Source code for datalad.log

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# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
"""Logging setup and utilities, including progress reporting"""

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import platform
import random
import logging.handlers
import warnings

from os.path import basename, dirname

from collections import defaultdict

from .utils import is_interactive, optional_args
from .support import ansi_colors as colors

__all__ = [

# Snippets from traceback borrowed from duecredit which was borrowed from
# PyMVPA upstream/2.4.0-39-g69ad545  MIT license (the same copyright as DataLad)

def mbasename(s):
    """Returns an expanded basename, if the filename is deemed not informative

    A '.py' extension is stripped from file name, and the containing directory
    is prepended for too generic file names  like 'base', '__init__', and 'utils'

    s: str
      Platform-native path

    base = basename(s)
    if base.endswith('.py'):
        base = base[:-3]
    if base in set(['base', '__init__', 'utils']):
        base = basename(dirname(s)) + '.' + base
    return base

class TraceBack(object):
    """Customizable traceback for inclusion debug log messages

    def __init__(self, limit=100, collide=False):
        collide : bool
          if True, deduplicate a subsequent message by replacing a common
          prefix string with an ellipsis.
        self.__prev = ""
        self.limit = limit
        self.collide = collide

        # delayed imports and preparing the regex substitution
        if collide:
            import re
            self.__prefix_re = re.compile('>[^>]*$')
            self.__prefix_re = None

    def _extract_stack(self, limit=None):
        """Call traceback.extract_stack() with limit parameter

        limit: int, optional
          Limit stack trace entries (starting from the invocation point)
          if limit is positive, or to the last `abs(limit)` entries.
          If limit is omitted or None, all entries are printed.

        import traceback
        return traceback.extract_stack(limit=limit)

    def __call__(self):
        # get the stack description. All but the last three items, which
        # represent the entry into this utility rather than the traceback
        # relevant for the caller
        ftb = self._extract_stack(limit=self.limit + 10)[:-3]
        # each item in `ftb` is
        # (filename, line, object, code-on-line)
        # so entries is a list of (filename, line)
        entries = [
            [mbasename(x[0]), str(x[1])] for x in ftb
            # the last entry in the filtered list will always come from
            # this datalad/ facility, where the log record
            # was emitted, it is not meaningful to always show a constant
            # trailing end of the traceback
            # more generally, we are hardly ever interested in traceback
            # pieces from this file
            if x[0] != __file__
        # remove more "uninformative" levels of the stack, given the space
        # constraints of a log message
        entries = [
            e for e in entries
            if e[0] not in ('unittest', 'logging.__init__')

        if len(entries) > self.limit:
            sftb = '…>'
            entries = entries[-self.limit:]
            sftb = ''

        if not entries:
            return ""

        # let's make it more concise
        entries_out = [entries[0]]
        for entry in entries[1:]:
            # if the current filename is the same as the last one on the stack
            # only append the line number to save space
            if entry[0] == entries_out[-1][0]:
                entries_out[-1][1] += ',%s' % entry[1]

        # format the traceback in a compact form
        sftb += '>'.join(
            ['%s:%s' % (mbasename(x[0]), x[1]) for x in entries_out]

        if self.collide:
            # lets remove part which is common with previous invocation
            prev_next = sftb
            common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix((self.__prev, sftb))
            common_prefix2 = self.__prefix_re.sub('', common_prefix)

            if common_prefix2 != "":
                sftb = '…' + sftb[len(common_prefix2):]
            self.__prev = prev_next

        return sftb

class MemoryInfo(object):
    def __init__(self):
            from psutil import Process
            process = Process(os.getpid())
            self.memory_info = process.memory_info \
                if hasattr(process, 'memory_info') \
                else process.get_memory_info
            self.memory_info = None

    def __call__(self):
        """Return utilization of virtual memory

        Generic implementation using psutil
        if not self.memory_info:
            return "RSS/VMS: N/A"
        mi = self.memory_info()
        # in later versions of psutil mi is a named tuple.
        # but that is not the case on Debian squeeze with psutil 0.1.3
        rss = mi[0] / 1024
        vms = mi[1] / 1024
        vmem = (rss, vms)

            return "RSS/VMS: %d/%d kB" % vmem
            return "RSS/VMS: %s" % str(vmem)

