# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# ex: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
# See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
# copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
"""Miscellaneous utilities to assist with testing"""
import base64
import lzma
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.queues
import ssl
import textwrap
from difflib import unified_diff
from functools import lru_cache
from http.server import (
from json import dumps
from unittest import SkipTest
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
import datalad.utils as ut
from datalad import cfg as dl_cfg
from datalad import utils
from datalad.cmd import (
from datalad.consts import ARCHIVES_TEMP_DIR
from datalad.dochelpers import borrowkwargs
from datalad.support.external_versions import (
from datalad.support.keyring_ import MemoryKeyring
from datalad.support.network import RI
from datalad.support.vcr_ import *
# TODO this must go
from datalad.utils import *
# temp paths used by clones
# Additional indicators
on_travis = bool(os.environ.get('TRAVIS', False))
on_appveyor = bool(os.environ.get('APPVEYOR', False))
on_github = bool(os.environ.get('GITHUB_ACTION', False))
on_nfs = 'nfs' in os.getenv('TMPDIR', '')
if external_versions["cmd:git"] >= "2.28":
# The specific value here doesn't matter, but it should not be the default
# from any Git version to test that we work with custom values.
DEFAULT_BRANCH = "dl-test-branch" # Set by setup_package().
if external_versions["cmd:git"] >= "2.30.0":
# The specific value here doesn't matter, but it should not be the default
# from any Git version to test that we work with custom values.
DEFAULT_REMOTE = "dl-test-remote" # Set by setup_package().
def attr(name):
return getattr(pytest.mark, name)
def assert_equal(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first == second
assert first == second, msg
def assert_false(expr, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert not expr
assert not expr, msg
def assert_greater(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first > second
assert first > second, msg
def assert_greater_equal(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first >= second
assert first >= second, msg
def assert_in(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first in second
assert first in second, msg
in_ = assert_in
def assert_is(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first is second
assert first is second, msg
def assert_is_instance(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert isinstance(first, second)
assert isinstance(first, second), msg
def assert_is_none(expr, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert expr is None
assert expr is None, msg
def assert_is_not(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first is not second
assert first is not second, msg
def assert_is_not_none(expr, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert expr is not None
assert expr is not None, msg
def assert_not_equal(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first != second
assert first != second, msg
def assert_not_in(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert first not in second
assert first not in second, msg
def assert_not_is_instance(first, second, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert not isinstance(first, second)
assert not isinstance(first, second), msg
assert_raises = pytest.raises
assert_set_equal = assert_equal
def assert_true(expr, msg=None):
if msg is None:
assert expr
assert expr, msg
eq_ = assert_equal
ok_ = assert_true
# additional shortcuts
neq_ = assert_not_equal
nok_ = assert_false
lgr = logging.getLogger("datalad.tests.utils_pytest")
def skip_if_no_module(module):
# Using pytest.importorskip here won't always work, as some imports (e.g.,
# libxmp) can fail with exceptions other than ImportError
imp = __import__(module)
except Exception as exc:
pytest.skip("Module %s fails to load" % module, allow_module_level=True)
def skip_if_scrapy_without_selector():
"""A little helper to skip some tests which require recent scrapy"""
import scrapy
from scrapy.selector import Selector
except ImportError:
"scrapy misses Selector (too old? version: %s)"
% getattr(scrapy, '__version__'))
def skip_if_url_is_not_available(url, regex=None):
# verify that dataset is available
from datalad.downloaders.base import DownloadError
from datalad.downloaders.providers import Providers
providers = Providers.from_config_files()
content = providers.fetch(url)
if regex and re.search(regex, content):
pytest.skip("%s matched %r -- skipping the test" % (url, regex))
except DownloadError:
pytest.skip("%s failed to download" % url)
def check_not_generatorfunction(func):
"""Internal helper to verify that we are not decorating generator tests"""
if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
raise RuntimeError("{}: must not be decorated, is a generator test"
def skip_if_no_network(func=None):
"""Skip test completely in NONETWORK settings
If not used as a decorator, and just a function, could be used at the module level
def check_and_raise():
if dl_cfg.get('datalad.tests.nonetwork'):
pytest.skip("Skipping since no network settings", allow_module_level=True)
if func:
def _wrap_skip_if_no_network(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_if_no_network
def skip_if_on_windows(func=None):
"""Skip test completely under Windows
def check_and_raise():
if on_windows:
pytest.skip("Skipping on Windows")
if func:
def _wrap_skip_if_on_windows(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_if_on_windows
def skip_if_root(func=None):
"""Skip test if uid == 0.
Note that on Windows (or anywhere else `os.geteuid` is not available) the
test is _not_ skipped.
def check_and_raise():
if hasattr(os, "geteuid") and os.geteuid() == 0:
pytest.skip("Skipping: test assumptions fail under root")
if func:
def _wrap_skip_if_root(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_if_root
def skip_if(func, cond=True, msg=None, method='raise'):
"""Skip test for specific condition
cond: bool
condition on which to skip
msg: str
message to print if skipping
method: str
either 'raise' or 'pass'. Whether to skip by raising `SkipTest` or by
just proceeding and simply not calling the decorated function.
This is particularly meant to be used, when decorating single assertions
in a test with method='pass' in order to not skip the entire test, but
just that assertion.
def _wrap_skip_if(*args, **kwargs):
if cond:
if method == 'raise':
pytest.skip(msg if msg else "condition was True")
elif method == 'pass':
print(msg if msg else "condition was True")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_if
def skip_ssh(func):
"""Skips SSH tests if on windows or if environment variable
def _wrap_skip_ssh(*args, **kwargs):
test_ssh = dl_cfg.get("datalad.tests.ssh", '')
if not test_ssh or test_ssh in ('0', 'false', 'no'):
raise SkipTest("Run this test by setting DATALAD_TESTS_SSH")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_ssh
def skip_nomultiplex_ssh(func):
"""Skips SSH tests if default connection/manager does not support multiplexing
e.g. currently on windows or if set via datalad.ssh.multiplex-connections config variable
from ..support.sshconnector import (
def _wrap_skip_nomultiplex_ssh(*args, **kwargs):
if SSHManager is not MultiplexSSHManager:
pytest.skip("SSH without multiplexing is used")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_nomultiplex_ssh
# Addition "checkers"
import os
from datalad.distribution.dataset import Dataset
from datalad.support.annexrepo import (
from datalad.support.gitrepo import GitRepo
from ..utils import (
def ok_clean_git(path, annex=None, index_modified=[], untracked=[]):
"""Obsolete test helper. Use assert_repo_status() instead.
