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# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
# See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
# copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
""" datalad exceptions
import logging
import re
import sys
import traceback
from os import linesep
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat
from datalad.runner.exception import CommandError
lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.support.exceptions')
class CapturedException(object):
"""This class represents information about an occurred exception (including
its traceback), while not holding any references to the actual exception
object or its traceback, frame references, etc.
Just keep the textual information for logging or whatever other kind of
def __init__(self, exc, limit=None, capture_locals=False,
level=8, logger=None):
"""Capture an exception and its traceback for logging.
Clears the exception's traceback frame references afterwards.
exc: Exception
limit: int
Note, that this is limiting the capturing of the exception's
traceback depth. Formatting for output comes with it's own limit.
capture_locals: bool
Whether or not to capture the local context of traceback frames.
# Note, that with lookup_lines=False the lookup is deferred,
# not disabled. Unclear to me ATM, whether that means to keep frame
# references around, but prob. not. TODO: Test that.
self.tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(
# log the captured exception
logger = logger or lgr
logger.log(level, "%r", self)
def message(self):
"""Returns only the message of the original exception
return str(self.tb)
if sys.version_info < (3, 13):
def name(self):
"""Returns the class name of the original exception
return self.tb.exc_type.__qualname__
def name(self):
"""Returns the class name of the original exception
return self.tb.exc_type_str
def __str__(self):
return self.format_short()
def __repr__(self):
return self.format_oneline_tb(limit=None, include_str=True)
def format_oneline_tb(exc, tb=None, limit=None, include_str=True):
"""Format an exception traceback as a one-line summary
exc: Exception
tb: TracebackException, optional
If not given, it is generated from the given exception.
limit: int, optional
Traceback depth limit. If not given, the config setting
'datalad.exc.str.tblimit' will be used, or all entries
are reported.
include_str: bool
If set, is True (default), the return value is prepended with a string
representation of the exception.
Of format [filename:contextname:linenumber, ...].
# Note: No import at module level, since ConfigManager imports
# dochelpers -> circular import when creating datalad.cfg instance at
# startup.
from datalad import cfg
if tb is None:
tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(
if include_str:
# try exc message else exception type
leading = exc.message or exc.name
out = "{} ".format(leading)
if exc_cause := getattr(tb, '__cause__', None):
out += f'-caused by- {format_exception_with_cause(exc_cause)} '
out = ""
entries = []
if tb.__cause__:
elif tb.__context__ and not tb.__suppress_context__:
if limit is None:
limit = int(cfg.obtain('datalad.exc.str.tblimit',
if entries:
tb_str = "[%s]" % (','.join(
for frame_summary in entries[-limit:])
out += "{}".format(tb_str)
return out
def format_exception_with_cause(e):
"""Helper to recursively format an exception with all underlying causes
For each exception in the chain either the str() of it is taken, or the
class name of the exception, with the aim to generate a simple and
comprehensible description that can be used in user-facing messages.
It is explicitly not aiming to provide a detailed/comprehensive source
of information for in-depth debugging.
'-caused by-' is used a separator between exceptions to be human-readable
while being recognizably different from potential exception payload
s = str(e) or \
((e.exc_type.__name__ if sys.version_info < (3, 13) else e.exc_type_str)
if isinstance(e, traceback.TracebackException)
else e.__class__.__name__)
exc_cause = getattr(e, '__cause__', None)
if exc_cause:
s += f' -caused by- {format_exception_with_cause(exc_cause)}'
return s
class MissingExternalDependency(RuntimeError):
"""External dependency is missing error"""
def __init__(self, name, ver=None, msg=""):
super(MissingExternalDependency, self).__init__()
self.name = name
self.ver = ver
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
to_str = 'No working {} installation'.format(self.name)
if self.ver:
to_str += " of version >= %s" % self.ver
to_str += "."
if self.msg:
to_str += " %s" % self.msg
return to_str
class BrokenExternalDependency(RuntimeError):
"""Some particular functionality is broken with this dependency."""
