Source code for datalad.cli.parser

"""Components to build the parser instance for the CLI

This module must import (and run) really fast for a responsive CLI.
It is unconditionally imported by the main() entrypoint.

# All top-imports are limited to functionality that is necessary for the
# non-error case of constructing of a single target command parser only.
# For speed reasons, all other imports necessary for special cases,
# like error handling, must be done conditionally in-line.

import argparse
import logging
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial

from datalad import __version__
from datalad.interface.base import (
from import EnsureChoice
from datalad.utils import getargspec

from .common_args import common_args
from .exec import call_from_parser
from .helpers import get_commands_from_groups
from .interface import (

# special case imports
#  .helpers import add_entrypoints_to_interface_groups
#  .helpers.get_description_with_cmd_summary
#  .helpers.get_commands_from_groups
#  .utils.get_suggestions_msg,
#  .interface._known_extension_commands
#  .interface._deprecated_commands

lgr = logging.getLogger('datalad.cli.parser')

help_gist = """\
Comprehensive data management solution

DataLad provides a unified data distribution system built on the Git
and Git-annex. DataLad command line tools allow to manipulate (obtain,
create, update, publish, etc.) datasets and provide a comprehensive
toolbox for joint management of data and code. Compared to Git/annex
it primarily extends their functionality to transparently and
simultaneously work with multiple inter-related repositories."""