Still maps a few common cases to the new helper, to ease transition
in extensions.
kwargs = {}
if index_modified:
kwargs['modified'] = index_modified
if untracked:
kwargs['untracked'] = untracked
def ok_file_under_git(path, filename=None, annexed=False):
"""Test if file is present and under git/annex control
If relative path provided, then test from current directory
annex, file_repo_path, filename, path, repo = _prep_file_under_git(path, filename)
assert_in(file_repo_path, repo.get_indexed_files()) # file is known to Git
if annex:
in_annex = 'key' in repo.get_file_annexinfo(file_repo_path)
in_annex = False
assert(annexed == in_annex)
def put_file_under_git(path, filename=None, content=None, annexed=False):
"""Place file under git/annex and return used Repo
annex, file_repo_path, filename, path, repo = _prep_file_under_git(path, filename)
if content is None:
content = ""
with open(opj(repo.path, file_repo_path), 'w') as f_:
if annexed:
if not isinstance(repo, AnnexRepo):
repo = AnnexRepo(repo.path)
repo.add(file_repo_path, git=True)
ok_file_under_git(repo.path, file_repo_path, annexed)
return repo
def _prep_file_under_git(path, filename):
"""Get instance of the repository for the given filename
Helper to be used by few functions
path = Path(path)
if filename is None:
# path provides the path and the name
filename = Path(path.name)
path = path.parent
filename = Path(filename)
ds = Dataset(utils.get_dataset_root(path))
return isinstance(ds.repo, AnnexRepo), \
str(path.absolute().relative_to(ds.path) / filename) \
if not filename.is_absolute() \
else str(filename.relative_to(ds.pathobj)), \
filename, \
str(path), \
def get_annexstatus(ds, paths=None):
"""Report a status for annexed contents.
Assembles states for git content info, amended with annex info on 'HEAD'
(to get the last committed stage and with it possibly vanished content),
and lastly annex info wrt to the present worktree, to also get info on
added/staged content this fuses the info reported from
- git ls-files
- git annex findref HEAD
- git annex find --include '*'"""
info = ds.get_content_annexinfo(
return info
# Helpers to test symlinks
def ok_symlink(path):
"""Checks whether path is either a working or broken symlink"""
link_path = os.path.islink(path)
if not link_path:
raise AssertionError("Path {} seems not to be a symlink".format(path))
def ok_good_symlink(path):
rpath = Path(path).resolve()
msg="Path {} seems to be missing. Symlink {} is broken".format(
rpath, path))
def ok_broken_symlink(path):
rpath = Path(path).resolve()
msg="Path {} seems to be present. Symlink {} is not broken".format(
rpath, path))
def ok_startswith(s, prefix):
msg="String %r doesn't start with %r" % (s, prefix))
def ok_endswith(s, suffix):
msg="String %r doesn't end with %r" % (s, suffix))
def nok_startswith(s, prefix):
msg="String %r starts with %r" % (s, prefix))
def ok_git_config_not_empty(ar):
"""Helper to verify that nothing rewritten the config file"""
# TODO: we don't support bare -- do we?
assert_true(os.stat(opj(ar.path, '.git', 'config')).st_size)
def ok_annex_get(ar, files, network=True):
"""Helper to run .get decorated checking for correct operation
get passes through stderr from the ar to the user, which pollutes
screen while running tests
Note: Currently not true anymore, since usage of --json disables
ok_git_config_not_empty(ar) # we should be working in already inited repo etc
with swallow_outputs() as cmo:
# verify that load was fetched
ok_git_config_not_empty(ar) # whatever we do shouldn't destroy the config file
has_content = ar.file_has_content(files)
if isinstance(has_content, bool):
def ok_generator(gen):
assert_true(inspect.isgenerator(gen), msg="%s is not a generator" % gen)
assert_is_generator = ok_generator # just an alias
def ok_archives_caches(repopath, n=1, persistent=None):
"""Given a path to repository verify number of archives
repopath : str
Path to the repository
n : int, optional
Number of archives directories to expect
persistent: bool or None, optional
If None -- both persistent and not count.