class DeprecatedError(RuntimeError):
"""To raise whenever a deprecated entirely feature is used"""
def __init__(self, new=None, version=None, msg=''):
new : str, optional
What new construct to use
version : str, optional
Since which version is deprecated
super(DeprecatedError, self).__init__()
self.version = version
self.new = new
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
s = self.msg if self.msg else ''
if self.version:
s += (" is deprecated" if s else "Deprecated") + " since version %s." % self.version
if self.new:
s += " Use %s instead." % self.new
return s
class OutdatedExternalDependency(MissingExternalDependency):
"""External dependency is present but outdated"""
def __init__(self, name, ver=None, ver_present=None, msg=""):
super(OutdatedExternalDependency, self).__init__(name, ver=ver, msg=msg)
self.ver_present = ver_present
def __str__(self):
to_str = super(OutdatedExternalDependency, self).__str__()
# MissingExternalDependency ends with a period unless msg is
# given, in which case it's up to the msg and no callers in
# our code base currently give a msg ending with a period.
to_str += "." if self.msg else ""
to_str += " You have version %s" % self.ver_present \
if self.ver_present else \
" Some unknown version of dependency found."
return to_str
class AnnexBatchCommandError(CommandError):
"""Thrown if a batched command to annex fails
class CommandNotAvailableError(CommandError):
"""Thrown if a command is not available due to certain circumstances.
class FileNotInAnnexError(IOError, CommandError):
"""Thrown if a file is not under control of git-annex.
def __init__(self, cmd="", msg="", code=None, filename=""):
CommandError.__init__(self, cmd=cmd, msg=msg, code=code)
IOError.__init__(self, code, "%s: %s" % (cmd, msg), filename)
def to_str(self, include_output=True):
return "%s\n%s" % (
CommandError.to_str(self, include_output=include_output),
class FileInGitError(FileNotInAnnexError):
"""Thrown if a file is not under control of git-annex, but git itself.
class FileNotInRepositoryError(FileNotInAnnexError):
"""Thrown if a file is not under control of the repository at all.
class InvalidGitReferenceError(ValueError):
"""Thrown if provided git reference is invalid
def __init__(self, ref, *args, **kwargs):
super(InvalidGitReferenceError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.ref = ref
def __str__(self):
return u"Git reference '{}' invalid".format(self.ref)
class GitIgnoreError(CommandError):
"""Thrown if a path was ignored by a git command due to .gitignore file
Note, that this might be thrown to indicate what was ignored, while the
actual operation was partially successful (regarding paths, not in .gitignore)
in case of a directory being ignored, git returns that directory as the
ignored path, even if a path within that directory was passed to the command.
That means, that in such cases the returned path might not match an item you
pattern = \
re.compile(r'ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\s*(.*)'
r'^(?:hint: )?Use -f.*$',
flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
def __init__(self, cmd="", msg="", code=None, stdout="", stderr="",
super(GitIgnoreError, self).__init__(
cmd=cmd, msg=msg, code=code, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
self.paths = paths
def to_str(self, include_output=True):
# Override CommandError.to_str(), ignoring include_output.
return self.msg
class PathOutsideRepositoryError(Exception):
"""Thrown if a path points outside the repository that was requested to
deal with that path."""
# TODO: use it in GitRepo/AnnexRepo!
def __init__(self, file_, repo):
self.file_ = file_
self.repo = repo
def __str__(self):
return "path {0} not within repository {1}".format(self.file_, self.repo)
class PathKnownToRepositoryError(Exception):
"""Thrown if file/path is under Git control, and attempted operation
must not be ran"""
class GitError(Exception):
""" Base class for all package exceptions """
class NoSuchPathError(GitError, OSError):
""" Thrown if a path could not be access by the system. """
class MissingBranchError(Exception):
"""Thrown if accessing a repository's branch, that is not available"""
def __init__(self, repo, branch, available_branches=None, msg=None):
self.repo = repo
self.branch = branch
self.branches = available_branches
if msg is None:
self.msg = "branch '{0}' missing in {1}." \
"".format(self.branch, self.repo)
if self.branches:
self.msg += " Available branches: {0}".format(self.branches)
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class InsufficientArgumentsError(ValueError):
"""To be raise instead of `ValueError` when use help output is desired"""
class NoDatasetArgumentFound(InsufficientArgumentsError):
"""To be raised when expecting having a dataset but none was provided"""
class NoDatasetFound(NoDatasetArgumentFound):
"""Raised whenever a dataset is required, but none could be determined"""
class OutOfSpaceError(CommandError):
"""To be raised whenever a command fails if we have no sufficient space
Example is annex get command
def __init__(self, sizemore_msg=None, **kwargs):
super(OutOfSpaceError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.sizemore_msg = sizemore_msg
def to_str(self, include_output=True):
super_str = super().to_str(
include_output=include_output).rstrip(linesep + '.')
