence we can do a query for legacy secrets
# and properties. This will migrate them to the new setup
# over time
# merge incoming with existing properties to create an updated
# credential
if prev_cred:
prev_cred = self._strip_internal_properties(prev_cred)
cred = dict(prev_cred, **kwargs)
cred = dict(kwargs)
# update last-used, if requested
if _lastused:
cred['last-used'] = datetime.now().isoformat()
# remove props
remove_props = [
k for k, v in cred.items()
# can we really know that no 'secret' field was deposited
# in the config backend? MIH does not think so. However,
# secret=None has special semantics (update secret store
# from config), hence we cannot use it to perform removal
# of secrets from config here.
# MIH did not find a rational for this setup. It was already
# part of the original implementation. At least this is
# documented in the `kwargs` docstring now.
if v is None and k != 'secret']
self._unset_credprops_anyscope(name, remove_props)
updated.update(**{k: None for k in remove_props})
# set non-secret props
set_props = {
k: v for k, v in cred.items()
if v is not None and k != 'secret'
for k, v in set_props.items():
var = _get_cred_cfg_var(name, k)
if self._cfg.get(var) == v:
# desired value already exists, we are not
# storing again to preserve the scope it
# was defined in
# we always write to the global scope (ie. user config)
# credentials are typically a personal, not a repository
# specific entity -- likewise secrets go into a personal
# not repository-specific store
# for custom needs users can directly set the respective
# config
self._cfg.set(var, v, scope='global', force=True, reload=False)
updated[k] = v
if set_props:
# set secret
# we aim to update the secret in the store, hence we must
# query for a previous setting in order to reliably report
# updates
prev_secret = self._get_secret(prev_cred) if prev_cred else None
if 'secret' not in cred:
# we have no removal directive, reuse previous secret
cred['secret'] = prev_secret
if cred.get('secret') is None:
# we want to reset the secret, consider active config
# (which was already queried when retrieving the previous
# credential above)
cred['secret'] = prev_secret
if cred.get('secret') is None:
# we have no secret specified or in the store already: ask
# typically we would end up here with an explicit attempt
# to set a credential in a context that is known to an
# interactive user, hence the messaging here can be simple
cred['secret'] = self._ask_secret(
CredentialManager.secret_names.get(cred.get('type'), 'secret'))
# at this point we will have a secret. it could be from ENV
# or provided, or entered. we always want to put it in the
# store
# we never ever write a secret to any other field-name than
# 'secret'
if cred['secret'] != self._keyring.get(name, 'secret'):
# only report updated if actually different from before.
# and "before" is what was in the secret store, because
# we will write to it next. A secret could have been
# provided via an ENV var, hence even with no change from
# `prev_cred` there could be a change in the secret store
updated['secret'] = cred['secret']
# TODO make sure that there actually is a secret that is written
# and not None
self._keyring.set(name, 'secret', cred['secret'])
return updated
def remove(self, name, *, type_hint=None):
"""Remove a credential, including all properties and secret
Presently, all supported backends require the specification of
a credential ``name`` for lookup. This may change in the future,
when support for alternative backends is added, at which point
the ``name`` parameter would become optional, and additional
parameters would be added.
True if a credential was removed, and False if not (because
no respective credential was found).
This exception is raised whenever a property cannot be removed
successfully. Likely cause is that it is defined in a configuration
scope or backend for which write-access is not supported.
# prefix for all config variables of this credential
prefix = _get_cred_cfg_var(name, '')
to_remove = [
k[len(prefix):] for k in self._cfg.keys()
if k.startswith(prefix)
removed = False
if to_remove:
self._unset_credprops_anyscope(name, to_remove)
removed = True
# delete the secret from the keystore, if there is any
def del_field(name, field):
global removed
self._keyring.delete(name, field)
removed = True
except Exception as e:
if self._keyring.get(name, field) is None:
# whatever it was, the target is reached
# we could not delete the field
raise # pragma: nocover
del_field(name, 'secret')
if type_hint:
# remove legacy records too
for field in self._cred_types.get(
type_hint, {}).get('fields', []):
del_field(name, field)
return removed
def query_(self, **kwargs):
"""Query for all (matching) credentials.
Credentials are yielded in no particular order.
This method cannot find credentials for which only a secret
was deposited in the keyring.
This method does support lookup of credentials defined in DataLad's
"provider" configurations.