# looking into subdirectories
glob_ptn = opj(repopath,
ARCHIVES_TEMP_DIR + {None: '*', True: '', False: '-*'}[persistent],
dirs = glob.glob(glob_ptn)
n2 = n * 2 # per each directory we should have a .stamp file
assert_equal(len(dirs), n2,
msg="Found following dirs when needed %d of them: %s" % (n2, dirs))
def ok_exists(path):
assert Path(path).exists(), 'path %s does not exist (or dangling symlink)' % path
def ok_file_has_content(path, content, strip=False, re_=False,
decompress=False, **kwargs):
"""Verify that file exists and has expected content"""
path = Path(path)
if decompress:
if path.suffix == '.gz':
open_func = gzip.open
elif path.suffix in ('.xz', '.lzma'):
open_func = lzma.open
raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to decompress %s" % path)
open_func = open
with open_func(str(path), 'rb') as f:
file_content = f.read()
if isinstance(content, str):
file_content = ensure_unicode(file_content)
if os.linesep != '\n':
# for consistent comparisons etc. Apparently when reading in `b` mode
# on Windows we would also get \r
# https://github.com/datalad/datalad/pull/3049#issuecomment-444128715
file_content = file_content.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
if strip:
file_content = file_content.strip()
if re_:
assert_re_in(content, file_content, **kwargs)
assert_equal(content, file_content, **kwargs)
# Decorators
def with_tree(t, tree=None, archives_leading_dir=True, delete=True, **tkwargs):
def _wrap_with_tree(*arg, **kw):
if 'dir' not in tkwargs.keys():
# if not specified otherwise, respect datalad.tests.temp.dir config
# as this is a test helper
tkwargs['dir'] = dl_cfg.get("datalad.tests.temp.dir")
tkwargs_ = get_tempfile_kwargs(tkwargs, prefix="tree", wrapped=t)
d = tempfile.mkdtemp(**tkwargs_)
create_tree(d, tree, archives_leading_dir=archives_leading_dir)
return t(*(arg + (d,)), **kw)
if delete:
return _wrap_with_tree
lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.tests')
class SilentHTTPHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
"""A little adapter to silence the handler
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._silent = lgr.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG
SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def log_message(self, format, *args):
if self._silent:
lgr.debug("HTTP: " + format, *args)
def _multiproc_serve_path_via_http(
hostname, path_to_serve_from, queue, use_ssl=False, auth=None): # pragma: no cover
handler = SilentHTTPHandler
if auth:
# to-be-expected key for basic auth
auth_test = (b'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(
bytes('%s:%s' % auth, 'utf-8'))).decode('utf-8')
# ad-hoc basic-auth handler
class BasicAuthHandler(SilentHTTPHandler):
def do_HEAD(self, authenticated):
if authenticated:
'WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm=\"Protected\"')
self.send_header('content-type', 'text/html')
def do_GET(self):
if self.headers.get('Authorization') == auth_test:
self.wfile.write(bytes('Auth failed', 'utf-8'))
handler = BasicAuthHandler
httpd = HTTPServer((hostname, 0), handler)
if use_ssl:
ca_dir = Path(__file__).parent / 'ca'
ssl_key = ca_dir / 'certificate-key.pem'
ssl_cert = ca_dir / 'certificate-pub.pem'
if any(not p.exists for p in (ssl_key, ssl_cert)):
raise RuntimeError(
'SSL requested, but no key/cert file combination can be '
f'located under {ca_dir}')
# turn on SSL
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
context.load_cert_chain(str(ssl_cert), str(ssl_key))
httpd.socket = context.wrap_socket (
class HTTPPath(object):
"""Serve the content of a path via an HTTP URL.
This class can be used as a context manager, in which case it returns the
Alternatively, the `start` and `stop` methods can be called directly.
path : str
Directory with content to serve.
use_ssl : bool
auth : tuple
Username, password
def __init__(self, path, use_ssl=False, auth=None):
self.path = path
self.url = None
self._env_patch = None
self._mproc = None
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.auth = auth
def __enter__(self):
return self.url
def __exit__(self, *args):
def start(self):
"""Start serving `path` via HTTP.
# There is a problem with Haskell on wheezy trying to
# fetch via IPv6 whenever there is a ::1 localhost entry in
# /etc/hosts. Apparently fixing that docker image reliably
# is not that straightforward, although see
# http://jasonincode.com/customizing-hosts-file-in-docker/
# so we just force to use while on wheezy
#hostname = '' if on_debian_wheezy else 'localhost'
if self.use_ssl:
# we cannot use IPs with SSL certificates
hostname = 'localhost'
hostname = ''
queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self._mproc = multiprocessing.Process(
args=(hostname, self.path, queue),
kwargs=dict(use_ssl=self.use_ssl, auth=self.auth))
port = queue.get(timeout=300)
except multiprocessing.queues.Empty as e:
if self.use_ssl:
pytest.skip('No working SSL support')
self.url = 'http{}://{}:{}/'.format(
's' if self.use_ssl else '',
lgr.debug("HTTP: serving %s under %s", self.path, self.url)
# Such tests don't require real network so if http_proxy settings were
# provided, we remove them from the env for the duration of this run
env = os.environ.copy()
if self.use_ssl:
env.pop('https_proxy', None)
env['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = str(
Path(__file__).parent / 'ca' / 'ca_bundle.pem')
env.pop('http_proxy', None)
self._env_patch = patch.dict('os.environ', env, clear=True)
if self.use_ssl:
# verify that the SSL/cert setup is functional, if not skip the
# test
# python-requests does its own thing re root CA trust
# if this fails, check datalad/tests/ca/prov.sh for ca_bundle
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
r = requests.get(
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(*self.auth) if self.auth else None)
# be robust and skip if anything goes wrong, rather than just a
# particular SSL issue
#except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
except Exception as e:
pytest.skip('No working HTTPS setup')
# now verify that the stdlib tooling also works
# if this fails, check datalad/tests/ca/prov.sh
# for info on deploying a datalad-root.crt
from urllib.request import (
req = Request(self.url)
if self.auth:
b"Basic " + base64.standard_b64encode(
# be robust and skip if anything goes wrong, rather than just a
# particular SSL issue
#except URLError as e:
except Exception as e:
pytest.skip('No working HTTPS setup')
def stop(self):
"""Stop serving `path`.
lgr.debug("HTTP: stopping server under %s", self.path)
def serve_path_via_http(tfunc, *targs, use_ssl=False, auth=None):
"""Decorator which serves content of a directory via http url
path : str
Directory with content to serve.
use_ssl : bool
Flag whether to set up SSL encryption and return a HTTPS
URL. This require a valid certificate setup (which is tested
for proper function) or it will cause a SkipTest to be raised.
auth : tuple or None
If a (username, password) tuple is given, the server access will
be protected via HTTP basic auth.