# TODO:  OPT look into making setup_parser smarter to become faster
# Now it seems to take up to 200ms to do all the parser setup
# even though it might not be necessary to know about all the commands etc.
# I wondered if it could somehow decide on what commands to worry about etc
# by going through sys.args first
[docs] def setup_parser( cmdlineargs, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, return_subparsers=False, completing=False, help_ignore_extensions=False): """ The holy grail of establishing CLI for DataLad's Interfaces Parameters ---------- cmdlineargs: sys.argv Used to make some shortcuts when construction of a full parser can be avoided. formatter_class: Passed to argparse return_subparsers: bool, optional is used ATM only by BuildManPage in _datalad_build_support completing: bool, optional Flag to indicate whether the process was invoked by argcomplete help_ignore_extensions: bool, optional Prevent loading of extension entrypoints when --help is requested. This is enabled when building docs to avoid pollution of generated manpages with extensions commands (that should appear in their own docs, but not in the core datalad package docs) """ lgr.log(5, "Starting to setup_parser") # main parser parser = ArgumentParserDisableAbbrev( fromfile_prefix_chars=None, prog='datalad', # usage="%(prog)s ...", description=help_gist, formatter_class=formatter_class, add_help=False, # TODO: when dropping support for Python 3.8: uncomment below # and use parse_known_args instead of _parse_known_args: # # set to False so parse_known_args does not add its error handling # # Added while RFing from using _parse_known_args to parse_known_args. # exit_on_error=False, ) # common options parser_add_common_options(parser) # get all interface definitions from datalad-core interface_groups = get_interface_groups() # try to figure out whether the parser construction can be limited to # a single (sub)command -- don't even try to do this, when we are in # any of the doc-building capacities -- timing is not relevant there status, parseinfo = single_subparser_possible( cmdlineargs, parser, completing, ) if not return_subparsers else ('allparsers', None) command_provider = 'core' if status == 'allparsers' and not help_ignore_extensions: from .helpers import add_entrypoints_to_interface_groups add_entrypoints_to_interface_groups(interface_groups) # when completing and we have no incomplete option or parameter # we still need to offer all commands for completion if (completing and status == 'allknown') or ( status == 'subcommand' and parseinfo not in get_commands_from_groups(interface_groups)): # we know the command is not in the core package # still a chance it could be in an extension command_provider = 'extension' # we need the full help, or we have a potential command that # lives in an extension, must load all extension, expensive from .helpers import add_entrypoints_to_interface_groups # need to load all the extensions and try again # TODO load extensions one-by-one and stop when a command was found add_entrypoints_to_interface_groups(interface_groups) if status == 'subcommand': known_commands = get_commands_from_groups(interface_groups) if parseinfo not in known_commands: # certainly not possible to identify a single parser that # could be constructed, but we can be helpful # will sys.exit() unless we are completing try_suggest_extension_with_command( parser, parseinfo, completing, known_commands) # in completion mode we can get here, even for a command # that does not exist at all! command_provider = None # TODO check if not needed elsewhere if status == 'help' or completing and status in ('allknown', 'unknownopt'): # --help specification was delayed since it causes immediate # printout of # --help output before we setup --help for each command parser_add_common_opt(parser, 'help') all_parsers = {} # name: (sub)parser if (completing and status == 'allknown') or status \ in ('allparsers', 'subcommand', 'error'): # parseinfo could be None here, when we could not identify # a subcommand, but need to locate matching ones for # completion # create subparser, use module suffix as cmd name subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() for _, _, _interfaces \ in sorted(interface_groups, key=lambda x: x[1]): for _intfspec in _interfaces: cmd_name = get_cmdline_command_name(_intfspec) if status == 'subcommand': # in case only a subcommand is desired, we could # skip some processing if command_provider and cmd_name != parseinfo: # a known command, but know what we are looking for continue if command_provider is None and not cmd_name.startswith( parseinfo): # an unknown command, and has no common prefix with # the current command candidate, not even good # for completion continue subparser = add_subparser( _intfspec, subparsers, cmd_name, formatter_class, completing=completing, ) if subparser: # interface can fail to load all_parsers[cmd_name] = subparser # "main" parser is under "datalad" name all_parsers['datalad'] = parser lgr.log(5, "Finished setup_parser") if return_subparsers: # TODO why not pull the subparsers from the main parser? return all_parsers else: return parser
[docs] def setup_parser_for_interface(parser, cls, completing=False): # XXX needs safety check for name collisions # XXX allow for parser kwargs customization # get the signature, order of arguments is taken from it ndefaults = 0 args, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec( cls.__call__, include_kwonlyargs=True) if defaults is not None: ndefaults = len(defaults) default_offset = ndefaults - len(args) prefix_chars = parser.prefix_chars for i, arg in enumerate(args): if not is_api_arg(arg): continue param = cls._params_[arg] defaults_idx = default_offset + i if param.cmd_args == tuple(): # explicitly provided an empty sequence of argument names # this shall not appear in the parser continue # set up the parameter setup_parserarg_for_interface( parser, arg, param, defaults_idx, prefix_chars, defaults, completing=completing)
