Source code for datalad_metalad.extractors.legacy.datacite

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# ## ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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"""Extractor for datacite xml records, currently for CRCNS datasets

import re
import os.path as op
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.metadata.extractors.datacite')

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from ..base import BaseMetadataExtractor

def _merge(iterable):
    """Merge multiple items into a single one separating with a newline"""
    return "\n".join(iterable)

def _unwrap(text):
    """Basic unwrapping of text separated by newlines"""
    return re.sub(r'\n\s*', ' ', text)

def _process_tree(tree, nstag):
    """Process XML tree for a record and return a dictionary for our standard
    rec = OrderedDict()
    for key, tag_, getall, trans1_, transall_ in [
        ('author', 'creatorName', True, None, None),
        ('name', "title[@titleType='AlternativeTitle']", False, None, None),
        # actually it seems we have no title but "ShortDescription"!!! TODO
        #('title', "title", False, _unwrap, None),
        ('shortdescription', "title", False, _unwrap, None),
        ('description', 'description', True, _unwrap, _merge),
        ('version', 'version', False, None, None),
        ('sameas', "identifier[@identifierType='DOI']", False, None, None),
        # conflicts with our notion for having a "type" to be internal and to demarkate a Dataset
        # here might include the field e.g. Dataset/Neurophysiology, so skipping for now
        # ('type', "resourceType[@resourceTypeGeneral='Dataset']", False, None, None),
        ('citation', "relatedIdentifier", True, None, None),
        ('tag', "subject", True, None, None),
        ('formats', "format", True, None, None),
        trans1 = trans1_ or (lambda x: x)
        text = lambda x: trans1(x.text.strip())
        tag = nstag(tag_)
            if getall:
                value = list(map(text, tree.findall(tag)))
                value = text(tree.find(tag))
        except AttributeError:
        if not value or value == ['']:
        if transall_:
            value = transall_(value)
        rec[key] = value
    return rec

[docs]class DataciteMetadataExtractor(BaseMetadataExtractor): def _get_dataset_metadata(self): canonical = op.join(self.ds.path, '.datalad', 'meta.datacite.xml') # look for the first matching filename and go with it fname = [canonical] if op.lexists(canonical) else \ [op.join(self.ds.path, f) for f in self.paths if op.basename(f) == 'meta.datacite.xml'] if not fname or not op.lexists(fname[0]): return {} fname = fname[0] # those namespaces are a # TODO: avoid reading file twice namespaces = dict([ node for _, node in ET.iterparse( open(fname), events=('start-ns',) ) ]) ns = namespaces[''] def nstag(tag): return './/{%s}%s' % (ns, tag) tree = ET.ElementTree(file=fname) return _process_tree(tree, nstag) def _get_content_metadata(self): return [] # no content metadata provided