def _wrap_serve_path_via_http(*args, **kwargs):
if targs:
# if a path is passed into serve_path_via_http, then it's in targs
assert len(targs) == 1
path = targs[0]
elif len(args) > 1:
args, path = args[:-1], args[-1]
args, path = (), args[0]
with HTTPPath(path, use_ssl=use_ssl, auth=auth) as url:
return tfunc(*(args + (path, url)), **kwargs)
return _wrap_serve_path_via_http
def with_memory_keyring(t):
"""Decorator to use non-persistent MemoryKeyring instance
def _wrap_with_memory_keyring(*args, **kwargs):
keyring = MemoryKeyring()
with patch("datalad.downloaders.credentials.keyring_", keyring):
return t(*(args + (keyring,)), **kwargs)
return _wrap_with_memory_keyring
def without_http_proxy(tfunc):
"""Decorator to remove http*_proxy env variables for the duration of the test
def _wrap_without_http_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
if on_windows:
pytest.skip('Unclear why this is not working on windows')
# Such tests don't require real network so if http_proxy settings were
# provided, we remove them from the env for the duration of this run
env = os.environ.copy()
env.pop('http_proxy', None)
env.pop('https_proxy', None)
with patch.dict('os.environ', env, clear=True):
return tfunc(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_without_http_proxy
def with_tempfile(t, **tkwargs):
"""Decorator function to provide a temporary file name and remove it at the end
To change the used directory without providing keyword argument 'dir' set
def test_write(tfile=None):
open(tfile, 'w').write('silly test')
def _wrap_with_tempfile(*arg, **kw):
if 'dir' not in tkwargs.keys():
# if not specified otherwise, respect datalad.tests.temp.dir config
# as this is a test helper
tkwargs['dir'] = dl_cfg.get("datalad.tests.temp.dir")
with make_tempfile(wrapped=t, **tkwargs) as filename:
return t(*(arg + (filename,)), **kw)
return _wrap_with_tempfile
# ### ###
# START known failure decorators
# ### ###
def probe_known_failure(func):
"""Test decorator allowing the test to pass when it fails and vice versa
Setting config datalad.tests.knownfailures.probe to True tests, whether or
not the test is still failing. If it's not, an AssertionError is raised in
order to indicate that the reason for failure seems to be gone.
def _wrap_probe_known_failure(*args, **kwargs):
if dl_cfg.obtain("datalad.tests.knownfailures.probe"):
assert_raises(Exception, func, *args, **kwargs) # marked as known failure
# Note: Since assert_raises lacks a `msg` argument, a comment
# in the same line is helpful to determine what's going on whenever
# this assertion fails and we see a trace back. Otherwise that line
# wouldn't be very telling.
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_probe_known_failure
def skip_known_failure(func, method='raise'):
"""Test decorator allowing to skip a test that is known to fail
Setting config datalad.tests.knownfailures.skip to a bool enables/disables
msg="Skip test known to fail",
def _wrap_skip_known_failure(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_known_failure
def known_failure(func):
"""Test decorator marking a test as known to fail
This combines `probe_known_failure` and `skip_known_failure` giving the
skipping precedence over the probing.
def _wrap_known_failure(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_known_failure
def known_failure_direct_mode(func):
"""DEPRECATED. Stop using. Does nothing
Test decorator marking a test as known to fail in a direct mode test run
If datalad.repo.direct is set to True behaves like `known_failure`.
Otherwise the original (undecorated) function is returned.
# TODO: consider adopting nibabel/deprecated.py nibabel/deprecator.py
# mechanism to consistently deprecate functionality and ensure they are
# displayed.
# Since 2.7 Deprecation warnings aren't displayed by default
# and thus kinda pointless to issue a warning here, so we will just log
msg = "Direct mode support is deprecated, so no point in using " \
"@known_failure_direct_mode for %r since glorious future " \
"DataLad 0.12" % func.__name__
return func
def known_failure_windows(func):
"""Test decorator marking a test as known to fail on windows
On Windows behaves like `known_failure`.
Otherwise the original (undecorated) function is returned.
if on_windows:
def dm_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return dm_func
return func
def known_failure_githubci_win(func):
"""Test decorator for a known test failure on Github's Windows CI
if 'GITHUB_WORKFLOW' in os.environ and on_windows:
def dm_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return dm_func
return func
def known_failure_githubci_osx(func):
"""Test decorator for a known test failure on Github's macOS CI
if 'GITHUB_WORKFLOW' in os.environ and on_osx:
def dm_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return dm_func
return func
def known_failure_osx(func):
"""Test decorator for a known test failure on macOS
if on_osx:
def dm_func(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return dm_func
return func
# ### ###
# xfails - like known failures but never to be checked to pass etc.
# e.g. for specific versions of core tools with regressions
# ### ###
xfail_buggy_annex_info = pytest.mark.xfail(
# 10.20230127 is lower bound since bug was introduced before next 10.20230214
# release, and thus snapshot builds would fail. There were no release on
# '10.20230221' - but that is the next day after the fix
external_versions['cmd:annex'] and ('10.20230127' <= external_versions['cmd:annex'] < '10.20230221'),
reason="Regression in git-annex info. https://github.com/datalad/datalad/issues/7286"
def _get_resolved_flavors(flavors):
#flavors_ = (['local', 'clone'] + (['local-url'] if not on_windows else [])) \
# if flavors == 'auto' else flavors
flavors_ = (['local', 'clone', 'local-url', 'network'] if not on_windows
else ['network', 'network-clone']) \
if flavors == 'auto' else flavors
if not isinstance(flavors_, list):
flavors_ = [flavors_]
if dl_cfg.get('datalad.tests.nonetwork'):
flavors_ = [x for x in flavors_ if not x.startswith('network')]
return flavors_
local_testrepo_flavors = ['local'] # 'local-url'
def with_sameas_remote(func, autoenabled=False):
"""Provide a repository with a git-annex sameas remote configured.
The repository will have two special remotes: r_dir (type=directory) and
r_rsync (type=rsync). The rsync remote will be configured with
--sameas=r_dir, and autoenabled if `autoenabled` is true.
from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
from datalad.support.exceptions import CommandError
def _wrap_with_sameas_remote(*args, **kwargs):
# With git-annex's 8.20200522-77-g1f2e2d15e, transferring from an rsync
# special remote hangs on Xenial. This is likely due to an interaction
# with an older rsync or openssh version. Use openssh as a rough
# indicator. See
# https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/Recent_hang_with_rsync_remote_with_older_systems___40__Xenial__44___Jessie__41__/
if external_versions['cmd:system-ssh'] < '7.4' and \
'8.20200522' < external_versions['cmd:annex'] < '8.20200720':
pytest.skip("Test known to hang")