# Recipe from
# by Brandon Thomson
# Adjusted for automagic determination whether coloring is needed and
# prefixing of multiline log lines
class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter):

    def __init__(self, use_color=None, log_name=False, log_pid=False):
        if use_color is None:
            # if 'auto' - use color only if all streams are tty
            use_color = is_interactive()
        self.use_color = use_color and platform.system() != 'Windows'  # don't use color on windows
        msg = colors.format_msg(self._get_format(log_name, log_pid),
        log_env = os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_TRACEBACK', '')
        collide = log_env == 'collide'
        # if an integer level is given, we add one level to make the behavior
        # more natural. The last frame will always be where the log record
        # was emitted by out handler. However, user is more interested in the
        # location where the log message originates.
        # Saying DATALAD_LOG_TRACEBACK=1 will give that in most cases, with
        # this internal increment
        limit = 100 if collide else int(log_env) + 1 if log_env.isdigit() else 100
        self._tb = TraceBack(collide=collide, limit=limit) if log_env else None

        self._mem = MemoryInfo() if os.environ.get('DATALAD_LOG_VMEM', '') else None
        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, msg)

    def _get_format(self, log_name=False, log_pid=False):
        from datalad import cfg
        from datalad.config import anything2bool
        show_timestamps = anything2bool(cfg.get('datalad.log.timestamp', False))
        return (("" if not show_timestamps else "$BOLD%(asctime)-15s$RESET ") +
                ("%(name)-15s " if log_name else "") +
                ("{%(process)d}" if log_pid else "") +
                "[%(levelname)s] "
                "%(message)s ")

    def format(self, record):
        # safety guard if None was provided
        if record.msg is None:
            record.msg = ""
            # to avoid our logger puking on receiving exception instances etc.
            # .getMessage, used to interpolate it, would cast it to str anyways
            # and thus not puke
            record.msg = str(record.msg)
        if record.msg.startswith('| '):
            # If we already log smth which supposed to go without formatting, like
            # output for running a command, just return the message and be done
            return record.msg

        levelname = record.levelname

        if self.use_color and levelname in colors.LOG_LEVEL_COLORS:
            record.levelname = colors.color_word(
        record.msg = record.msg.replace("\n", "\n| ")
        if self._tb:
            if not getattr(record, 'notraceback', False):
                record.msg = self._tb() + "  " + record.msg
        if self._mem:
            record.msg = "%s %s" % (self._mem(), record.msg)

        return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)

class ProgressHandler(logging.Handler):
    from datalad.ui import ui

    def __init__(self, other_handler=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
        self._other_handler = other_handler
        self.pbars = {}

    def close(self):
        if self._other_handler:

    def emit(self, record):
        from datalad.ui import ui
        if not hasattr(record, 'dlm_progress'):
        maint = getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_maint', None)
        if maint == 'clear':
            return self._clear_all()
        elif maint == 'refresh':
            return self._refresh_all()
        pid = getattr(record, 'dlm_progress')
        update = getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_update', None)
        # would be an actual message, not used ATM here,
        # and the record not passed to generic handler ATM
        # (filtered away by NoProgressLog)
        # so no final message is printed
        # msg = record.getMessage()
        if pid not in self.pbars:
            # this is new
            pbar = ui.get_progressbar(
                label=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_label', ''),
                unit=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_unit', ''),
                total=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_total', None,),
            pbar.start(initial=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_initial', 0))
            self.pbars[pid] = pbar
        elif update is None:
            # not an update -> done
            # TODO if the other logging that is happening is less frontpage
            # we may want to actually "print" the completion message
            # Check for an updated label.
            label = getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_label', None)
            if label is not None:
            # an update
                increment=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_increment', False),
                total=getattr(record, 'dlm_progress_total', None))

    def _refresh_all(self):
        for pb in self.pbars.values():

    def _clear_all(self):
        # remove the progress bar
        for pb in self.pbars.values():

def filter_noninteractive_progress(logger, record):
    """Companion of log_progress() to suppress undesired progress logging

    This filter is to be used with a log handler's addFilter() method
    for the case of a non-interactive session (e.g., pipe to log file).

    It inspects the log record for `dlm_progress_noninteractive_level`
    keys that can be injected via log_progress(noninteractive_level=).

