
datalad.api.publish(path=None, dataset=None, to=None, since=None, missing='fail', force=False, transfer_data='auto', recursive=False, recursion_limit=None, git_opts=None, annex_opts=None, annex_copy_opts=None, jobs=None)

Publish a dataset to a known sibling.

This makes the last saved state of a dataset available to a sibling or special remote data store of a dataset. Any target sibling must already exist and be known to the dataset.

Optionally, it is possible to limit publication to change sets relative to a particular point in the version history of a dataset (e.g. a release tag). By default, the state of the local dataset is evaluated against the last known state of the target sibling. Actual publication is only attempted if there was a change compared to the reference state, in order to speed up processing of large collections of datasets. Evaluation with respect to a particular "historic" state is only supported in conjunction with a specified reference dataset. Change sets are also evaluated recursively, i.e. only those subdatasets are published where a change was recorded that is reflected in to current state of the top-level reference dataset. See "since" option for more information.

Only publication of saved changes is supported. Any unsaved changes in a dataset (hierarchy) have to be saved before publication.


Power-user info: This command uses git push, and git annex copy to publish a dataset. Publication targets are either configured remote Git repositories, or git-annex special remotes (if they support data upload).


This command is deprecated. It will be removed from DataLad eventually, but no earlier than the 0.15 release. The push command (new in 0.13.0) provides an alternative interface. Critical differences are that push transfers annexed data by default and does not handle sibling creation (i.e. it does not have a --missing option).

  • path (sequence of str or None, optional) -- path(s), that may point to file handle(s) to publish including their actual content or to subdataset(s) to be published. If a file handle is published with its data, this implicitly means to also publish the (sub)dataset it belongs to. '.' as a path is treated in a special way in the sense, that it is passed to subdatasets in case recursive is also given. [Default: None]

  • dataset (Dataset or None, optional) -- specify the (top-level) dataset to be published. If no dataset is given, the datasets are determined based on the input arguments. [Default: None]

  • to (str or None, optional) -- name of the target sibling. If no name is given an attempt is made to identify the target based on the dataset's configuration (i.e. a configured tracking branch, or a single sibling that is configured for publication). [Default: None]

  • since (str or None, optional) -- specifies commit-ish (tag, shasum, etc.) from which to look for changes to decide whether pushing is necessary. If '^' is given, the last state of the current branch at the sibling is taken as a starting point. An empty string ('') for the same effect is still supported). [Default: None]

  • missing ({'fail', 'inherit', 'skip'}, optional) -- action to perform, if a sibling does not exist in a given dataset. By default it would fail the run ('fail' setting). With 'inherit' a 'create-sibling' with '--inherit-settings' will be used to create sibling on the remote. With 'skip' - it simply will be skipped. [Default: 'fail']

  • force (bool, optional) -- enforce doing publish activities (git push etc) regardless of the analysis if they seemed needed. [Default: False]

  • transfer_data ({'auto', 'none', 'all'}, optional) -- ADDME. [Default: 'auto']

  • recursive (bool, optional) -- if set, recurse into potential subdatasets. [Default: False]

  • recursion_limit (int or None, optional) -- limit recursion into subdatasets to the given number of levels. [Default: None]

  • git_opts (str or None, optional) -- option string to be passed to git calls. [Default: None]

  • annex_opts (str or None, optional) -- option string to be passed to git annex calls. [Default: None]

  • annex_copy_opts (str or None, optional) -- option string to be passed to git annex copy calls. [Default: None]

  • jobs (int or None or {'auto'}, optional) -- how many parallel jobs (where possible) to use. "auto" corresponds to the number defined by 'datalad.runtime.max-annex-jobs' configuration item NOTE: This option can only parallelize input retrieval (get) and output recording (save). DataLad does NOT parallelize your scripts for you. [Default: None]

  • on_failure ({'ignore', 'continue', 'stop'}, optional) -- behavior to perform on failure: 'ignore' any failure is reported, but does not cause an exception; 'continue' if any failure occurs an exception will be raised at the end, but processing other actions will continue for as long as possible; 'stop': processing will stop on first failure and an exception is raised. A failure is any result with status 'impossible' or 'error'. Raised exception is an IncompleteResultsError that carries the result dictionaries of the failures in its failed attribute. [Default: 'continue']

  • result_filter (callable or None, optional) -- if given, each to-be-returned status dictionary is passed to this callable, and is only returned if the callable's return value does not evaluate to False or a ValueError exception is raised. If the given callable supports **kwargs it will additionally be passed the keyword arguments of the original API call. [Default: None]

  • result_renderer -- select rendering mode command results. 'tailored' enables a command- specific rendering style that is typically tailored to human consumption, if there is one for a specific command, or otherwise falls back on the the 'generic' result renderer; 'generic' renders each result in one line with key info like action, status, path, and an optional message); 'json' a complete JSON line serialization of the full result record; 'json_pp' like 'json', but pretty-printed spanning multiple lines; 'disabled' turns off result rendering entirely; '<template>' reports any value(s) of any result properties in any format indicated by the template (e.g. '{path}', compare with JSON output for all key-value choices). The template syntax follows the Python "format() language". It is possible to report individual dictionary values, e.g. '{metadata[name]}'. If a 2nd-level key contains a colon, e.g. 'music:Genre', ':' must be substituted by '#' in the template, like so: '{metadata[music#Genre]}'. [Default: 'tailored']

  • result_xfm ({'datasets', 'successdatasets-or-none', 'paths', 'relpaths', 'metadata'} or callable or None, optional) -- if given, each to-be-returned result status dictionary is passed to this callable, and its return value becomes the result instead. This is different from result_filter, as it can perform arbitrary transformation of the result value. This is mostly useful for top- level command invocations that need to provide the results in a particular format. Instead of a callable, a label for a pre-crafted result transformation can be given. [Default: None]

  • return_type ({'generator', 'list', 'item-or-list'}, optional) -- return value behavior switch. If 'item-or-list' a single value is returned instead of a one-item return value list, or a list in case of multiple return values. None is return in case of an empty list. [Default: 'list']