# A fix in rsync 3.2.4 broke compatibility with older annex versions.
# To make things a bit more complicated, ubuntu pulled that fix into
# their rsync package for 3.1.3-8.
# Issue: gh-7320
rsync_ver = get_rsync_version()
rsync_fixed = rsync_ver >= "3.1.3-8ubuntu" or rsync_ver >= "3.2.4"
if rsync_fixed and external_versions['cmd:annex'] < "10.20220504":
pytest.skip(f"rsync {rsync_ver} and git-annex "
f"{external_versions['cmd:annex']} incompatible")
sr_path, repo_path = args[-2:]
fn_args = args[:-2]
repo = AnnexRepo(repo_path)
"directory=" + sr_path])
options = ["type=rsync",
"rsyncurl=datalad-test:" + sr_path]
if autoenabled:
repo.init_remote("r_rsync", options=options)
return func(*(fn_args + (repo,)), **kwargs)
return _wrap_with_sameas_remote
def with_fake_cookies_db(func, cookies={}):
"""mock original cookies db with a fake one for the duration of the test
from ..support.cookies import cookies_db
def _wrap_with_fake_cookies_db(*args, **kwargs):
orig_cookies_db = cookies_db._cookies_db
cookies_db._cookies_db = cookies.copy()
return func(*args, **kwargs)
cookies_db._cookies_db = orig_cookies_db
return _wrap_with_fake_cookies_db
def assert_cwd_unchanged(func, ok_to_chdir=False):
"""Decorator to test whether the current working directory remains unchanged
ok_to_chdir: bool, optional
If True, allow to chdir, so this decorator would not then raise exception
if chdir'ed but only return to original directory
def _wrap_assert_cwd_unchanged(*args, **kwargs):
cwd_before = os.getcwd()
pwd_before = getpwd()
exc_info = None
# record previous state of PWD handling
utils_pwd_mode = utils._pwd_mode
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
utils._pwd_mode = utils_pwd_mode
cwd_after = os.getcwd()
except OSError as e:
lgr.warning("Failed to getcwd: %s" % e)
cwd_after = None
if cwd_after != cwd_before:
# Above chpwd could also trigger the change of _pwd_mode, so we
# would need to reset it again since we know that it is all kosher
utils._pwd_mode = utils_pwd_mode
if not ok_to_chdir:
"%s changed cwd to %s. Mitigating and changing back to %s"
% (func, cwd_after, pwd_before))
# If there was already exception raised, we better reraise
# that one since it must be more important, so not masking it
# here with our assertion
if exc_info is None:
assert_equal(cwd_before, cwd_after,
"CWD changed from %s to %s" % (cwd_before, cwd_after))
if exc_info is not None:
raise exc_info[1]
return ret
return _wrap_assert_cwd_unchanged
def run_under_dir(func, newdir='.'):
"""Decorator to run tests under another directory
It is somewhat ugly since we can't really chdir
back to a directory which had a symlink in its path.
So using this decorator has potential to move entire
testing run under the dereferenced directory name -- sideeffect.
The only way would be to instruct testing framework (i.e. nose
in our case ATM) to run a test by creating a new process with
a new cwd
def _wrap_run_under_dir(*args, **kwargs):
pwd_before = getpwd()
func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_run_under_dir
def assert_re_in(regex, c, flags=0, match=True, msg=None):
"""Assert that container (list, str, etc) contains entry matching the regex
if not isinstance(c, (list, tuple)):
c = [c]
for e in c:
if (re.match if match else re.search)(regex, e, flags=flags):
raise AssertionError(
msg or "Not a single entry matched %r in %r" % (regex, c)
def assert_dict_equal(d1, d2):
msgs = []
if set(d1).difference(d2):
msgs.append(" keys in the first dict but not in the second: %s"
% list(set(d1).difference(d2)))
if set(d2).difference(d1):
msgs.append(" keys in the second dict but not in the first: %s"
% list(set(d2).difference(d1)))
for k in set(d1).intersection(d2):
same = True
if isinstance(d1[k], str):
# do not compare types for string types to avoid all the hassle
# with the distinction of str and unicode in PY3, and simple
# test for equality
same = bool(d1[k] == d2[k])
same = type(d1[k]) == type(d2[k]) and bool(d1[k] == d2[k])
except: # if comparison or conversion to bool (e.g. with numpy arrays) fails
same = False
if not same:
msgs.append(" [%r] differs: %r != %r" % (k, d1[k], d2[k]))
if len(msgs) > 10:
msgs.append("and more")
if msgs:
raise AssertionError("dicts differ:\n%s" % "\n".join(msgs))
# do generic comparison just in case we screwed up to detect difference correctly above
eq_(d1, d2)
def assert_str_equal(s1, s2):
"""Helper to compare two lines"""
diff = list(unified_diff(s1.splitlines(), s2.splitlines()))
assert not diff, '\n'.join(diff)
assert_equal(s1, s2)
def assert_status(label, results):
"""Verify that each status dict in the results has a given status label
`label` can be a sequence, in which case status must be one of the items
in this sequence.
label = ensure_list(label)
results = ensure_result_list(results)
if len(results) == 0:
# If there are no results, an assertion about all results must fail.
raise AssertionError("No results retrieved")
for i, r in enumerate(results):
assert_in('status', r)
assert_in(r['status'], label)
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError('Test {}/{}: expected status {} not found in:\n{}'.format(
i + 1,
dumps(results, indent=1, default=lambda x: str(x))))
def assert_message(message, results):
"""Verify that each status dict in the results has a message
This only tests the message template string, and not a formatted message
with args expanded.
results = ensure_result_list(results)
if len(results) == 0:
# If there are no results, an assertion about all results must fail.
raise AssertionError("No results retrieved")
for r in results:
assert_in('message', r)
m = r['message'][0] if isinstance(r['message'], tuple) else r['message']
assert_equal(m, message)
def _format_res(x):
return textwrap.indent(
dumps(x, indent=1, default=str, sort_keys=True),
prefix=" ")
def assert_result_count(results, n, **kwargs):
"""Verify specific number of results (matching criteria, if any)"""
count = 0
results = ensure_result_list(results)
for r in results:
if not len(kwargs):
count += 1
elif all(k in r and r[k] == v for k, v in kwargs.items()):
count += 1
if not n == count:
raise AssertionError(
'Got {} instead of {} expected results matching\n{}\nInspected {} record(s):\n{}'.format(
def _check_results_in(should_contain, results, **kwargs):
results = ensure_result_list(results)
found = False
for r in results:
if all(k in r and r[k] == v for k, v in kwargs.items()):
found = True
if found ^ should_contain:
if should_contain:
msg = "Desired result\n{}\nnot found among\n{}"
msg = "Result\n{}\nunexpectedly found among\n{}"
raise AssertionError(msg.format(_format_res(kwargs),
def assert_in_results(results, **kwargs):
"""Verify that the particular combination of keys and values is found in
one of the results"""
_check_results_in(True, results, **kwargs)
def assert_not_in_results(results, **kwargs):
"""Verify that the particular combination of keys and values is not in any
of the results"""
_check_results_in(False, results, **kwargs)
def assert_result_values_equal(results, prop, values):
"""Verify that the values of all results for a given key in the status dicts
match the given sequence"""
results = ensure_result_list(results)
[r[prop] for r in results],
def assert_result_values_cond(results, prop, cond):
"""Verify that the values of all results for a given key in the status dicts
fulfill condition `cond`.