    If a log-level was declared in this fashion, it will be evaluated
    against the logger's effective level, and records are discarded
    if their level is too low. If no log-level was declared, a log record
    passes this filter unconditionally.

    logger: logging.Logger
      The logger instance whose effective level to check against.
      The log record to inspect.

    level = getattr(record, "dlm_progress_noninteractive_level", None)
    return level is None or level >= logger.level

[docs] def log_progress(lgrcall, pid, *args, **kwargs): """Emit progress log messages This helper can be used to handle progress reporting without having to maintain display mode specific code. Typical progress reporting via this function involves three types of calls: 1. Start reporting progress about a process 2. Update progress information about a process 3. Report completion of a process In order to be able to associate all three steps with a particular process, the `pid` identifier is used. This is an arbitrary string that must be chosen to be unique across all different, but simultaneously running progress reporting activities within a Python session. For many practical purposes this can be achieved by, for example, including path information in the identifier. To initialize a progress report this function is called without an `update` parameter. To report a progress update, this function is called with an `update` parameter. To finish a reporting on a particular activity a final call without an `update` parameter is required. Parameters ---------- lgrcall : callable Something like lgr.debug or pid : str Some kind of ID for the process the progress is reported on. *args : str Log message, and potential arguments total : int Max progress quantity of the process. label : str Process description. Should be very brief, goes in front of progress bar on the same line. unit : str Progress report unit. Should be very brief, goes after the progress bar on the same line. update : int To (or by) which quantity to advance the progress. Also see `increment`. increment : bool If set, `update` is interpreted as an incremental value, not absolute. initial : int If set, start value for progress bar noninteractive_level : int, optional In a non-interactive session where progress bars are not displayed, only log a progress report, if a logger's effective level includes the specified level. This can be useful logging all progress is inappropriate or too noisy for a log. maint : {'clear', 'refresh'} This is a special attribute that can be used by callers that are not actually reporting progress, but need to ensure that their (console) output does not interfere with any possibly ongoing progress reporting. Setting this attribute to 'clear' will cause the central ProgressHandler to temporarily stop the display of any active progress bars. With 'refresh', all active progress bars will be redisplayed. After a 'clear' individual progress bars would be reactivated upon the next update log message, even without an explicit 'refresh'. """ d = dict( # inject progress-related result properties as extra data {'dlm_progress_{}'.format(n): v for n, v in kwargs.items() # initial progress might be zero, but not sending it further # would signal to destroy the progress bar, hence test for 'not None' if v is not None}, dlm_progress=pid) lgrcall(*args, extra=d)
@optional_args def with_result_progress(fn, label="Total", unit=" Files", log_filter=None): """Wrap a progress bar, with status counts, around a function. Parameters ---------- fn : generator function This function should accept a collection of items as a positional argument and any number of keyword arguments. After processing each item in the collection, it should yield a status dict. log_filter : callable, optional If defined, only result records for which callable evaluates to True will be passed to log_progress label, unit : str Passed to log.log_progress. Returns ------- A variant of `fn` that shows a progress bar. Note that the wrapped function is not a generator function; the status dicts will be returned as a list. """ # FIXME: This emulates annexrepo.ProcessAnnexProgressIndicators. It'd be # nice to rewire things so that it could be used directly. def count_str(count, verb, omg=False): if count: msg = "{:d} {}".format(count, verb) if omg: msg = colors.color_word(msg, colors.RED) return msg base_label = label def _wrap_with_result_progress_(items, *args, **kwargs): counts = defaultdict(int) pid = "%s:%s" % (fn, random.randint(0, 100000)) label = base_label log_progress(, pid, "%s: starting", label, total=len(items), label=label, unit=unit, noninteractive_level=5) for res in fn(items, *args, **kwargs): if not (log_filter and not log_filter(res)): counts[res["status"]] += 1 count_strs = (count_str(*args) for args in [(counts["notneeded"], "skipped", False), (counts["error"], "failed", True)]) if counts["notneeded"] or counts["error"]: label = "{} ({})".format( base_label, ", ".join(filter(None, count_strs))) log_progress( lgr.error if res["status"] == "error" else, pid, "%s: processed result%s", base_label, " for " + res["path"] if "path" in res else "", label=label, update=1, increment=True, noninteractive_level=5) yield res log_progress(, pid, "%s: done", base_label, noninteractive_level=5) def _wrap_with_result_progress(items, *args, **kwargs): return list(_wrap_with_result_progress_(items, *args, **kwargs)) return _wrap_with_result_progress_ \ if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(fn) \ else _wrap_with_result_progress def with_progress(items, lgrcall=None, label="Total", unit=" Files"): """Wrap a progress bar, with status counts, around an iterable. Parameters ---------- items : some iterable lgrcall: callable Callable for logging. If not specified - is used label, unit : str Passed to log.log_progress. Yields ------ Items of it while displaying the progress """ pid = "with_progress-%d" % random.randint(0, 100000) base_label = label if lgrcall is None: lgrcall = label = base_label log_progress(lgrcall, pid, "%s: starting", label, total=len(items), label=label, unit=unit, noninteractive_level=5) for item in items: # Since we state "processed", and actual processing might be happening # outside on the yielded value, we will yield before stating that yield item log_progress( lgrcall, pid, "%s: processed", base_label, label=label, update=1, increment=True, noninteractive_level=5) log_progress(, pid, "%s: done", base_label, noninteractive_level=5) @contextmanager def no_progress(): """Context manager to clear progress bars for the duration of the context""" log_progress(, None, 'Clear progress bars', maint='clear', noninteractive_level=5) yield log_progress(, None, 'Refresh progress bars', maint='refresh', noninteractive_level=5) class LoggerHelper(object): """Helper to establish and control a Logger""" def __init__(self, name='datalad', logtarget=None): """ Parameters ---------- name : logtarget : string, optional If we want to use our logger for other log targets, while having a uniform control over them """ = name self.logtarget = logtarget self.lgr = logging.getLogger(logtarget if logtarget is not None else name) def _get_config(self, var, default=None): from datalad import cfg return cfg.get( + '.log.' + var, default) def set_level(self, level=None, default='INFO'): """Helper to set loglevel for an arbitrary logger By default operates for 'datalad'. TODO: deduce name from upper module name so it could be reused without changes """ if level is None: # see if nothing in the environment level = self._get_config('level') if level is None: level = default try: # it might be a string which still represents an int log_level = int(level) except ValueError: # or a string which corresponds to a constant;) log_level = getattr(logging, level.upper()) self.lgr.setLevel(log_level) # and set other related/used loggers to the same level to prevent their # talkativity, if they are not yet known to this python session, so we # have little chance to "override" possibly set outside levels for dep in ('git',): if dep not in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict: logging.getLogger(dep).setLevel(log_level) def get_initialized_logger(self, logtarget=None): """Initialize and return the logger Parameters ---------- logtarget: {'stderr', str }, optional Where to direct the logs. 'stderr' stands for the standard stream. Any other string is considered a filename. Multiple entries could be specified comma-separated Returns ------- logging.Logger """ if not logtarget: logtarget = self._get_config('target', 'stderr') # Allow for multiple handlers being specified, comma-separated if ',' in logtarget: for handler_ in logtarget.split(','): self.get_initialized_logger(logtarget=handler_) return self.lgr if logtarget.lower() == 'stderr': loghandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) use_color = is_interactive() # explicitly decide here elif logtarget.lower() == 'stdout': warnings.warn("'stdout' was discontinued as valid log target and " "will be ignored.", DeprecationWarning) else: # must be a simple filename # Use RotatingFileHandler for possible future parametrization to keep # log succinct and rotating loghandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logtarget) use_color = False # I had decided not to guard this call and just raise exception to go # out happen that specified file location is not writable etc. for names_filter in 'names', 'namesre': names = self._get_config(names_filter, '') if names: import re # add a filter which would catch those class LogFilter(object): """A log filter to filter based on the log target name(s)""" def __init__(self, names): self.target_names = set(n for n in names.split(',')) \ if names_filter == 'names' \ else re.compile(names) if names_filter == 'names': def filter(self, record): return in self.target_names else: def filter(self, record): return self.target_names.match( loghandler.addFilter(LogFilter(names)) # But now improve with colors and useful information such as time loghandler.setFormatter( ColorFormatter(use_color=use_color, # TODO: config, pid log_name=self._get_config("name", False), log_pid=self._get_config("pid", False), )) # logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)-6s %(message)s')) if is_interactive(): phandler = ProgressHandler(other_handler=loghandler) phandler.filters.extend(loghandler.filters) self.lgr.addHandler(phandler) else: loghandler.addFilter(partial(filter_noninteractive_progress, self.lgr)) self.lgr.addHandler(loghandler) self.set_level() # set default logging level return self.lgr lgr = LoggerHelper().get_initialized_logger()