datalad xnat-update


datalad xnat-update [-h] [-p ID] [-s ID] [-e ID] [-c LABEL] [--credential NAME] [-f] [--reckless fast] [--ifexists {overwrite|skip}] [-J NJOBS] [-d DATASET] [--version]


Update files for a subject(s) of an XNAT project.

This command expects an xnat-init initialized DataLad dataset. The dataset may or may not have existing content already.


-h, --help, --help-np

show this help message. --help-np forcefully disables the use of a pager for displaying the help message

-p ID, --project ID

accession ID of a single XNAT project to track.

-s ID, --subject ID

accession ID of a single subject to track.

-e ID, --experiment ID

accession ID of a single experiment to track.

-c LABEL, --collection LABEL

limit updates to a specific collection/resource. Can be given multiple times.

--credential NAME

name of the credential providing a user/password combination to be used for authentication. The special value 'anonymous' will cause no credentials to be used, and all XNAT requests to be performed anonymously. The credential can be supplied via configuration settings 'datalad.credential.<name>.{user|password}', or environment variables DATALAD_CREDENTIAL_<NAME>_{USER|PASSWORD}, or will be queried from the active credential store using the provided name. If none is provided, the host-part of the XNAT URL is used as a name (e.g. '' -> ''). Constraints: value must be a string or value must be NONE

-f, --force

force (re-)building the addurl tables.

--reckless fast

Update the files in a potentially unsafe way. Supported modes are: ["fast"]: No content verification or download. Will only register the urls. Constraints: value must be one of ('fast',)

--ifexists {overwrite|skip}

Flag for addurls. Constraints: value must be one of ('overwrite', 'skip')

-J NJOBS, --jobs NJOBS

how many parallel jobs (where possible) to use. "auto" corresponds to the number defined by 'datalad.runtime.max-annex-jobs' configuration item NOTE: This option can only parallelize input retrieval (get) and output recording (save). DataLad does NOT parallelize your scripts for you. Constraints: value must be convertible to type 'int' or value must be NONE or value must be one of ('auto',) [Default: 'auto']

-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET

specify the dataset to perform the update on. Constraints: Value must be a Dataset or a valid identifier of a Dataset (e.g. a path) or value must be NONE


show the module and its version which provides the command


datalad is developed by Michael Hanke <>.