[docs] def setup_parserarg_for_interface(parser, param_name, param, defaults_idx, prefix_chars, defaults, completing=False): cmd_args = param.cmd_args parser_kwargs = param.cmd_kwargs has_default = defaults_idx >= 0 if cmd_args: if cmd_args[0][0] in prefix_chars: # TODO: All the Parameter(args=...) values in this code # base use hyphens, so there is no point in the below # conversion. If it looks like no extensions rely on this # behavior either, this could be dropped. parser_args = [c.replace('_', '-') for c in cmd_args] else: # Argparse will not convert dashes to underscores for # arguments that don't start with a prefix character, so # the above substitution must be avoided so that # call_from_parser() can find the corresponding parameter. parser_args = cmd_args elif has_default: # Construct the option from the Python parameter name. parser_args = ("--{}".format(param_name.replace("_", "-")),) else: # If args= wasn't given and its a positional argument in the # function, add a positional argument to argparse. If `dest` is # specified, we need to remove it from the keyword arguments # because add_argument() expects it as the first argument. Note # that `arg` shouldn't have a dash here, but `metavar` can be # used if a dash is preferred for the command-line help. parser_args = (parser_kwargs.pop("dest", param_name),) if has_default: parser_kwargs['default'] = defaults[defaults_idx] if param.constraints is not None: parser_kwargs['type'] = param.constraints if completing: help = None # if possible, define choices to enable their completion if 'choices' not in parser_kwargs and \ isinstance(param.constraints, EnsureChoice): parser_kwargs['choices'] = [ c for c in param.constraints._allowed if c is not None] else: help = _amend_param_parser_kwargs_for_help( parser_kwargs, param, defaults[defaults_idx] if defaults_idx >= 0 else None) # create the parameter, using the constraint instance for type # conversion parser.add_argument(*parser_args, help=help, **parser_kwargs)
def _amend_param_parser_kwargs_for_help(parser_kwargs, param, default=None): if 'metavar' not in parser_kwargs and \ isinstance(param.constraints, EnsureChoice): parser_kwargs['metavar'] = \ '{%s}' % '|'.join( # don't use short_description(), because # it also needs to give valid output for # Python syntax (quotes...), but here we # can simplify to shell syntax where everything # is a string p for p in param.constraints._allowed # in the cmdline None pretty much means # don't give the options, so listing it # doesn't make sense. Moreover, any non-string # value cannot be given and very likely only # serves a special purpose in the Python API # or implementation details if isinstance(p, str)) help = alter_interface_docs_for_cmdline(param._doc) if help: help = help.rstrip() if help[-1] != '.': help += '.' if param.constraints is not None: help += _get_help_for_parameter_constraint(param) if default is not None and \ not parser_kwargs.get('action', '').startswith('store_'): # if it is a flag, in commandline it makes little sense to show # showing the Default: (likely boolean). # See help += " [Default: %r]" % (default,) return help def _get_help_for_parameter_constraint(param): # include value constraint description and default # into the help string cdoc = alter_interface_docs_for_cmdline( param.constraints.long_description()) if cdoc[0] == '(' and cdoc[-1] == ')': cdoc = cdoc[1:-1] return ' Constraints: %s' % cdoc
[docs] def single_subparser_possible(cmdlineargs, parser, completing): """Performs early analysis of the cmdline Looks at the first unparsed argument and if a known command, would return only that one. When a plain command invocation with `--version` is detected, it will be acted on directly (until sys.exit(0) to avoid wasting time on unnecessary further processing. Returns ------- {'error', 'allknown', 'help', 'unknownopt', 'subcommand'}, None or str Returns a status label and a parameter for this status. 'error': parsing failed, 'allknown': the parser successfully identified all arguments, 'help': a help request option was found, 'unknownopt': an unknown or incomplete option was found, 'subcommand': a potential subcommand name was found. For the latter two modes the second return value is the option or command name. For all other modes the second return value is None. """ # Before doing anything additional and possibly expensive see may be that # we have got the command already try: parsed_args, unparsed_args = parser._parse_known_args( cmdlineargs[1:], argparse.Namespace()) # before anything handle possible datalad --version if not unparsed_args and getattr(parsed_args, 'version', None): parsed_args.version() # will exit with 0 if not (completing or unparsed_args): # there was nothing that could be a command fail_with_short_help( parser, msg="too few arguments, " "run with --help or visit", exit_code=2) lgr.debug("Command line args 1st pass for DataLad %s. " "Parsed: %s Unparsed: %s", __version__, parsed_args, unparsed_args) except Exception as exc: # this did not work out from import CapturedException ce = CapturedException(exc) lgr.debug("Early parsing failed with %s", ce) return 'error', None if not unparsed_args: # cannot possibly be a subcommand return 'allknown', None unparsed_arg = unparsed_args[0] # First unparsed could be either unknown option to top level "datalad" # or a command. Among unknown could be --help/--help-np which would # need to be dealt with if unparsed_arg in ('--help', '--help-np', '-h'): # not need to try to tune things, all these will result in everything # to be imported and parsed return 'help', None elif unparsed_arg.startswith('-'): # unknown or incomplete option if completing: return 'unknownopt', unparsed_arg # will sys.exit fail_with_short_help(parser, msg=f"unrecognized argument {unparsed_arg}", # matches exit code of InsufficientArgumentsError exit_code=2) else: # potential command to handle return 'subcommand', unparsed_arg