If not given, any found credential is yielded. Otherwise,
any credential must match all property name/value
tuple(str, dict)
The first element in the tuple is the credential name, the second
element is the credential record as returned by ``get()`` for any
matching credential.
done = set()
known_credentials = set((n, None) for n in self._get_known_credential_names())
from itertools import chain
for name, legacy_type_hint in chain(
cred = self.get(name, _prompt=None, _type_hint=legacy_type_hint)
if not cred and legacy_type_hint:
# this legacy-type credential is not set. We still want to
# report on it, because it is the only way for users that
# discover these predefined credential "slots"
cred = dict(type=legacy_type_hint)
if legacy_type_hint is not None:
# leading underscore to distinguish this internal marker from
# an actual credential property.
# the credentials command will then also treat it as such
cred['_from_backend'] = 'legacy'
if not cred:
# no info on such a credential, not even legacy info
# ignore
if not kwargs:
yield (name, cred)
if all(cred.get(k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items()):
yield (name, cred)
def query(self, *, _sortby=None, _reverse=True, **kwargs):
"""Query for all (matching) credentials, sorted by a property
This method is a companion of ``query_()``, and the same limitations
regarding credential discovery apply.
In contrast to ``query_()``, this method return a list instead of
yielding credentials one by one. This returned list is optionally
_sortby: str, optional
Name of a credential property to provide a value to sort by.
Credentials that do not carry the specified property always
sort last, regardless of sort order.
_reverse: bool, optional
Flag whether to sort ascending or descending when sorting.
By default credentials are return in descending property
value order. This flag does not impact the fact that credentials
without the property to sort by always sort last.
Pass on as-is to ``query_()``
list(str, dict)
Each item is a 2-tuple. The first element in each tuple is the
credential name, the second element is the credential record
as returned by ``get()`` for any matching credential.
matches = self.query_(**kwargs)
if _sortby is None:
return list(matches)
# this makes sure that any credential that does not have the
# sort-by property name sorts to the very end of the list
# regardless of whether the sorting is ascending or descending
def get_sort_key(x):
# x is a tuple as returned by query_()
prop_indicator = _sortby in x[1]
if not _reverse:
prop_indicator = not prop_indicator
return (prop_indicator, x[1].get(_sortby))
return sorted(matches, key=get_sort_key, reverse=_reverse)
def obtain(self,
name: str | None = None,
prompt: str | None = None,
type_hint: str | None = None,
query_props: Dict | None = None,
expected_props: List | Tuple | None = None):
"""Obtain a credential by query or prompt (if needed)
This convenience method implements a standard workflow to obtain a
credential. It supports credential selection by credential
name/identifier, and falls back onto querying for a credential matching
a set of specified properties (as key-value mappings). If no suitable
credential is known, a user is prompted to enter one interactively (if
possible in the current session).
If a credential was entered manually, any given ``type_hint`` will
be included as a ``type`` property of the returned credential, and
the returned credential has an ``_edited=True`` property.
Likewise, any ``realm`` property included in the ``query_props``
is included in the returned credential in this case.
If desired, a credential workflow can be completed, after a credential
was found to be valid/working, by storing or updating it in the
credential store::
cm = CredentialManager()
cname, cprops = cm.obtain(...)
# verify credential is working
# set/update
cm.set(cname, _lastused=True, **cprops)
In the code sketch above, if ``cname`` is ``None`` (as it will be for
a newly entered credential, ``set()`` will prompt for a name to store
the credential under, and will offer a user the choice to skip storing
a credential. For any previously known credential, the ``last-used``
property will be updated to enable preferred selection in future
credential discovery attempts via ``obtain()``.
Minimal call to get a credential entered (manually)::
credman.obtain(type_hint='token', prompt='Credential please!')
Without a prompt text no interaction is attempted, and without a type
hint it is unknown what (and how much) to enter.
Minimal call to retrieve a credential by its identifier::
Minimal call to retrieve the last-used credential for a particular
authentication "realm". In this case "realm" is a property that was
previously set to match a particular service/location, and is now used
to match credentials against::
credman.obtain(query_props={'realm': 'mysecretlair'})
name: str, optional
Name of the credential to be retrieved
prompt: str, optional
Passed to ``CredentialManager.get()`` if a credential name was
provided, or no suitable credential could be found by querying.
type_hint: str, optional
In case no ``type`` property is included in ``query_props``,
this parameter is passed to ``CredentialManager.get()``.
query_props: dict, optional
Credential property to be used for querying for a suitable
credential. When multiple credentials match a query, the last-used
credential is selected.
expected_props: list or tuple, optional
When specified, a credential will be inspected to contain properties
matching all listed property names, or a ``ValueError`` will be
(str, dict)
Credential name (possibly different from the input, when a credential
was discovered based on properties), and credential properties.
