Source code for datalad_crawler.crawl_init

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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the datalad package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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"""Interface for a generic template in which arguments are specified by the user"""

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from os.path import curdir
from datalad.interface.base import Interface
from datalad.interface.base import build_doc
from collections import OrderedDict
from datalad.distribution.dataset import Dataset

from datalad.dochelpers import exc_str
from import Parameter
from import EnsureStr, EnsureNone
from datalad.utils import get_func_kwargs_doc
from datalad_crawler.pipeline import load_pipeline_from_template
from datalad_crawler.pipeline import initiate_pipeline_config

from logging import getLogger
lgr = getLogger('datalad.api.crawl_init')

[docs]@build_doc class CrawlInit(Interface): """Initialize crawling configuration Allows to specify template and function to generate a crawling pipeline Examples: $ datalad crawl-init \ --template openfmri \ --template-func superdataset_pipeline $ datalad crawl-init \ --template fcptable \ dataset=Baltimore tarballs=True """ # XXX prevent common args from being added to the docstring _no_eval_results = True _params_ = dict( template=Parameter( args=("-t", "--template"), action="store", constraints=EnsureStr() | EnsureNone(), doc="""the name of the template"""), template_func=Parameter( args=("-f", "--template-func"), action="store", doc="""the name of the function"""), args=Parameter( args=("args",), nargs="*", constraints=EnsureStr() | EnsureNone(), doc="""keyword arguments to pass into the template function generating actual pipeline, organized in [PY: a dict PY][CMD: key=value pairs CMD]"""), save=Parameter( args=("--save",), action="store_true", doc="""flag to save file into git repo"""), ) @staticmethod def __call__(args=None, template=None, template_func=None, save=False): if args: if isinstance(args, str): args = [args] if isinstance(args, list): args = OrderedDict(map(str, it.split('=', 1)) for it in args) elif isinstance(args, dict): pass else: raise ValueError( "args entered must be given in a list or dict, were given as %s", type(args)) elif not template: raise TypeError("crawl-init needs a template") else: args = {} pipeline_func = load_pipeline_from_template(template, template_func, kwargs=args, return_only=True) try: pipeline = pipeline_func(**args) except Exception as exc: raise RuntimeError( "Running the pipeline function resulted in %s." "FYI this pipeline only takes the following args: %s" % (exc_str(exc), get_func_kwargs_doc(pipeline_func))) if not pipeline: raise ValueError("returned pipeline is empty") if not isinstance(pipeline, list): raise ValueError("pipeline should be represented as a list. Got: %r" % pipeline) configfile = initiate_pipeline_config(template, template_func, args) if save: from datalad.api import save ds = Dataset(curdir) ds.repo.add(configfile, git=True)"committing crawl config file", path=configfile)