[docs] def try_suggest_extension_with_command(parser, cmd, completing, known_cmds): """If completing=False, this function will trigger sys.exit()""" # check if might be coming from known extensions from .interface import ( _deprecated_commands, _known_extension_commands, ) extension_commands = { c: e for e, commands in _known_extension_commands.items() for c in commands } hint = None if cmd in extension_commands: hint = "Command %s is provided by (not installed) extension %s." \ % (cmd, extension_commands[cmd]) elif cmd in _deprecated_commands: hint_cmd = _deprecated_commands[cmd] hint = "Command %r was deprecated" % cmd hint += (" in favor of %r command." % hint_cmd) if hint_cmd else '.' if not completing: fail_with_short_help( parser, hint=hint, provided=cmd, known=list(known_cmds.keys()) + list(extension_commands.keys()) )
[docs] def add_subparser(_intfspec, subparsers, cmd_name, formatter_class, completing=False): """Given an interface spec, add a subparser to subparsers under cmd_name """ _intf = load_interface(_intfspec) if _intf is None: # failed to load, error was already logged return # compose argparse.add_parser() arguments, focused on docs parser_args = dict(formatter_class=formatter_class) # use class description, if no explicit description is available intf_doc = get_cmd_doc(_intf) if not completing: parser_args['description'] = alter_interface_docs_for_cmdline( intf_doc) if hasattr(_intf, '_examples_'): intf_ex = alter_interface_docs_for_cmdline(get_cmd_ex(_intf)) parser_args['description'] += intf_ex # create the sub-parser subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name, add_help=False, **parser_args) # our own custom help for all commands, we must do it here # (not in setup_parser_for_interface()) because the top-level parser must # not unconditionally have it available initially parser_add_common_opt(subparser, 'help') # let module configure the parser setup_parser_for_interface(subparser, _intf, completing=completing) # and we would add custom handler for --version parser_add_version_opt( subparser, _intf.__module__.split('.', 1)[0], include_name=True) # logger for command # configure 'run' function for this command plumbing_args = dict( # this is the key execution handler func=partial(call_from_parser, _intf), # use the logger of the module that defined the interface logger=logging.getLogger(_intf.__module__), subparser=subparser) if hasattr(_intf, 'result_renderer_cmdline'): plumbing_args['result_renderer'] = _intf.result_renderer_cmdline subparser.set_defaults(**plumbing_args) return subparser
[docs] class ArgumentParserDisableAbbrev(argparse.ArgumentParser): # Don't accept abbreviations for long options. This kludge was originally # added at a time when our minimum required Python version was below 3.5, # preventing us from using allow_abbrev=False. Now our minimum Python # version is high enough, but we still can't use allow_abbrev=False because # it suffers from the problem described in 6b3f2fffe (BF: cmdline: Restore # handling of short options, 2018-07-23). # # Modified from the solution posted at # def _get_option_tuples(self, option_string): chars = self.prefix_chars if option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] in chars: # option_string is a long flag. Disable abbreviation. return [] return super(ArgumentParserDisableAbbrev, self)._get_option_tuples( option_string)
[docs] def parser_add_common_opt(parser, opt, names=None, **kwargs): opt_tmpl = common_args[opt] opt_kwargs = opt_tmpl[1].copy() opt_kwargs.update(kwargs) if names is None: parser.add_argument(*opt_tmpl[0], **opt_kwargs) else: parser.add_argument(*names, **opt_kwargs)
[docs] def parser_add_common_options(parser, version=None): """Add all options defined in common_args, but excludes 'help'""" # populate with standard options for arg in common_args: if arg == 'help': continue parser_add_common_opt(parser, arg) # special case version arg if version is not None: import warnings warnings.warn("Passing 'version' to parser_add_common_options " "no longer has an effect " "and will be removed in a future release.", DeprecationWarning) parser_add_version_opt(parser, 'datalad', include_name=True, delay=True)
[docs] def parser_add_version_opt(parser, mod_name, include_name=False, delay=False): """Setup --version option Parameters ---------- parser: mod_name: str, optional include_name: bool, optional delay: bool, optional If set to True, no action is taken immediately, and rather we assign the function which would print the version. Necessary for early pre-parsing of the cmdline """ def print_version(): mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name, None) version = getattr(mod, '__version__', None) if version is None: # Let's use the standard Python mechanism if underlying module # did not provide __version__ try: if sys.version_info < (3, 10): import importlib_metadata as im else: import importlib.metadata as im pkg = im.packages_distributions()[mod_name][0] version = im.version(pkg) except Exception: version = "unknown" if include_name: print("%s %s" % (mod_name, version)) else: print(version) sys.exit(0) class versionAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None): if delay: setattr(args, self.dest, print_version) else: print_version() parser.add_argument( "--version", nargs=0, action=versionAction, help=( "show the program's version" if not mod_name else "show the module and its version which provides the command") )
[docs] def fail_with_short_help(parser=None, msg=None, known=None, provided=None, hint=None, exit_code=1, what="command", out=None): """Generic helper to fail with short help possibly hinting on what was intended if `known` were provided """ out = out or sys.stderr if msg: out.write("error: %s\n" % msg) if not known: if parser: parser_add_common_opt(parser, 'help') # just to appear in print_usage also consistent with --help output parser.add_argument("command [command-opts]") parser.print_usage(file=out) else: out.write( "datalad: Unknown %s %r. See 'datalad --help'.\n\n" % (what, provided,)) if provided not in known: from datalad.utils import get_suggestions_msg out.write(get_suggestions_msg(provided, known)) if hint: out.write("Hint: %s\n" % hint) raise SystemExit(exit_code)