Raised when no matching credential could be found and none was
entered. Also raised, when a credential selected from a query result
or a manually entered one is missing any of the properties with a
name given in ``expected_props``.
cred = None
if not name:
if query_props:
creds = self.query(_sortby='last-used', **(query_props or {}))
if creds:
name, cred = creds[0]
if not cred:
kwargs = dict(
# name could be none
cred = self.get(**kwargs)
# check if we know the realm, if so include in the credential,
realm = (query_props or {}).get('realm')
if realm:
cred['realm'] = realm
if name is None and type_hint:
# we are not expecting to retrieve a particular credential.
# make the type hint the actual type of the credential
cred['type'] = type_hint
except Exception as e:
lgr.debug('Obtaining credential failed: %s', e)
if not cred:
raise ValueError('No suitable credential found or specified')
missing_props = [
ep for ep in (expected_props or []) if ep not in cred
if any(missing_props):
raise ValueError(
'No suitable credential or specified '
f'(missing properties: {missing_props})')
return name, cred
# internal helpers
def _strip_internal_properties(self, cred: Dict) -> Dict:
return {k: v for k, v in cred.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
def _assign_credential_type(self, cred, _type_hint=None):
"""Set 'type' property (in-place)"""
_type_hint = cred.get('type', _type_hint)
if _type_hint:
cred['type'] = _type_hint
# if we get here, we don't know what type this is
# let's derive one for a few clear-cut cases where we can be
# reasonable sure what type a credential is
if set(cred) == set(('token',)):
# all we have is a token property -- very likely a token-type
# credential. Move the token to the secret property and
# assign the type
cred['type'] = 'token'
cred['secret'] = cred.pop('token')
def _complete_credential_props(
self, name: str,
cred: Dict,
prompt: str | None,
) -> None:
"""Determine missing credential properties, and fill them in
What properties are missing is determined based on credential
type info, and their values will be prompted for (if a prompt
was provided).
The given credential is modified in place.
cred_type = cred.get('type')
# import the definition of expected fields from the known
# credential types
cred_type_def = self._cred_types.get(
dict(fields=[], secret=None))
required_fields = cred_type_def['fields'] or []
secret_field = cred_type_def['secret']
# mark required fields for this credential type
for k in required_fields:
if k == secret_field:
# do nothing, if this is the secret key
if k in cred:
# do nothing if we have an incoming value for this key already
# otherwise make sure we prompt for the essential
# fields
cred[k] = None
# - prompt for required but missing prompts
# - retrieve a secret
prompted = False
entered = {}
for k, v in cred.items():
if k in ('secret', secret_field):
# a secret is either held in a 'secret' field, or in a dedicated field
# defined by the cred_type_def. Both are handled below
# handled below
if prompt and v is None:
# prevent double-prompting for entering a series of properties
# of the same credential
v = self._ask_property(k, None if prompted else prompt)
if v is not None:
prompted = True
if v:
entered[k] = v
# bulk merged, cannot do in-loop above, because we iterate over items()
# extract the secret, from the assembled properties or a secret store
secret = self._get_secret(cred, name=name, secret_field=secret_field)
if prompt and secret is None:
secret = self._ask_secret(
prompt=None if prompted else prompt,
if secret:
prompted = True
if secret:
cred['secret'] = secret
# report whether there were any edits to the credential record
# (incl. being entirely new), such that consumers can decide
# to save a credentials, once battle-tested
if prompted:
cred['_edited'] = True
def _get_credential_from_cfg(self, name: str) -> Dict:
var_prefix = _get_cred_cfg_var(name, '')
return {
k[len(var_prefix):]: v
for k, v in self._cfg.items()
if k.startswith(var_prefix)
def _get_known_credential_names(self) -> Set[str]:
known_credentials = set(
'.'.join(k.split('.')[2:-1]) for k in self._cfg.keys()
if k.startswith('datalad.credential.')
return known_credentials
def _ask_property(self, name, prompt=None):
if not ui.is_interactive:
lgr.debug('Cannot ask for credential property %r in non-interactive session', name)
return ui.question(name, title=prompt)
def _ask_secret(self, type_hint=None, prompt=None):
if not ui.is_interactive:
lgr.debug('Cannot ask for credential secret in non-interactive session')
return ui.question(
type_hint or 'secret',
def _unset_credprops_anyscope(self, name, keys):
"""Reloads the config after unsetting all relevant variables
This method does not modify the keystore.
nonremoved_vars = []
for k in keys:
var = _get_cred_cfg_var(name, k)
if var not in self._cfg:
self._cfg.unset(var, scope='global', reload=False)
except CommandError as e:
self._cfg.unset(var, scope='local', reload=False)
except CommandError as e:
if nonremoved_vars:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Cannot remove configuration items {nonremoved_vars} "
f"for credential, defined outside global or local "
"configuration scope. Remove manually")
def _get_legacy_credential_from_keyring(
name: str,
type_hint: str | None,
) -> Dict | None:
"""With a ``type_hint`` given or determined from a known legacy
credential, attempts to retrieve a credential
comprised of all fields defined in ``self._cred_types``. Otherwise
``None`` is returned.
