Source code for datalad.runner.coreprotocols

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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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"""Generic core protocols for use with the DataLad runner

import logging

from .protocol import WitlessProtocol

lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.runner.coreprotocols')

[docs] class NoCapture(WitlessProtocol): """WitlessProtocol that captures no subprocess output As this is identical with the behavior of the WitlessProtocol base class, this class is merely a more readable convenience alias. """ pass
[docs] class StdOutCapture(WitlessProtocol): """WitlessProtocol that only captures and returns stdout of a subprocess""" proc_out = True
[docs] class StdErrCapture(WitlessProtocol): """WitlessProtocol that only captures and returns stderr of a subprocess""" proc_err = True
[docs] class StdOutErrCapture(WitlessProtocol): """WitlessProtocol that captures and returns stdout/stderr of a subprocess """ proc_out = True proc_err = True
[docs] class KillOutput(WitlessProtocol): """WitlessProtocol that swallows stdout/stderr of a subprocess """ proc_out = True proc_err = True
[docs] def pipe_data_received(self, fd: int, data: bytes) -> None: assert self.process is not None if lgr.isEnabledFor(5): lgr.log( 5, 'Discarded %i bytes from %i[%s]', len(data),, self.fd_infos[fd][0])