prop: str
cond: callable
results = ensure_result_list(results)
for r in results:
msg="r[{prop}]: {value}".format(prop=prop, value=r[prop]))
def ignore_nose_capturing_stdout(func):
"""DEPRECATED and will be removed soon. Does nothing!
Originally was intended as a decorator workaround for nose's behaviour
with redirecting sys.stdout, but now we monkey patch nose now so no test
should no longer be skipped.
See issue reported here:
"@ignore_nose_capturing_stdout no longer does anything - nose should "
"just be monkey patched in setup_package. %s still has it",
return func
# Helper to run parametric test with possible combinations of batch and direct
with_parametric_batch = pytest.mark.parametrize("batch", [False, True])
# List of most obscure filenames which might or not be supported by different
# filesystems across different OSs. Start with the most obscure
# Those will be tried to be added to the base name if filesystem allows
OBSCURE_FILENAME_PARTS = [' ', '/', '|', ';', '&', '%b5', '{}', "'", '"', '<', '>']
# OSX is exciting -- some I guess FS might be encoding differently from decoding
# so Й might get recoded
# (ref: https://github.com/datalad/datalad/pull/1921#issuecomment-385809366)
if sys.getfilesystemencoding().lower() == 'utf-8':
if on_osx:
# TODO: figure it really out
if on_windows:
# TODO: really figure out unicode handling on windows
# space before extension, simple extension and trailing space to finish it up
OBSCURE_FILENAME_PARTS += [' ', '.datc', ' ']
def get_most_obscure_supported_name(tdir, return_candidates=False):
"""Return the most obscure filename that the filesystem would support under TEMPDIR
return_candidates: bool, optional
if True, return a tuple of (good, candidates) where candidates are "partially"
sorted from trickiest considered
TODO: we might want to use it as a function where we would provide tdir
# we need separate good_base so we do not breed leading/trailing spaces
initial = good = OBSCURE_PREFIX
system = platform.system()
def good_filename(filename):
# Windows seems to not tollerate trailing spaces and
# ATM we do not distinguish obscure filename and dirname.
# So here we will test for both - being able to create dir
# with obscure name and obscure filename under
os.mkdir(opj(tdir, filename))
with open(opj(tdir, filename, filename), 'w') as f:
f.write("TEST LOAD")
return True
lgr.debug("Filename %r is not supported on %s under %s",
filename, system, tdir)
return False
# incrementally build up the most obscure filename from parts
candidate = good + part
if good_filename(candidate):
good = candidate
if good == initial:
raise RuntimeError("Could not create any of the files under %s among %s"
lgr.debug("Tested %d obscure filename candidates. The winner: %r", len(OBSCURE_FILENAMES), good)
if return_candidates:
return good, OBSCURE_FILENAMES[::-1]
return good
OBSCURE_FILENAME, OBSCURE_FILENAMES = get_most_obscure_supported_name(return_candidates=True)
def with_testsui(t, responses=None, interactive=True):
"""Switch main UI to be 'tests' UI and possibly provide answers to be used"""
def _wrap_with_testsui(*args, **kwargs):
from datalad.ui import ui
old_backend = ui.backend
ui.set_backend('tests' if interactive else 'tests-noninteractive')
if responses:
ret = t(*args, **kwargs)
if responses:
responses_left = ui.get_responses()
assert not len(responses_left), "Some responses were left not used: %s" % str(responses_left)
return ret
if not interactive and responses is not None:
raise ValueError("Non-interactive UI cannot provide responses")
return _wrap_with_testsui
with_testsui.__test__ = False
def assert_no_errors_logged(func, skip_re=None):
"""Decorator around function to assert that no errors logged during its execution"""
def _wrap_assert_no_errors_logged(*args, **kwargs):
with swallow_logs(new_level=logging.ERROR) as cml:
out = func(*args, **kwargs)
if cml.out:
if not (skip_re and re.search(skip_re, cml.out)):
raise AssertionError(
"Expected no errors to be logged, but log output is %s"
% cml.out
return out
return _wrap_assert_no_errors_logged
def get_mtimes_and_digests(target_path):
"""Return digests (md5) and mtimes for all the files under target_path"""
from datalad.support.digests import Digester
from datalad.utils import find_files
digester = Digester(['md5'])
# bother only with existing ones for this test, i.e. skip annexed files without content
target_files = [
f for f in find_files('.*', topdir=target_path, exclude_vcs=False, exclude_datalad=False)
if exists(f)
# let's leave only relative paths for easier analysis
target_files_ = [relpath(f, target_path) for f in target_files]
digests = {frel: digester(f) for f, frel in zip(target_files, target_files_)}
mtimes = {frel: os.stat(f).st_mtime for f, frel in zip(target_files, target_files_)}
return digests, mtimes
def get_datasets_topdir():
"""Delayed parsing so it could be monkey patched etc"""
from datalad.consts import DATASETS_TOPURL
return RI(DATASETS_TOPURL).hostname
def assert_repo_status(path, annex=None, untracked_mode='normal', **kwargs):
"""Compare a repo status against (optional) exceptions.
Anything file/directory that is not explicitly indicated must have
state 'clean', i.e. no modifications and recorded in Git.
path: str or Repo
in case of a str: path to the repository's base dir;
Note, that passing a Repo instance prevents detecting annex. This might
be useful in case of a non-initialized annex, a GitRepo is pointing to.
annex: bool or None
explicitly set to True or False to indicate, that an annex is (not)
expected; set to None to autodetect, whether there is an annex.