if not type_hint:
# no type hint given in any form. Last chance is that
# this is a known legacy credential.
# doing this query is a bit expensive, but getting a
# credential is not a high-performance procedure, and
# the gain in convenience is substantial -- otherwise
# users would need to somehow know what they should be
# looking for
type_hint = dict(_yield_legacy_credential_types()).get(name)
if not type_hint or type_hint not in self._cred_types:
return None
cred = {}
lc = self._cred_types[type_hint]
for field in (lc['fields'] or []):
if field == lc['secret']:
val = self._keyring.get(name, field)
if val:
# legacy credentials used property names with underscores,
# but this is no longer syntax-compliant -- fix on read
cred[field.replace('_', '-')] = val
if not cred:
# there is nothing on a legacy credential with this name
return None
# at least some info came from the legacy backend, record that
cred['_from_backend'] = 'legacy'
cred['type'] = type_hint
return cred
def _get_secret(
cred: Dict,
name: str | None = None,
secret_field: str | None = None,
) -> str | None:
"""Report a secret
Either directly from the set of credential properties, or from a
secret store.
# from literal 'secret' property
secret = cred.get('secret')
if secret:
return secret
# from secret store under 'secret' label
if name:
secret = self._keyring.get(name, 'secret')
if secret:
return secret
# `secret_field` property
if secret_field:
secret = cred.get(secret_field)
if secret:
return secret
# from secret store under `secret_field` label
if name and secret_field:
secret = self._keyring.get(name, secret_field)
if secret:
return secret
# no secret found anywhere
return None
def _cfg(self):
"""Return a ConfigManager given to __init__() or the global datalad.cfg
if self.__cfg:
return self.__cfg
return datalad.cfg
def _keyring(self):
"""Returns the DataLad keyring wrapper
This internal property may vanish whenever changes to the supported
backends are made.
if self.__keyring:
return self.__keyring
from datalad.support.keyring_ import keyring
self.__keyring = keyring
return keyring
def _cred_types(self):
"""Internal property for mapping of credential type names to fields.
Legacy credential type name ('token', 'user_password', etc.) as keys,
and dictionaries as values. Each of these dicts has two keys:
'fields' (the complete list of "fields" that the credential
comprises), and 'secret' (the name of the field that represents the
secret. If there is no secret, the value associated with that key is
# at present the credential type specifications are built from the
# legacy credential types, but this may change at any point in the
# future
# here is what that was in Mar 2022
# 'user_password': {'fields': ['user', 'password'],
# 'secret': 'password'},
# 'token': {'fields': ['token'], 'secret': 'token'},
# 'git': {'fields': ['user', 'password'], 'secret': 'password'}
# 'aws-s3': {'fields': ['key_id', 'secret_id', 'session', 'expiration'],
# 'secret': 'secret_id'},
# 'nda-s3': {'fields': None, 'secret': None},
# 'loris-token': {'fields': None, 'secret': None},
if self.__cred_types:
return self.__cred_types
from datalad.downloaders import CREDENTIAL_TYPES
mapping = {}
for cname, ctype in CREDENTIAL_TYPES.items():
secret_fields = [
f for f in (ctype._FIELDS or {})
if ctype._FIELDS[f].get('hidden')
mapping[cname] = dict(
fields=list(ctype._FIELDS.keys()) if ctype._FIELDS else None,
secret=secret_fields[0] if secret_fields else None,
# an implementation-independent s3-style credential (with the aim to
# also work for MinIO and Ceph)
mapping['s3'] = dict(
# use boto-style names, but strip "aws" prefix, and redundant
# non-distinguishing 'key' and 'access' terms
fields=['key', 'secret'],
self.__cred_types = mapping
return mapping
def _yield_legacy_credential_types():
# query is constrained by non-secrets, no constraints means report all
# a constraint means *exact* match on all given properties
from datalad.downloaders.providers import (
type_hints = {v: k for k, v in CREDENTIAL_TYPES.items()}
# ATTN: from Providers.from_config_files() is sensitive to the PWD
# it will only read legacy credentials from datasets whenever
# PWD is inside a dataset
legacy_credentials = set(
(p.credential.name, type(p.credential))
# without reload, no changes in files since the last call
# will be considered. That last call might have happened
# in datalad-core, and may have been in another directory
for p in Providers.from_config_files(reload=True)
if p.credential
for name, type_ in legacy_credentials:
yield (name, type_hints.get(type_))
def verify_property_names(names):
"""Check credential property names for syntax-compliance.
names: iterable
When any non-compliant property names were found
invalid_names = [
k for k in names
if not CredentialManager.valid_property_names_regex.match(k)
if invalid_names:
raise ValueError(
f'Unsupported property names {invalid_names}, '
'must match git-config variable syntax (a-z0-9 and - characters)')
def _get_cred_cfg_var(name, prop):
"""Return a config variable name for a credential property
name : str
Credential name
prop : str
Property name
return f'datalad.credential.{name}.{prop}'