Change log

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This is a high level and scarce summary of the changes between releases. We would recommend to consult log of the DataLad git repository for more details.

0.4.3 (Oct 30, 2019) – … and help each other

  • MNT: More changes for compatibility with developmental DataLad (#62)

0.4.2 (Oct 30, 2019) – Friends should stick together …

  • BF: Prevent sorting error on missing attribute (#45)
  • BF: enclose “if else” into () since it has lower precedence than + (#43)
  • MNT: Adjust imports for compatibility with developmental DataLad (#53)
  • MNT: Update save() call for compatibility with new save (#42)

0.4.1 (Jun 20, 2019) – Let us all stay friends

  • Compatibility layer with 0.12 series of DataLad changing API (no backend option for create)

0.4 (Mar 14, 2019) – There is more to life than a Pi

Primarily a variety of fixes and small enhancements. The only notable change is stripping away testing/support of git-annex direct mode.

  • do not depend on a release candidate of the DataLad, since PIP then opens the way to a RCs for any later releases to be installed
  • simple_with_archives
    • issue warning if incoming_pipeline has Annexificator but no annex is given
  • crcns
    • skip (but warn if relevant) records without xml
  • do not crash while saving updated crawler’s URL db to the file which is annexed.

0.3 (Feb 06, 2019) – Happy New Year

Primarily a variety of fixes

  • crcns crawler now uses new datacite interface
  • openfmri crawler uses
  • simple_with_archives
    • by default now also match pure .gz files to be downloaded
    • archives_re option provides regex for archives files (so .gz could be added if needed)
    • will now run with tarballs=False
    • add_annex_to_incoming_pipeline to state either to add annex to the incoming pipeline
  • new stanford_lib pipeline
  • aggregation of metadata explicitly invokes incremental mode
  • tests
    • variety of tests lost their @known_failure_v6 and now tollerant to upcoming datalad 0.11.2

0.2 (May 17, 2018) – The other Release

  • All non-master branches in the pipelines now will initiate from master branch, not detached. That should allow to inherit .gitattributes settings of the entire dataset

0.1 (May 11, 2018) – The Release

  • First release as a DataLad extension. Functionality remains identical to DataLad 0.10.0.rc2