return "%s needs %s more" % (super_str, self.sizemore_msg)
class RemoteNotAvailableError(CommandError):
"""To be raised whenever a required remote is not available
Example is "annex get somefile --from=MyRemote",
where 'MyRemote' doesn't exist.
def __init__(self, remote, **kwargs):
remote: str
name of the remote
arguments from CommandError
super(RemoteNotAvailableError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.remote = remote
def to_str(self, include_output=True):
super_str = super().to_str(include_output=include_output)
return "Remote '{0}' is not available. Command failed:{1}{2}" \
"".format(self.remote, linesep, super_str)
class InvalidInstanceRequestError(RuntimeError):
"""Thrown if a request to create a (flyweight) instance is invalid"""
def __init__(self, id_, msg=None):
super(InvalidInstanceRequestError, self).__init__(msg)
self.id = id_
self.msg = msg
class InvalidGitRepositoryError(GitError):
""" Thrown if the given repository appears to have an invalid format. """
class InvalidAnnexRepositoryError(RuntimeError):
"""Thrown if AnnexRepo was instantiated on a non-annex and
without init=True"""
class DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError(NotImplementedError):
"""direct mode is no longer supported"""
def __init__(self, repo, msg=None):
super(DirectModeNoLongerSupportedError, self).__init__(
((" " + msg + ", but ") if msg else '')
"direct mode of operation is being deprecated in git-annex and "
"no longer supported by DataLad. "
"Please use 'git annex upgrade' under %s to upgrade your direct "
"mode repository to annex v6 (or later)." % repo.path
self.repo = repo # might come handy
class IncompleteResultsError(RuntimeError):
"""Exception to be raised whenever results are incomplete.
Any results produced nevertheless are to be passed as `results`,
and become available via the `results` attribute.
# TODO passing completed results doesn't fit in a generator paradigm
# such results have been yielded already at the time this exception is
# raised, little point in collecting them just for the sake of a possible
# exception
# MIH+YOH: AnnexRepo.copy_to and @eval_results are the last
# remaining user of this functionality.
# General use (as in AnnexRepo) of it discouraged but use in @eval_results
# is warranted
def __init__(self, results=None, failed=None, msg=None):
super(IncompleteResultsError, self).__init__(msg)
self.results = results
self.failed = failed
def __str__(self):
super_str = super(IncompleteResultsError, self).__str__()
return "{}{}{}".format(
". {} result(s)".format(len(self.results)) if self.results else "",
". {} failed:{}{}".format(
pformat(self.failed)) if self.failed else "")
class InstallFailedError(CommandError):
"""Generic exception to raise whenever `install` command fails"""
class ConnectionOpenFailedError(CommandError):
"""Exception to raise whenever opening a network connection fails"""
# Downloaders
class DownloadError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg=None, status=None, **kwargs):
super(DownloadError, self).__init__(msg, **kwargs)
# store response status code
self.status = status
class IncompleteDownloadError(DownloadError):
class UnaccountedDownloadError(IncompleteDownloadError):
class TargetFileAbsent(DownloadError):
class AccessDeniedError(DownloadError):
def __init__(self, msg=None, supported_types=None, **kwargs):
super(AccessDeniedError, self).__init__(msg, **kwargs)
self.supported_types = supported_types
class AnonymousAccessDeniedError(AccessDeniedError):
class AccessPermissionExpiredError(AccessDeniedError):
"""To raise when there is a belief that it is due to expiration of a credential
which we might possibly be able to refresh, like in the case of CompositeCredential
class AccessFailedError(DownloadError):
class UnhandledRedirectError(DownloadError):
def __init__(self, msg=None, url=None, **kwargs):
super(UnhandledRedirectError, self).__init__(msg, **kwargs)
self.url = url
# Crawler
class CrawlerError(Exception):
class PipelineNotSpecifiedError(CrawlerError):
# Warnings
class DataLadWarning(Warning):
# We have an exception OutdatedExternalDependency, but it is intended for
# an instance being raised. `warnings` module requires a class to be provided
# as a category, so here is a dedicated Warning class
class OutdatedExternalDependencyWarning(DataLadWarning):
"""Warning "category" to use to report about outdated"""