Default: None.
untracked_mode: {'no', 'normal', 'all'}
If and how untracked content is reported. The specification of untracked
files that are OK to be found must match this mode. See `Repo.status()`
Files/directories that are OK to not be in 'clean' state. Each argument
must be one of 'added', 'untracked', 'deleted', 'modified' and each
value must be a list of filenames (relative to the root of the
repository, in POSIX convention).
r = None
if isinstance(path, AnnexRepo):
if annex is None:
annex = True
# if `annex` was set to False, but we find an annex => fail
assert_is(annex, True)
r = path
elif isinstance(path, GitRepo):
if annex is None:
annex = False
# explicitly given GitRepo instance doesn't make sense with
# 'annex' True
assert_is(annex, False)
r = path
# 'path' is an actual path
r = AnnexRepo(path, init=False, create=False)
if annex is None:
annex = True
# if `annex` was set to False, but we find an annex => fail
assert_is(annex, True)
except Exception:
# Instantiation failed => no annex
r = GitRepo(path, init=False, create=False)
except Exception:
raise AssertionError("Couldn't find an annex or a git "
"repository at {}.".format(path))
if annex is None:
annex = False
# explicitly given GitRepo instance doesn't make sense with
# 'annex' True
assert_is(annex, False)
status = r.status(untracked=untracked_mode)
# for any file state that indicates some kind of change (all but 'clean)
for state in ('added', 'untracked', 'deleted', 'modified'):
oktobefound = sorted(r.pathobj.joinpath(ut.PurePosixPath(p))
for p in kwargs.get(state, []))
state_files = sorted(k for k, v in status.items()
if v.get('state', None) == state)
eq_(state_files, oktobefound,
'unexpected content of state "%s": %r != %r'
% (state, state_files, oktobefound))
def get_convoluted_situation(path, repocls=AnnexRepo):
from datalad.api import create
ckwa = dict(result_renderer='disabled')
#if 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ:
# # issue only happens on appveyor, Python itself implodes
# # cannot be reproduced on a real windows box
# pytest.skip(
# 'get_convoluted_situation() causes appveyor to crash, '
# 'reason unknown')
repo = repocls(path, create=True)
# use create(force) to get an ID and config into the empty repo
# Pass explicit `annex` to ensure that GitRepo does get .noannex
ds = Dataset(path).create(force=True, annex=repocls is AnnexRepo, **ckwa)
# base content
'.gitignore': '*.ignored',
'subdir': {
'file_clean': 'file_clean',
'file_deleted': 'file_deleted',
'file_modified': 'file_clean',
'subdir-only-ignored': {
'1.ignored': '',
'file_clean': 'file_clean',
'file_deleted': 'file_deleted',
'file_staged_deleted': 'file_staged_deleted',
'file_modified': 'file_clean',
if isinstance(ds.repo, AnnexRepo):
'subdir': {
'file_dropped_clean': 'file_dropped_clean',
'file_dropped_clean': 'file_dropped_clean',
if isinstance(ds.repo, AnnexRepo):
# some files straight in git
'subdir': {
'file_ingit_clean': 'file_ingit_clean',
'file_ingit_modified': 'file_ingit_clean',
'file_ingit_clean': 'file_ingit_clean',
'file_ingit_modified': 'file_ingit_clean',
ds.save(to_git=True, **ckwa)
opj('subdir', 'file_dropped_clean')],
reckless='kill', **ckwa)
# clean and proper subdatasets
ds.create('subds_clean', **ckwa)
ds.create(opj('subdir', 'subds_clean'), **ckwa)
ds.create('subds_unavailable_clean', **ckwa)
ds.create(opj('subdir', 'subds_unavailable_clean'), **ckwa)
# uninstall some subdatasets (still clean)
opj('subdir', 'subds_unavailable_clean')],
what='all', reckless='kill', recursive=True, **ckwa)
# make a dirty subdataset
ds.create('subds_modified', **ckwa)
ds.create(opj('subds_modified', 'someds'), **ckwa)
ds.create(opj('subds_modified', 'someds', 'dirtyds'), **ckwa)
# make a subdataset with additional commits
ds.create(opj('subdir', 'subds_modified'), **ckwa)
pdspath = opj(ds.path, 'subdir', 'subds_modified', 'progressedds')
ds.create(pdspath, **ckwa)
{'file_clean': 'file_ingit_clean'}
# staged subds, and files
create(opj(ds.path, 'subds_added'), **ckwa)
# use internal helper to get subdataset into an 'added' state
# that would not happen in standard datalad workflows
list(ds.repo._save_add_submodules([ds.pathobj / 'subds_added']))
create(opj(ds.path, 'subdir', 'subds_added'), **ckwa)
list(ds.repo._save_add_submodules([ds.pathobj / 'subdir' / 'subds_added']))
# some more untracked files
'subdir': {
'file_untracked': 'file_untracked',
'file_added': 'file_added',
'file_untracked': 'file_untracked',
'file_added': 'file_added',
'dir_untracked': {
'file_untracked': 'file_untracked',
'subds_modified': {
'someds': {
"dirtyds": {
'file_untracked': 'file_untracked',
ds.repo.add(['file_added', opj('subdir', 'file_added')])
# untracked subdatasets
create(opj(ds.path, 'subds_untracked'), **ckwa)
create(opj(ds.path, 'subdir', 'subds_untracked'), **ckwa)
# deleted files
os.remove(opj(ds.path, 'file_deleted'))
os.remove(opj(ds.path, 'subdir', 'file_deleted'))
# staged deletion
# modified files
if isinstance(ds.repo, AnnexRepo):
ds.repo.unlock(['file_modified', opj('subdir', 'file_modified')])
'subdir': {
'file_ingit_modified': 'file_ingit_modified',
'file_ingit_modified': 'file_ingit_modified',
'subdir': {
'file_modified': 'file_modified',
'file_modified': 'file_modified',
return ds
def get_deeply_nested_structure(path):
""" Here is what this does (assuming UNIX, locked):
| .
| ├── directory_untracked
| │ └── link2dir -> ../subdir
| ├── OBSCURE_FILENAME_file_modified
| ├── link2dir -> subdir
| ├── link2subdsdir -> subds_modified/subdir
| ├── link2subdsroot -> subds_modified
| ├── subdir
| │ ├── annexed_file.txt -> ../.git/annex/objects/...
| │ ├── file_modified
| │ ├── git_file.txt
| │ └── link2annex_files.txt -> annexed_file.txt
| └── subds_modified
| ├── link2superdsdir -> ../subdir
| ├── subdir
| │ └── annexed_file.txt -> ../.git/annex/objects/...
| └── subds_lvl1_modified
| └── OBSCURE_FILENAME_directory_untracked
| └── untracked_file
When a system has no symlink support, the link2... components are not
ds = Dataset(path).create()
(ds.pathobj / 'subdir').mkdir()
(ds.pathobj / 'subdir' / 'annexed_file.txt').write_text(u'dummy')
(ds.pathobj / 'subdir' / 'git_file.txt').write_text(u'dummy')
# a subtree of datasets
subds = ds.create('subds_modified')
# another dataset, plus an additional dir in it
ds.create(opj('subds_modified', 'subds_lvl1_modified'))
'subdir': {
'file_modified': 'file_modified',
OBSCURE_FILENAME + u'file_modified_': 'file_modified',
str(ds.pathobj / 'subds_modified' / 'subds_lvl1_modified'),
{OBSCURE_FILENAME + u'_directory_untracked': {"untracked_file": ""}}
(ut.Path(subds.path) / 'subdir').mkdir()
(ut.Path(subds.path) / 'subdir' / 'annexed_file.txt').write_text(u'dummy')
(ds.pathobj / 'directory_untracked').mkdir()
if not has_symlink_capability():
return ds
# symlink farm #1
# symlink to annexed file
(ds.pathobj / 'subdir' / 'link2annex_files.txt').symlink_to(
# symlink to directory within the dataset
(ds.pathobj / 'link2dir').symlink_to('subdir')
# upwards pointing symlink to directory within the same dataset
(ds.pathobj / 'directory_untracked' / 'link2dir').symlink_to(
opj('..', 'subdir'))
# symlink pointing to a subdataset mount in the same dataset
(ds.pathobj / 'link2subdsroot').symlink_to('subds_modified')
# symlink to a dir in a subdataset (across dataset boundaries)
(ds.pathobj / 'link2subdsdir').symlink_to(
opj('subds_modified', 'subdir'))
# symlink to a dir in a superdataset (across dataset boundaries)
(ut.Path(subds.path) / 'link2superdsdir').symlink_to(
opj('..', 'subdir'))
return ds
def maybe_adjust_repo(repo):
"""Put repo into an adjusted branch if it is not already.
if not repo.is_managed_branch():
def has_symlink_capability(p1, p2):
path = ut.Path(p1)
target = ut.Path(p2)
return utils.check_symlink_capability(path, target)
def skip_wo_symlink_capability(func):
"""Skip test when environment does not support symlinks
Perform a behavioral test instead of top-down logic, as on
windows this could be on or off on a case-by-case basis.
def _wrap_skip_wo_symlink_capability(*args, **kwargs):
if not has_symlink_capability():
pytest.skip("no symlink capabilities")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_wo_symlink_capability
def skip_if_adjusted_branch(func):
"""Skip test if adjusted branch is used by default on TMPDIR file system.
def _wrap_skip_if_adjusted_branch(*args, **kwargs):
def _check(path):
ds = Dataset(path).create(force=True)
return ds.repo.is_managed_branch()
pytest.skip("Test incompatible with adjusted branch default")
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _wrap_skip_if_adjusted_branch
def get_ssh_port(host):
"""Get port of `host` in ssh_config.
Our tests depend on the host being defined in ssh_config, including its
port. This method can be used by tests that want to check handling of an
explicitly specified
Note that if `host` does not match a host in ssh_config, the default value
of 22 is returned.
Skips test if port cannot be found.
host : str
port (int)
out = ''
runner = WitlessRunner()
res = runner.run(["ssh", "-G", host], protocol=StdOutErrCapture)
out = res["stdout"]
err = res["stderr"]
except Exception as exc:
err = str(exc)
port = None
for line in out.splitlines():
if line.startswith("port "):
port = int(line.split()[1])
except Exception as exc:
err = str(exc)
if port is None:
pytest.skip("port for {} could not be determined: {}"
.format(host, err))
return port
# Context Managers
def patch_config(vars):
"""Patch our config with custom settings. Returns mock.patch cm
Only the merged configuration from all sources (global, local, dataset)
will be patched. Source-constrained patches (e.g. only committed dataset
configuration) are not supported.
return patch.dict(dl_cfg._merged_store, vars)
def set_date(timestamp):
"""Temporarily override environment variables for git/git-annex dates.
timestamp : int
Unix timestamp.
git_ts = "@{} +0000".format(timestamp)
with patch.dict("os.environ",
"GIT_AUTHOR_DATE": git_ts,
"GIT_ANNEX_VECTOR_CLOCK": str(timestamp),
def set_annex_version(version):
"""Override the git-annex version.
This temporarily masks the git-annex version present in external_versions
and make AnnexRepo forget its cached version information.
from datalad.support.annexrepo import AnnexRepo
ar_vers = AnnexRepo.git_annex_version
with patch.dict(
{"cmd:annex": version}):
AnnexRepo.git_annex_version = None
AnnexRepo.git_annex_version = ar_vers
# Test tags
# To be explicit, and not "loose" some tests due to typos, decided to make
# explicit decorators for common types
def integration(f):
"""Mark test as an "integration" test which generally is not needed to be run
Generally tend to be slower.
Should be used in combination with @slow and @turtle if that is the case.
return attr('integration')(f)
def slow(f):
"""Mark test as a slow, although not necessarily integration or usecase test
Rule of thumb cut-off to mark as slow is 10 sec
return attr('slow')(f)
def turtle(f):
"""Mark test as very slow, meaning to not run it on Travis due to its
time limit
Rule of thumb cut-off to mark as turtle is 2 minutes
return attr('turtle')(f)
def usecase(f):
"""Mark test as a usecase user ran into and which (typically) caused bug report
to be filed/troubleshooted
Should be used in combination with @slow and @turtle if slow.
return attr('usecase')(f)